
Defines functions createObject generate.exampleData dataX dataY show.LR summary.LR LR plot.LR

#object containing coefficients, matrix, vector and time taken to run LR function
createObject <- function(c, X, y, t){
  newS3 <- list(
    coefs = c,
    matrix = X,
    vector = y,
    time = t
  class(newS3) <- append(class(newS3),"LR")

#data [20][2]
generate.exampleData <- function(){
  x1 <- c(2,5,1,7,-2,6,-7,-2,4,7,5,3,-3,5,8,2,8,2,9,5)
  x2 <- c(6,3,2,1,-2,-4,-3,6,2,5,1,7,-2,6,-7,-2,-4,1,1,3)
  y <- c(1,-4,6,3,-4,6,-8,1,-2,7,-2,8,5,3,8,-4,6,-4,2,1)
  X <- matrix(cbind(x1,x2),20,2)
  result <- createObject(NULL,X,y,NULL)

dataX <- function(n,m){
  X <- c()
  for(i in 1:m){
    x1 <- c()
    for(j in 1:n){
      extra <- sample(-50:50, 1, replace = FALSE)
      x1 <- append(x1, extra)
    X <- append(X,x1)
  X <- matrix(cbind(X),n,m)

dataY <- function(n){
  y <- c()
  for(i in 1:n){
    extra <- sample(-50:50, 1, replace = FALSE)
    y <- append(y, extra)

show.LR <- function(c,X,y){

summary.LR <- function(c, ...){
    X<- c$matrix
  b <- c$coefs 
  time <- c$time
  negative <- 0
  positive <- 0
  b0 <- b[1]
  b1 <- b[2]
  b2 <- b[3]
  points <- X[,2] > ((b1/b2)*X[,1]+(b0/b2))
  for(i in 1:dim(X)[1]){if(points[i]==TRUE){positive=positive+1}}
  negative <- dim(X)[1] - positive
  b0prim <- round(b0,3)
  b1prim <- round(b1,3)
  b2prim <- round(b2,3)
  if(b0 != 0){ #include_bias == TRUE
    formula <- paste(b0prim,"+",b1prim,"x1","+",b2prim,"x2")
  else{ #include_bias == FALSE
    formula <- paste(b1prim,"x1","+",b2prim,"x2")
  part1 <- paste(" POSITIVE =",positive)
  part2 <- paste("NEGATIVE =",negative)
  part3 <- paste("TIME =",time,"ms")
  part4 <- paste("FORMULA =",formula)
#LR, X - matrix X, y - vector y
LR <- function(X,y,include_bias){
  if(dim(X)[1] == length(y)){
    op <- options(digits.secs = 3)
    begin <- Sys.time()
    X_prim <- X
    if(include_bias == TRUE){
      x0 <- c()
      n <- dim(X)[1]
      for(i in 1:n){
        x0 <- append(x0,1)
      X_prim <- matrix(cbind(x0,X),length(x0),dim(X)[2]+1)
    X_trans <- t(X_prim)
    m1 <- X_trans%*%X_prim
    inv_m1 <- solve(m1)
    m2 <- inv_m1%*%X_trans
    m3 <- m2%*%y
    b <- array(NA,0)
    if(include_bias == FALSE){
      b <- append(b,0)
    for(i in 1:dim(m3)[1]){
      b <- append(b,m3[i])
    end <- Sys.time()
    result_time <- as.integer((end - begin) * 1000)
    result <- createObject(b,X,y,result_time)
    print("length(X) != length(y)")

#PLOT, optional arguments: X- matrix x, y- vector y
plot.LR <- function(c, X, y){
  if(is.null(X) && is.null(y)){
    X<- c$matrix
    y<- c$vector
  b <- c$coefs
  if(dim(X)[2] == 2){
    b0 <- b[1]
    b1 <- b[2]
    b2 <- b[3]
    points <- y > b0+b1*X[,1]+b2*X[,2]
    plot(X[points==TRUE,1], X[points==TRUE,2],
         xlim = c(min(X),max(X)), ylim = c(min(X),max(X)),
         xlab = "X1", ylab = "X2", col = "red")
    plot(X[points==FALSE,1], X[points==FALSE,2],
         xlim = c(min(X),max(X)), ylim = c(min(X),max(X)),
         xlab = "X1", ylab = "X2", col = "blue")
    curve((-1)*(b1/b2)*x+(b0/b2), xlim = c(min(X),max(X)), ylim = c(min(X),max(X)),
          xlab = "X1", ylab = "X2")
    stop("dim(X)>2",call. = TRUE)
osipam/gmum.r-chem documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:53 p.m.