#' @title OJO Collect
#' @description
#' A wrapper for dplyr::collect() that includes a progress bar
#' Pull a lazy tibble into your local environment from the OJO database, using `ojo_crim_cases()`, `ojo_civ_cases()`, etc.
#' @param .data The lazy tibble to be pulled
#' @param ... Placeholder for additional arguments
#' @param .silent Should the command line interface elements be shown? Defaults to `TRUE` if the user is in an interactive session, and `FALSE` if they are not.
#' @export ojo_collect
#' @import dplyr
#' @returns A local tibble
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ojo_crim_cases() |>
#' head(100) |>
#' ojo_collect()
#' }
ojo_collect <- function(.data, ..., .silent = !rlang::is_interactive()) {
# Check class of `.data`
# First, check if it's an arrow connection; this won't work with the rest of ojo_collect()
if (inherits(.data, "ArrowTabular")) {
# Display CLI
theme = list(
rule = list(color = "br_yellow",
"line-type" = "single"),
"span.grayed" = list(color = "grey")
cli::cli_rule(left = paste("Connection: OJO GCS Arrow Tables"),
right = "{.emph ojodb {utils::packageVersion('ojodb')}}")
# Otherwise, make sure it's a postgres / duckdb connection
if (!inherits(.data, c("tbl_lazy", "tbl_Pool", "tbl_dbi"))) {
rlang::abort("`.data` must be a lazy tibble created with `ojo_connect()`, `pool::dbPool()`, or `DBI::dbConnect()`.")
# Extract the database connection
.con <- dbplyr::remote_con(.data)
if (inherits(.data, "tbl_Pool")) {
.con <- pool::localCheckout(.con)
# Ensure the connection is valid
if (!DBI::dbIsValid(.con)) {
rlang::abort("The connection to the OJO database is no longer valid. Please reconnect to the database using `ojo_connect()`.")
# CLI output
if (!.silent) {
con_desc <- dbplyr::db_connection_describe(.con) |>
gsub(pattern = "postgres", replacement = "") |>
# cli styling rules
theme = list(
rule = list(color = "br_yellow",
"line-type" = "single"),
"span.grayed" = list(color = "grey")
cli::cli_rule(left = paste("Connection:", con_desc),
right = "{.emph ojodb {utils::packageVersion('ojodb')}}")
cli::cli_progress_step(msg = "Searching OJO database for matching results...",
msg_failed = "Something went wrong sending your query to the database! Please check your connection.")
# Estimate number of results and warn about potential issues
n_results <- estimate_results(.data, .silent)
# Collect data
res <- collect_data(.con, .data, n_results, .silent)
estimate_results <- function(.data, .silent) {
if ("n" %in% names(.data)) {
rlang::warn("The tbl you are requesting has a variable named `n`. This might cause issues with progress bar rendering.",
.frequency = "once", .frequency_id = "ojo_collect_n_warning")
n_results <- .data |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::tally() |>
dplyr::pull(n = n)
if (!.silent) {
cli::cli_progress_step(msg = paste0("Found ", format(n_results, big.mark = ","), " matching results!"))
collect_data <- function(.con, .data, n_results, .silent) {
query <- dbplyr::sql_render(.data)
req <- DBI::dbSendQuery(.con, query)
withr::defer(DBI::dbClearResult(req), envir = parent.frame())
res <- NULL
chunk_size <- max(round(n_results / 100, 0), 1000) # Download in chunks of 1% or at least 1000
if (!.silent) {
while (!DBI::dbHasCompleted(req)) {
chunk <- DBI::dbFetch(req, n = chunk_size)
res <- rbind(res, tibble::as_tibble(chunk))
if (!.silent) {
cli::cli_progress_update(set = nrow(res))
init_progress_bar <- function(n_results) {
type = "iterator",
total = n_results,
clear = FALSE,
.envir = rlang::caller_env()
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