
Defines functions check_out_of_sample_consistency predict_out_of_sample_cv

check_out_of_sample_consistency <- function(models_list, valid_H2Oframe, predvars, fold_column) {
  all_folds_h2o <- lapply(models_list, function(x) h2o::h2o.cross_validation_fold_assignment(x))
  train_frame_ID_1 <- models_list[[1]]@parameters$training_frame

  if (length(all_folds_h2o) > 1) {
    ## 1. Test that the exactly the same fold assignments were used by all CV models in the ensemble.
    for (idx in 2:length(all_folds_h2o) ) {
      if (!h2o::h2o.all(all_folds_h2o[[1]]==all_folds_h2o[[idx]])  )
        stop("Out-of-sample (holdout) predictions for new data has failed. The fold assignmets of the following CV model do not match to others: " %+% names(models_list)[idx])

    ## 2. Test that same training h2oFrame was used for all models in the ensemble (just in case).
    for (idx in 2:length(all_folds_h2o) ) {
      if (!all.equal(train_frame_ID_1, models_list[[idx]]@parameters$training_frame))
        stop("Out-of-sample (holdout) predictions for new data has failed. It appears that some of the CV models in ensemble used different training frames.")

  ## 3. Test that the validation and training data have exactly the same fold assignments (in h2oFrame)
  # if (!all(valid_H2Oframe[[fold_column]] == all_folds_h2o[[1]]))
  #   stop("Out-of-sample (holdout) predictions for new data has failed. The fold assignments in new data (validation_data) and training data appear to be different.")

  ## 4a. Test that the new validation data (in h2oFrame) has the same number of observations as the training data
  # if (!( nrow(valid_H2Oframe) == nrow(all_folds_h2o[[1]]) ))
  #   stop("Out-of-sample (holdout) predictions for new data has failed. The number of rows in new data (validation_data) does not match that of the training data.")

  ## 4b. Test that all predictors are present in the validation data (in h2oFrame)
  if (!all(c(predvars,fold_column) %in% colnames(valid_H2Oframe)))
    stop("Out-of-sample (holdout) predictions for new data has failed. Some of the predictors were not found in new data (validation_data).")

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Evaluate out-of-sample predictions from V cross-validation models, based on new validation_data.
## Can be useful for re-scoring the models when the validation data has to change from the training data in V-fold cross-validation.
## Will only perform the out-sample predictions for each model V_i
## (i.e., predictions in validation_data will be only made for rows that were not used for training the model V_i)
## In the end we generate a vector of n=nrow(validation_data) predictions by combining predictions from all models V=(V_1,...,V_v)
## This procedure is repeated for each cross-validated model in the ensemble, resulting in a matrix of predictions (n,k),
## where k is the total number of models trained by this ensemble (with h2o.grid, etc) and is equal to length(models_list)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
predict_out_of_sample_cv <- function(m.fit, ParentObject, validation_data, subset_idx, predict_model_names, ...) {
  # h2o::h2o.no_progress()
  models_list <- m.fit$modelfits_all
  if (!missing(predict_model_names) && !is.null(predict_model_names)) models_list <- models_list[predict_model_names]

  ## Grab the internallly stored h2o out of sample predictions for each CV model (cross-validation predictions are combined into a single vector of length n)
  if (missing(validation_data)) {

    if (gvars$verbose == 2) message("Obtaining pre-saved out-of-sample/holdout CV predictions for h2o")

    pAoutDT <- lapply(models_list, function(h2omodel) {
                                      preds <- h2o::h2o.cross_validation_holdout_predictions(h2omodel)
                                      if (ncol(preds) > 1) preds <- preds[["p1"]]

    pAoutDT <- h2o::h2o.cbind(pAoutDT)
    names(pAoutDT) <- names(models_list)
    # setnames(pAoutDT, names(models_list))
    # if (convertResToDT) pAoutDT <- as.data.table(pAoutDT)

  } else {

    outvar <- m.fit$params$outvar
    predvars <- m.fit$params$predvars
    fold_column <- ParentObject$fold_column

    ##  **** Loads new h2o frame based on validation_data ****
    valid_H2Oframe <- getPredictH2OFRAME(m.fit, ParentObject, validation_data, subset_idx)
    fold_column <- validation_data$fold_column
    if (is.null(fold_column)) fold_column <- ParentObject$fold_column
    valid_folds <- validation_data$dat.sVar[subset_idx, ][[fold_column]]

    if (gvars$verbose == 2) message("Obtaining out-of-sample/holdout CV predictions for h2o with newdata")
    res <- check_out_of_sample_consistency(models_list, valid_H2Oframe, predvars, fold_column)

    ## hack to deal with latest h2o mod, requires internal cv weights column for prediction from CV models:
    valid_H2Oframe[["__internal_cv_weights__"]] <- as.h2o(rep.int(1L, nrow(valid_H2Oframe)))

    if (!is.null(valid_folds)) {
      # fold_origami <- make_kfold_from_column(valid_folds)
      # fold_valid <- lapply(fold_origami, '[[', "validation_set")
      # names(fold_valid) <- levels(valid_folds)
      fold_valid <- h2o::as.h2o(valid_folds)
    } else {
      ## Get the fold assignments for the 1st model in ensemble:
      h2o_model_1 <- models_list[[1]]
      fold_valid <- h2o::h2o.cross_validation_fold_assignment(h2o_model_1)

    vfolds_cat_h2o <- sort(h2o::h2o.levels(fold_valid)) # # vfolds_ncat_h2o <- h2o.nlevels(fold_valid)

    pAoutMat_h2o <- NULL
    # CV_loop_t <- system.time({
    for (vfold_idx in seq_along(vfolds_cat_h2o)) {

      if (gvars$verbose == 2) message("Obtaining out-of-sample CV predictions for all models and validation fold: " %+% vfolds_cat_h2o[vfold_idx])

      fold_CV_i_logical <- fold_valid == vfolds_cat_h2o[vfold_idx]
      ## Define validation frame for this fold:
      valid_H2Oframe_CV.i <- valid_H2Oframe[fold_CV_i_logical, ]
      cv.i_foldframeID <- h2o::h2o.getId(valid_H2Oframe_CV.i)

      dest_key_LIST <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(models_list))

      for (idx in seq_along(models_list)) {
        # h2o.predict(h2o.getModel(cv_models_IDs[[vfold_idx]]), newdata = h2o.getFrame(cv.i_foldframeID))
        # print("idx: "); print(idx); print("model: "); print(names(models_list)[idx])
        h2o_model <- models_list[[idx]]
        cv_models_IDs <- lapply(h2o_model@model$cross_validation_models, "[[", "name")
        ## Submit a job for prediction on a fold using internal REST API.
        ## Don't pull the prediction results until all of these jobs were submitted.
        url <- paste0('Predictions/models/', cv_models_IDs[[vfold_idx]], '/frames/',  cv.i_foldframeID)
        res <- h2o:::.h2o.__remoteSend(url, method = "POST", h2oRestApiVersion = 4)
        job_key <- res$key$name
        dest_key <- res$dest$name
        dest_key_LIST[[idx]] <- dest_key

      newpreds_prev_CV_i <- NULL
      for (idx in seq_along(dest_key_LIST)) {
        iter <- 0
        while (iter <= 100) {
          newpreds <- try(h2o::h2o.getFrame(dest_key_LIST[[idx]]), silent = TRUE)
          if (inherits(newpreds, "try-error")) {
            iter <- iter + 1
          } else {

        if (inherits(newpreds, "try-error")) {
          message(attr(newpreds, "condition")$message)
          stop("predictions from some of h2o models could not be obtained after 100 attempts and wait time of 10 sec")

        if (ncol(newpreds) > 1) newpreds <- newpreds[["p1"]]
        newpreds_prev_CV_i <- h2o::h2o.cbind(newpreds_prev_CV_i, newpreds)
      newpreds_prev_CV_i <- h2o::h2o.cbind(h2o::h2o.which(fold_CV_i_logical), newpreds_prev_CV_i)
      pAoutMat_h2o <- h2o::h2o.rbind(pAoutMat_h2o, newpreds_prev_CV_i)

    pAoutMat_h2o <- h2o::h2o.arrange(pAoutMat_h2o, "C1")
    pAoutDT <- pAoutMat_h2o[, 2:ncol(pAoutMat_h2o)]
    # })

    names(pAoutDT) <- names(models_list)
    # if (convertResToDT) pAoutDT <- as.data.table(pAoutDT)
    # setnames(pAoutDT, names(models_list))
osofr/gridisl documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:55 p.m.