createRestrictionType =
function(name, rnode, namespaces = list(), targetNamespace = NA, base = xmlGetAttr(rnode, "base"))
#XXX need to figure out the namespace and check it is an XSD double or integer
if(length(base) > 1)
base = base[2]
if(base == "double" || base == "integer") {
r = getRestrictedRange(rnode)
className = switch(base, double = "RestrictedDouble", integer = "RestrictedInteger")
def = new(className, name = name, range = r$range, inclusive = r$inclusive)
# make the converter
def@fromConverter = makeValueFromConverter(def@name)
def@toConverter = makeValueToConverter(def@name, targetNamespace)
} else if (base == "hexBinary") {
if("length" %in% names(rnode))
len = xmlGetAttr(rnode[["length"]], "value", NA)
len = NA
rx = if(! sprintf("^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}){%d}$", as.integer(len)) else "^([a-fA-F]){2}$"
def = new("RestrictedHexBinary", length = as.integer(len), pattern = rx, name = name)
def@fromConverter = makeValueFromConverter(def@name)
def@toConverter = makeValueToConverter(def@name, targetNamespace)
} else {
isPattern = ("pattern" %in% names(rnode))
#XXX Assume enumeration values for present.
if(!isPattern && !(base %in% c("string", "token", "NMTOKEN", "Name", "ID", "IDREF"))) {
warning("treating ", name, " as an enumeration type")
# Should check the ancestry of the type. For this, we need the collection of type descriptions.
if(base == "string" || isPattern)
def = createRestrictedStringDefinition(rnode, name, targetNamespace)
else {
vals = sapply(rnode[xmlSApply(rnode, inherits, "XMLInternalElementNode")], xmlGetAttr, "value")
def <- new("EnumValuesDef", name = name, values = vals)
if(length(name) == 0) #XXX
def@name = paste(def@values, collapse = ",")
def@nsuri = targetNamespace
def@name = name
getRestrictedRange =
ids = names(node)
range = structure(as.numeric(c(NA, NA)), names = c("min", "max"))
inc = structure(logical(2), names = c("min", "max"))
for(w in c("min", "max")) {
i = grep(sprintf("^%s", w), ids)
if(length(i)) {
range[w] = xmlGetAttr(node[[i]], "value", , as.numeric)
inc[w] = ids[i] == sprintf("%sInclusive", w)
list(range = range, inclusive = inc)
makeRestrictedFunc =
function(className, base, range, inc)
f = function(from) {
from = as(from, base)
if(length(from) && from <= range["min"])
if(length(from) && from >= range["max"])
new(className, from)
body(f)[[2]][[3]][[3]] = base
body(f)[[3]][[2]][[3]] = range["min"]
body(f)[[3]][[3]][[2]] = paste("value is too small. Must be larger than", range["min"])
body(f)[[4]][[2]][[3]] = range["max"]
body(f)[[4]][[3]][[2]] = paste("value is too large. Must be less than", range["max"])
body(f)[[3]][[2]][[1]] ="<")
body(f)[[4]][[2]][[1]] =">")
body(f)[[5]][[2]] = className
body(f) = body(f)[[4]]
else if(["min"]))
body(f) = body(f)[-2]
else if(["max"])) # could have removed the two.
body(f) = body(f)[-3]
environment(f) = globalenv()
createRestrictedStringDefinition =
function(type, name, nsuri = character())
if(xmlName(type) != "restriction")
res = type[[1]]
res = type
#This is wrong!
# new("EnumValuesDef", name = name, values = xmlSApply(type[[1]], xmlGetAttr, "value"))
# kids = xmlChildren(type[[1]])[ ! xmlSApply(type[[1]], is, "XMLInternalTextNode") ]
if(xmlName(res) != "restriction")
warning("createRestrictedStringDefinition passed a node ", xmlName(res), " that is not a <restriction> node")
kids = res[ ! xmlSApply(res, is, "XMLInternalTextNode") ]
names = sapply(kids, xmlName)
if(all(names == "enumeration")) {
vals = if(length(kids))
sapply(kids, xmlGetAttr, "value")
# fun = function(from) as(from, name)
# body(fun)[[3]] = name
fun = function(from) new(name, xmlValue(from))
body(fun)[[2]] = name
environment(fun) = DefaultFunctionNamespace
# need the namespace on the node.
toFun = makeValueToConverter(name, nsuri, DefaultFunctionNamespace)
new("RestrictedStringDefinition", name = name, values = vals,
Rname = name,
ns = "xsd", nsuri = c(xsd = ""),
toConverter = toFun,
fromConverter = fun, srcNode = type)
} else {
if(any(names == "pattern")) {
pattern = xmlGetAttr((kids[names(kids) == "pattern"])[[1]], "value")
pattern = sprintf("^%s$", pattern)
def = new("RestrictedStringPatternDefinition", name = name, pattern = pattern,
ns = "xsd", nsuri = c(xsd = ""), srcNode = type)
def@fromConverter = function(from) {
if(is(from, "XMLAbstractNode"))
from = xmlValue(from)
as(from, "character")
environment(def@fromConverter) = DefaultFunctionNamespace
epattern = paste("^", pattern, "$", sep = "")
def@toConverter = function(from, epattern = "") {
x = as(from, "character")
if(length(grep(epattern, x)) == 0)
stop("Invalid string: doesn't match expected pattern")
# clean up the environment.
environment(def@toConverter) = DefaultFunctionNamespace
formals(def@toConverter)[["epattern"]] = epattern
} else {
lenInfo = c(min = 0L, max = as.integer(NA))
if("length" %in% names(res))
lenInfo[c(1L, 2L)] = xmlGetAttr(res[["length"]], "value", converter = as.integer)
if("minLength" %in% names(res))
lenInfo[1L] = xmlGetAttr(res[["minLength"]], "value", converter = as.integer)
if("maxLength" %in% names(res))
lenInfo[2L] = xmlGetAttr(res[["maxLength"]], "value", converter = as.integer)
def = new("RestrictedStringLengthType", name = name, length = lenInfo, srcNode = type)
makeValueFromConverter =
fun = function(from) {}
body(fun)[[2]] = substitute(as(xmlValue(from), name), list(name = className))
environment(fun) = globalenv()
makeValueToConverter =
function(nodeName, namespace = character(), env = globalenv())
toFun = function(from) newXMLNode(name, as.character(from))
body(toFun)[[2]] = nodeName
if(length(namespace) && !
body(toFun)[["namespaceDefinitions"]] = namespace
environment(toFun) = env
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.