
#' @title Specifications test-get_COX_HR.R
#' @section Last updated by: Tim Treis (tim.treis@@outlook.de)
#' @section Last update date: 2022-02-09T15:22:32
#' @section List of tested specifications
#' T1. The function accepts a `survfit` object
#' T1.1 No error when the input is a `survfit` object
#' T1.2 An error when the input is a non-`survfit` object
#' T1.3 An error when the input is NULL
#' T1. The function accepts a `survfit` object
#' T2.1 No error when the update_formula argument is a `formula`
#' T2.2 An error when the update_formula argument is not a `formula`
#' T3. The function calculates the COX Hazard Ratio
#' T3.1 No error when the update_formula argument is a `formula`
#' T3.2 The function returns a data.frame

# Requirement T1 ----------------------------------------------------------

testthat::context("get_COX_HR - T1. The function accepts a `survfit` object")

testthat::test_that("T1.1 No error when the input is a `survfit` object", {
  survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(adtte, strata = "TRTA")
  testthat::expect_error(visR::get_COX_HR(survfit_object), NA)

testthat::test_that("T1.2 An error when the input is a non-`survfit` object", {
  survfit_object <- as.list("blah")

testthat::test_that("T1.3 An error when the input is NULL", {
  survfit_object <- NULL

# Requirement T2 ---------------------------------------------------------------

testthat::context("get_COX_HR - T1. The function accepts a `survfit` object")

testthat::test_that("T2.1 No error when the update_formula argument is a `formula`", {
  survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(adtte, strata = "TRTA")
  formula <- ". ~ . + SEX"
    update_formula = formula
  ), NA)

testthat::test_that("T2.2 An error when the update_formula argument is not a `formula`", {
  survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(adtte, strata = "TRTA")
  formula <- as.list("&?")
    update_formula = formula

# Requirement T3 ---------------------------------------------------------------

testthat::context("get_COX_HR - T3. The function calculates the COX Hazard Ratio")

testthat::test_that("T3.1 No error when the update_formula argument is a `formula`", {
  survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(adtte, strata = "TRTA")
  formula <- ". ~ . + SEX"
  tidy_coxph_visR <- visR::get_COX_HR(survfit_object, update_formula = formula)

  coxph <- survival::coxph(
    formula = survival::Surv(AVAL, 1 - CNSR) ~ TRTA + SEX,
    data = adtte
  tidy_coxph_traditional <- as.data.frame(broom::tidy(coxph))

  testthat::expect_equal(tidy_coxph_traditional, tidy_coxph_visR)

testthat::test_that("T3.2 The function returns a data.frame", {
  survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(adtte, strata = "TRTA")
  formula <- ". ~ . + SEX"
  tidy_coxph_visR <- visR::get_COX_HR(survfit_object, update_formula = formula)

  testthat::expect_true(inherits(tidy_coxph_visR, "data.frame"))

# END OF CODE -------------------------------------------------------------
openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.