
Defines functions getPointRuns

Documented in getPointRuns

getPointRuns <- function(point, var = 'swflx',
                         start = Sys.Date() - 1,
                         end = Sys.Date(),
                         service = mfService(),

    start <- as.Date(start)
    end <- as.Date(end)
    stopifnot(end >= start)
    ##if(start != end) stopifnot(end <= Sys.Date())
    seqDays <- seq(start, end, by='day')
    ## Number of days comprised in the forecast
    ## Adjusted for Meteogalicia (96hours)
    da <- 4

    rng <- range(seqDays)
    fd <- rng[1]
    ld <- rng[2]

    seqInit <- seq(fd - (da - 1), fd - 1, by='day')
    seqDaysExt <- c(seqInit, seqDays)
    seqDaysExt <- seqDaysExt[seqDaysExt <= Sys.Date()]
    ## The possibilities for service can be expanded in the future
    runs <- '00'
    rd <- expand.grid(Run=runs, Day=seqDaysExt)
    N <- nrow(rd)
    zl <- lapply(seq_len(N), FUN=function(i){
        run <- as.character(rd[i, 'Run'])
        day <- as.Date(rd[i, 'Day'])
        ## Only one variable is allowed
        vals <- try(getPoint(point, vars = var[1], day = day,
                             run = run, 
                             service = service,
                    silent = FALSE)
    isOK <- sapply(zl, function(z) class(z) != 'try-error')
    zl <- zl[isOK]
    ## Remove bad run/day from rd
    rdFiltered <- rd[isOK,]
    ## Joining elements of zl into a zoo object limited by fd and ld
    z <- do.call(cbind, zl)
    names(z) <- paste(rdFiltered$Day, rdFiltered$Run, sep='_')
    z <- window(z, start = as.POSIXct(fd)+3600, end = as.POSIXct(ld+1))
    ## Day index of time series
    dayIndex <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(index(z)) - 3600)
    ## Forecast run day
    dayForecast <- as.Date(format(names(z)))
    ## Matrix of time differences (in days) between dayIndex and dayForecast
    dayDif <- outer(dayIndex, dayForecast, '-')
    dayDif[is.na(z)] <- NA
    ## Combinations of day differences and runs (0='00', 1='12')
    dayDifRun <- expand.grid(run = runs,
                             dif = seq(as.numeric(max(dayDif, na.rm = TRUE)),
                                 as.numeric(min(dayDif, na.rm = TRUE)), -1)
    ## Matrix with run indication for each cell
    tagRun <- do.call(rbind, rep(list(as.character(rdFiltered[,1])), nrow(z)))
    ## Extract cells corresponding to each time distance and run
    zzl <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(dayDifRun)), FUN=function(i){
        day <- dayDifRun[i, 'dif']
        run <- dayDifRun[i, 'run']
        idx <- (dayDif == day) & (!is.na(dayDif)) & (tagRun == run)
        tt <- index(z)[apply(idx, 1, any)]
        zoo(coredata(z)[idx], tt)
    zz <- do.call(cbind, zzl)
    names(zz) <- with(dayDifRun, paste0('D', -dif, '_', run))
    attr(index(zz), 'tzone') <- 'UTC'
oscarperpinan/meteoForecast documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 10:03 a.m.