
Defines functions findObjects

Documented in findObjects

#' Find Objects
#' Identify objects in data.frame produced by \code{\link{parseImages}} 
#' as specified by the expression \code{expr}. 
#' @param expr An \code{expression} evaluated in the data frame \code{df}
#'   that returns a logical vector identifying objects (rows) in \code{df}.
#' @param mask An optional \code{Image} object in \code{Grayscale} mode or
#'   an array containing object masks. Object masks are sets of pixels with
#'   the same unique integer value.
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} produced by \code{\link{parseImages}} in which
#'   \code{'expr'} will be evaluated.
#' @param invert A \code{logical} value to invert the selection determined
#'   by \code{expr}.
#' @details
#' The data frame must have the variable \code{frame} and either \code{well}
#' \code{file} or \code{tag}. If more than one these three variables are
#' present, the longest of these three factors will be used to split the data
#' before finding objects.
#' @return
#' If a \code{mask} was provided, the function will return an integer
#' \code{Image} mask or list of integer \code{Image} masks
#' with the objects selected by \code{expr}.
#' If no \code{mask} was provided, a nested list of integers will be
#' returned that identifies the objects satisfying the argument in \code{expr}.
#' @examples
#'   x <- getImages(system.file("extdata", "by_folder/b4", package = "virustiter"))
#'   nm0 <- nucMask(x$nuc)
#'   df0 <- parseImages(x$nuc, x$tgt, nm0)
#'   nm1 <- findObjects(area > 190 & area < 220, df0, nm0)
#'   a <- Map(paintObjects, nm1, lapply(x$nuc, function(v) toRGB(normalize(v))))
#'   plot(a$b4, all = TRUE)
#' @import EBImage
#' @export
findObjects <- function(expr, df, mask = NULL, invert = FALSE)
	if (missing(expr) || missing(df)) {
		usage <- c("findObjects examples:",
			'  findObjects(area > 200, df) # identify objects with area > 200',
			'  findObjects(positive == TRUE, df, mask) # mark positive objects in mask')
		cat(usage, sep = "\n")
# check 'df' argument
	if (!is(df, "data.frame"))
		stop("'", deparse(substitute(df)), "' must be a data.frame")
	dnames <- names(df)
	if (!("frame" %in% dnames &
			("tag" %in% dnames |"well" %in% dnames | "file" %in% dnames)))
		stop('"frame" and either "tag", "well" or "file" must be in ',

# evaluate expression and assign to original data.frame
	sel <- eval(substitute(expr), df)
	vname <- tail(make.unique(c(names(df), "var")), 1)
	df[[vname]] <- sel

# split 'var' according to the greater of 'tag/well/file' and 'frame' in 'df'
	labs <- c("tag", "well", "file")
	labs <- labs[labs %in% names(df)]
	nlevs <- sapply(df[labs], nlevels)
	group <- names(which.max(nlevs))
	if (length(group) == 0 | group == "")
		stop("can't be here? Failed to find 'tag', 'file' or 'well'")

# split data frame by group, then split expression value by frame within each
	spl.1 <- split(df, df[[group]], drop = FALSE)
	spl.2 <- lapply(spl.1, function(v) split(v[[vname]], v[["frame"]], drop = TRUE))

# enumerate negative and positive expression values
	neg <- lapply(spl.2, function(v) lapply(v, function(x) which(x == FALSE)))
	pos <- lapply(spl.2, function(v) lapply(v, function(x) which(x == TRUE)))

# return answer if mask is absent
	if (is.null(mask))
		return(if(invert) neg else pos)
# helper function to check on compatibility between mask and data.frame 
	.Nobs <- function(mask)
		dm <- dim(mask)
		if (length(dm) == 2)
			return(as.vector(apply(mask, 3, max)))		

# check for same number of objects in mask and data.frame
	if (is(mask, "Image"))
		Nmask <- .Nobs(mask)
	else if(is(mask, "list"))
		Nmask <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(mask, .Nobs)))
		stop("unable to use this combination of 'df' and 'mask'")

	Ndata <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(spl.2, lengths)))
	if (!identical(Nmask, Ndata))
		stop("'mask' and 'data' have different number of objects")

# process
	if (is(mask, "Image")) {
		pos <- unlist(pos, recursive = FALSE)
		neg <- unlist(neg, recursive = FALSE)
		ans <- if(invert) rmObjects(mask, pos) else rmObjects(mask, neg)
	else if (is(mask, "list"))
		ans <- if(invert) Map(rmObjects, mask, pos) else Map(rmObjects, mask, neg)
ornelles/virustiter documentation built on March 29, 2024, 8:30 p.m.