

#' Add a Grain to the Closest Branch
#' @param panicle_graph A panicle `tidygraph` object
#' @param new_vert Numeric vector that stores the coordinates
#'      of the new grain in format `c(x, y)`
#' @export

add_grain <- function(panicle_graph,
                      new_vert = numeric(2))

  # new_vert in format c(x, y)

  # Long datagrame easier to subset than graph
  graph_long <- panicle_graph %>% igraph::as_long_data_frame()

  # function
  get_distance <- function(x0, y0,
                           x1, y1,
                           x2, y2)
    ln <- sp::Line(matrix(c(x1, x2,
                            y1, y2),
                          ncol = 2)) %>%
      sp::Lines(., ID = "a") %>%
      list(.) %>%
    pn <- sp::SpatialPoints(coords = matrix(c(x0, y0),
                                            ncol = 2))
    # print(ln)
    # print(pn)
    return(rgeos::gDistance(ln, pn))

  # test
  # get_distance(1328,  712, 1284,  688, 1329,  579)

  # Find edge rank
  nearest_edge <- graph_long %>%
         ~get_distance(x0 = new_vert[1],
                       y0 = new_vert[2],
                       x1 = ..3,
                       y1 = ..4,
                       x2 = ..8,
                       y2 = ..9)) %>%
    purrr::reduce(c) %>%

  # count edges
  vn <- igraph::vcount(panicle_graph)
  new_vn <- vn + 1

  # add spikelet and new edges
  new_graph <- panicle_graph %>%
    igraph::delete_edges(edges = paste0(as.numeric(graph_long[nearest_edge, "from"]),
                                        as.numeric(graph_long[nearest_edge, "to"]))) %>%
    igraph::add_vertices(nv = 1,
                         attr = list(x = new_vert[1],
                                     y = new_vert[2],
                                     type = "Spikelet")) %>%
    # igraph::as_long_data_frame()
    igraph::add_edges(edges = c(as.numeric(graph_long[nearest_edge, "from"]), new_vn,
                                new_vn, as.numeric(graph_long[nearest_edge, "to"])))

  # the new vertexes need a rank
  # for the function get_idline to work
  vattr <- igraph::vertex_attr(new_graph)
  vattr$rank[is.na(vattr$rank)] <- (max(vattr$rank, na.rm = T) + 1):length(vattr$rank)
  igraph::vertex_attr(new_graph) <- vattr


#' Merge all grains into graph
#' @param graph_base A panicle graph produced by `read_panicle()`
#'     to which you haven't added spikelets yet
#' @param grains A grains dataframe produced by `read_grains()`
#' @export

add_all_grains <- function(graph_base,
  # spikelets <- seeds
  # graph_base <- tst
  assign_grain <- function(graph_base, grain) {
    graph_base <<- add_grain(graph_base, grain)
  purrr::pmap(grains, ~assign_grain(graph_base = graph_base,
                                   grain = c(..1, ..2)))

othomantegazza/ptrapr documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:16 a.m.