
Defines functions predict_growth predict_all

Documented in predict_all predict_growth

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Predict from growth-curve SuperLearner fit
#' @param modelfit Model fit object returned by \code{\link{fit_growth}}.
#' @param newdata Subject-specific data for which predictions should be obtained.
#' If missing then the predictions for the training data will be typically returned.
#' See \code{holdout} for discussion of alternative cases.
#' @param add_subject_data Set to \code{TRUE} to add the subject-level data to
#' the resulting predictions (returned as a data.table).
#' When \code{FALSE} (default) only the actual predictions are returned (as a
#' matrix with each column representing predictions from a specific model).
#' @param grid Optional flag, set to \code{TRUE} when making growth
#' curve predictions for an entire grid of equally spaced time-points.
#' @param subset_idx A vector of row indices in \code{newdata} for which the
#' predictions should be obtain.
#' Default is \code{NULL} in which case all observations in \code{newdata} will
#' be used for prediction.
# @param best_refit_only Set to \code{TRUE} to obtained the predictions from the
# best scoring model that was re-trained on all observed data.
#' @param holdout Set to \code{TRUE} for out-of-sample predictions for validation
#' folds (out-of-sample observations) or holdouts.
#'  When \code{newdata} is missing there are two possible types of holdout predictions,
#' depending on the modeling approach.
#'  1. For \code{method = "holdout"} the default holdout predictions will be
#' based on validation data.
#'  2. For \code{method = "cv"} the default is to leave use the previous out-of-sample
#' (holdout) predictions from the training data.
# @param force_data.table Force the output predictions to be a \code{data.table}
#' @param stack Stack the predictions from individual models into a single vector of Super Learner predictions (default).
#' If set to \code{FALSE} the usual by model (by library) predictions are returned for every successful model fit in the library.
#' @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to
#' the console.
#' @return A data.table of subject level predictions (subject are rows, columns
#' are different models)
#' or a data.table with subject level covariates added along with model-based predictions.
#' @export
predict_growth <- function(modelfit,
                           add_subject_data = FALSE,
                           grid = FALSE,
                           subset_idx = NULL,
                           holdout = FALSE,
                           stack = TRUE,
                           verbose = getOption("growthcurveSL.verbose")) {

  # holdout <- FALSE
  best_only <- TRUE

  if (is.null(modelfit)) stop("must call fit_growth() before obtaining predictions")
  if (is.list(modelfit) && ("modelfit" %in% names(modelfit))) modelfit <- modelfit$modelfit
  assert_that(is.PredictionModel(modelfit) || is.PredictionStack(modelfit))
  gvars$verbose <- verbose
  nodes <- modelfit$OData_train$nodes

  if (missing(newdata) && holdout) {
  # if (missing(newdata) && holdout && !modelfit$runCV) {
    ## For holdout predictions with holdoutSL the default is to use the previous validation data
    # newdata <- modelfit$OData_valid$dat.sVar
    newdata <- modelfit$OData_valid
  } else if (missing(newdata)) {
    ## For all other cases, the default is to use the training data
    # newdata <- modelfit$OData_train$dat.sVar
    newdata <- modelfit$OData_train
  } else if (!grid) {
    newdata <- define_features_drop(newdata, ID = nodes$IDnode, t_name = nodes$tnode, y = nodes$Ynode, train_set = TRUE)
  } else {
    ## in the future might define the grid data internally, right now it is assumed the user correctly defines the grid data

  ## Will use the best model retrained on all data for prediction:
  # preds_2 <- predict_generic(modelfit, newdata,
  #                          # predict_only_bestK_models = 1,
  #                          add_subject_data = add_subject_data,
  #                          subset_idx = subset_idx,
  #                          best_only = best_only,
  #                          holdout = holdout,
  #                          force_data.table = TRUE,
  #                          verbose = verbose)
  # browser()

  preds <- predict_SL(modelfit, newdata,
                      add_subject_data = FALSE,
                      subset_idx = subset_idx,
                      holdout = holdout,
                      verbose = verbose,
                      stack = stack)

  if (add_subject_data) {
    if (is.DataStorageClass(newdata)) newdata <- newdata$dat.sVar
    # if (missing(newdata)) newdata <- modelfit$OData_train
    covars <- c(nodes$IDnode, nodes$tnode, modelfit$outvar)
    ## to protect against an error if some variables are dropped from new data
    sel_covars <- names(newdata)[names(newdata) %in% covars]
    predsDT <- newdata[, sel_covars, with = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(subset_idx)) predsDT <- predsDT[subset_idx, ]
    predsDT[, (colnames(preds)) := preds]
    preds <- predsDT


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Obtain all possible predictions with one call
#' This function creates a \code{data.frame} with one row per subject and a column named "fits".
#' The latter column contains the 3 possible subject-level predictions:  fit - training data model predictions,
#' fitgrid - grid-based model predictions, holdout - predictions for holdouts or out-of-sample predictions.
#' Some of these predictions might be empty, e.g. when \code{add_holdout = FALSE}, no holdout predictions are made.
#' @param modelfit Model fit object returned by \code{\link{fit_growth}}.
#' @param newdata Subject-specific data for which predictions should be obtained.
#' @param add_holdout Optional flag, set to \code{TRUE} to add holdout (out-of-sample) predictions
#' used for scoring the current best model fit.
#' @param add_grid Optional flag, set to \code{TRUE} to add a grid of equally spaced
#' predictions over some range of the time variable for the current best model fit.
#' @param tgrid Specify the grid of time-points directly.
#' If missing a subject-specific grid is defined based on the subject's follow-up range.
#' @param grid_size How many time-points should be used in equally spaced grid?
#' This argument is only used when \code{tgrid} is missing.
# @param tmin Min t value for predicting the entire growth curve.
# By default the lowest observed value in \code{newdata} is used.
# @param tmax Max t value for predicting the entire growth curve.
# By default the highest observed value in \code{newdata} is used.
# @param incr Increment time variable value for predicting the entire growth curve.
#' @param add_checkpoint Set to \code{TRUE} (default) to obtain predictions for pre-specified x checkpoint
#' (essentially the same thing as grid, but with potentially different spacings).
#' @param checkpoint The grid of checkpoint for which to obtain predictions (daily resolution).
#' @param add_MSE Add subject-specific MSE for growth curve prediction (NOT IMPLEMENTED).
#' @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to
#' the console.
#' @return A data.frame with one row per subject.
#' The column named "fit" contains nested subject-specific observed data and predictions.
#' Each entry (cell) of "fit" is a list of 4 subject-specific data.frames,
#' named "xy", "fit", "fitgrid" and "holdout",
#' containing the training time-outcome values, the model predictions for training data,
#' the grid of equally spaced model
#' prediction and the holdout / out-of-sample predictions, respectively.
#' @export
predict_all <- function(modelfit,
                        add_holdout = TRUE,
                        add_grid = TRUE,
                        # tmin = NULL,
                        # tmax = NULL,
                        # incr = 5,
                        grid_size = 150,
                        add_checkpoint = TRUE,
                        checkpoint = as.integer(c(1, hbgd::months2days(1:24))),
                        add_MSE = TRUE,
                        verbose = getOption("growthcurveSL.verbose")) {

  nodes <- modelfit$OData_train$nodes
  ID <- nodes$IDnode
  t_name <- nodes$tnode
  y <- nodes$Ynode

  # if (is.null(tmin)) tmin <- min(newdata[[t_name]])
  # if (is.null(tmax)) tmax <- max(newdata[[t_name]])

  empty_df = data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 3,
                        dimnames=list(c(), c(ID, t_name, "preds"))),
                        stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>%

  preds_holdout <- preds_grid <- preds_chckpt <- empty_df

  ## Generate data with all unique subject IDs that appear in input training data
  unique_subj <- newdata %>%

  ## Predictions for new data based on best SL model trained on all data:
  preds_alldat <- predict_growth(modelfit, newdata = newdata, add_subject_data = TRUE)
  ## Create a dataset with (ID, time, outcome, prediction) column
  fit_bysubj <- newdata %>%
                dplyr::rename_("x" = t_name, "y" = y) %>%
                dplyr::select_(ID, "x", "y") %>%
                dplyr::group_by_(ID) %>%
                  preds_alldat %>%
                  dplyr::rename_("x" = t_name) %>%

  ## Predictions for all holdout data points for all models trained on non-holdout data:
  if (add_holdout)
    preds_holdout <- predict_growth(modelfit, holdout = TRUE, add_subject_data = TRUE)
  hold_bysubj <-  unique_subj %>%
                  dplyr::left_join(preds_holdout) %>%
                  dplyr::rename_("x" = t_name) %>%

  if (add_grid || add_checkpoint)
    train_dat <- define_features_drop(newdata, ID =  ID, t_name = t_name, y = y, train_set = TRUE)

  ## Predictions for a grid of equally spaced time points:
  if (add_grid) {
    grid_dat <- define_tgrid(train_dat, ID = ID, t_name = t_name, y = y, tgrid, grid_size)
    # tmin = tmin, tmax = tmax, incr = incr
    preds_grid <- predict_growth(modelfit, newdata = grid_dat, grid = TRUE, add_subject_data = TRUE)
  fitgrid_bysubj <- unique_subj %>%
                    dplyr::left_join(preds_grid) %>%
                    dplyr::rename_("x" = t_name) %>%

  ## Predictions for checkpoint (essentially the same thing as grid, but with different spacings):
  if (add_checkpoint) {
    checkpoint <- as.integer(checkpoint)
    chckpt_dat <- define_tgrid(train_dat, ID = ID, t_name = t_name, y = y, tgrid = checkpoint)
    preds_chckpt <- predict_growth(modelfit, newdata = chckpt_dat, grid = TRUE, add_subject_data = TRUE)
  merge_into_dat <- CJ(unique_subj[[1]], checkpoint)
  chckpt_bysubj <- merge_into_dat %>%
                   dplyr::left_join(preds_chckpt) %>%
                   dplyr::rename_("x" = t_name) %>%

  ## Generate data with one row per subj ID
  ## nest each prediction dataset type in its respective list-column
  fit_bysubj <- fit_bysubj %>% tidyr::nest(.key = "fit")
  hold_bysubj <- hold_bysubj %>% tidyr::nest(.key = "holdout")
  fitgrid_bysubj <- fitgrid_bysubj %>% tidyr::nest(.key = "fitgrid")
  chckpt_bysubj <- chckpt_bysubj %>% tidyr::nest(.key = "checkpoint")

  ## combine all 4 datasets by subject:
  fits_all <- fit_bysubj %>%
              dplyr::left_join(hold_bysubj) %>%
              dplyr::left_join(fitgrid_bysubj) %>%

  if (add_MSE) {
    subj_MSE <- modelfit$getMSE_bysubj
    fits_all <- fits_all %>% dplyr::left_join(subj_MSE)

  fits_all <- fits_all %>%
              dplyr::group_by_(ID) %>%
              tidyr::nest(.key = "fit")

  attr(fits_all, "nodes") <- nodes

osofr/growthcurveSL documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:56 p.m.