
Defines functions get_rugby

Documented in get_rugby

#' Scrape Bath Rugby match dates, kick-off times and results
#' Web scraping function to gather dates and times of Bath Rugby matches, and
#'  whether or not Bath won, from the
#'  \href{http://www.bathrugby.com/fixtures-results/results-tables/results-match-reports/}{Bath Rugby website}.\cr\cr
#'  \emph{Note: This function's code is heavily commented so that if you want
#'   to, you can use it as a tutorial/guide for writing similar functions of
#'   your own! You can view the commented code on the GitHub repo
#'   \href{https://github.com/owenjonesuob/BANEScarparking/blob/master/R/web_scraping.R}{here}}.
#' @param x A vector of years of seasons to retrieve records from.
#' @return A data frame of kick-off date-times and match outcomes.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return matches from 2014/15, 2015/16 seasons
#' seasons <- c(2015, 2016)
#' rugby <- get_rugby(seasons)
#' }
#' @export

get_rugby <- function(x) {
    # Set up data frame, to be added to shortly
    rugby <- data.frame(GMT = character(0), HomeWin = logical(0))
    # For each season:
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        # Put together the link to the webpage for the season's fixtures
        address <- paste0("https://www.bathrugby.com/fixtures-results/",
                          "?seasonEnding=", x[i])
        # "Parse" page so we can work with it in R
        parsedpage <- RCurl::getURL(address,
                                    .opts = RCurl::curlOptions(followlocation = TRUE)) %>%
        # Scrape required information from page (first, home match dates):
        # xpathSApply returns a vector (simplified from a list, hence SApply
        # rather than Apply) of HTML "nodes" satisfying certain conditions...
        dates <- XML::xpathSApply(parsedpage,
                                  # First, (visually) find the information we're
                                  # interested in on the webpage (just using a
                                  # browser). Then use the developer console
                                  # (launch with F12, or Cmd+Option+I on Mac) to
                                  # inspect the HTML.
                                  # Now to grab the bits of HTML we are
                                  # interested in. Define conditions using XPath
                                  # query language:
                                  # * //dd finds all nodes of type "dd"
                                  # * [@class='...'] takes the subset of nodes
                                  #   with "class" attribute "..."
                                  # * / finds all "child" nodes of currently
                                  # selected nodes
                                  paste0("//dd[@class='fixture homeFixture']",
                                  # We want the value (in this case, the string)
                                  # contained between the HTML tags of these
                                  # nodes (the 'contents' of the node): the XML
                                  # function xmlValue does this for us!
                                  XML::xmlValue) %>%
            # We currently have a string such as " 6 Sep 2014" or "13 Sep 2014",
            # but this would be more useful as a date-time!
            # See documentation of strptime for % abbreviations to use in the
            # "format" string. In this case we're telling the as.POSIXct
            # function that:
            #   '%n': there might be a space, or a few spaces
            #   '%e': day number, as a decimal
            #   ' ' : there's definitely a space here
            #   '%b': abbreviated month name
            #   ' ' : another space
            #   '%Y': 4-digit year
            as.POSIXct(format = "%n%e %b %Y", tz = "UTC") %>%
            # Reverse order of elements (to restore chronological order)
        # Now, kick-off times:
        KO <- XML::xpathSApply(parsedpage,
                               paste0("//dd[@class='fixture homeFixture']",
                               XML::xmlValue) %>%
            # Values are currently strings of form "Kick Off 00:00"
            # Take 10th character onwards:
            substring(10) %>%
            # Convert to hour-minute time
            lubridate::hm() %>%
        # Combine date and time (just use +, R handles this for us!)
        GMT <- dates + KO
        # Results of the matches: did Bath win? (Maybe people hang around in
        # town for longer afterwards if so.)
        HomeWin <- XML::xpathSApply(parsedpage,
                                    paste0("//dd[@class='fixture homeFixture']",
                                    XML::xmlValue) %>%
            # Values are "Bath won ..." or "Bath lost ...".
            # grepl returns TRUE if element contains a string, FALSE if it
            # doesn't Note: The "." is the pipe's "placeholder" argument: by
            # default, %>% passes on the previous step's result as the FIRST
            # parameter. Here, we need to pass it as the second argument, so
            # have to use "." to represent it.
            grepl("won", .) %>%
        # Stick the GMT and HomeWin vectors together as columns of a data frame
        toAdd <- data.frame(GMT, HomeWin)
        # Attach this dataframe to the existing data frame of all matches
        rugby <- rbind(rugby, toAdd)
    # Return the complete data frame

#' Scrape the number of advertised events in Bath for each day
#' Web scraping function to retrieve the number of events advertised at
#'  \url{http://www.bath.co.uk/events} for each day in a specified range of
#'  months.\cr\cr
#'  \emph{Note: Have a look at this package's GitHub repo - in particular,
#'   \href{https://github.com/owenjonesuob/BANEScarparking/blob/master/R/web_scraping.R}{here}
#'   - to see the code for this function, along with comments which
#'   explain the process followed. See \code{\link{get_rugby}} for a similar
#'   function with more detailed commentary!}
#' @param from A date or date-time object, or YYYY-MM-DD string: the first day
#'  from which to get an event count.
#' @param to A date or date-time object, or YYYY-MM-DD string: the last day
#'  from which to get an event count.
#' @return A data frame of daily event counts for each day in the specified
#'  range.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return daily event counts from 01 Oct 2014 to 17 Jul 2015
#' events <- get_events("2014-10-01", "2015-07-17")
#' # Return daily event counts for all months in date range of parking records
#' raw_data <- get_all_crude()
#' df <- refine(raw_data)
#' events <- get_events(min(df$LastUpdate), max(df$LastUpdate))
#' }
#' @export

get_events <- function(from, to) {
    # Get all year-month combinations in specified range
    year_month <- seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), by = "months") %>%
        substr(., 0, nchar(.)+2)
    # Create web addresses for past events pages
    addresses <- paste0("http://www.bath.co.uk/events/", year_month)
    # Initialize event-count vector
    event_count <- vector("list", length(addresses))
    names(event_count) <- year_month
    # Create a text bar in the console
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(addresses),
                                initial = 0, style = 3)
    # For each year-month:
    for (i in 1:length(addresses)) {
        # "Parse" page so we can work with it in R
        parsedpage <- RCurl::getURL(addresses[i],
                                    .opts = RCurl::curlOptions(followlocation = TRUE)) %>%
        # Find all days from current month
        day_events <- XML::xpathApply(parsedpage,
                                      paste0("//td[contains(@class, ",
        # Set up a vector to store number of events from each day in a month
        daily_event_count <- vector("integer", length(day_events))
        # For each day:
        for (j in 1:length(day_events)) {
            # Look for a "view more" node
            view_more <- XML::xpathSApply(day_events[[j]],
            # If such a node exists...
            if (length(view_more) > 0) {
                # ... it contains a string of the form "View all x events", so
                # we isolate x by using gsub to replace all non-digit characters
                # (the caret ^ means "all except") with "" (nothing!), and then
                # convert the string "x" to a number
                daily_event_count[j] <- view_more %>%
                    gsub("[^0-9]", "", .) %>%
            } else {
                # If there is no "view more" node, then we simply count the
                # number of 'div's: there is one more div than events, because
                # the day number (which isn't an event!) is also found in a div
                daily_event_count[j] <- XML::xpathApply(day_events[[j]],
                                                        "div") %>%
                    length() - 1
        # Add this list to our list of year-month event counts
        event_count[[i]] <- daily_event_count
        # Update progress bar
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    # Trim the last month... (events only up to "to" date)
    lec <- length(event_count)
    event_count[[lec]] <- event_count[[lec]][1:{lubridate::day(to)}]
    # Then the first month... (events only from "from" date)
    event_count[[1]] <- event_count[[1]][{lubridate::day(from)}:length(event_count[[1]])]
    # Get all dates in the months we are looking at
    all_dates <- seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), by = "days")
    # Make a data frame with each date and the number of events that day:
    # "unlist" does exactly as it says on the tin, it just stretches a list out
    # into a long vector
    events <- data.frame(Date = all_dates, count = unlist(event_count))
    # Get rid of unnecessary numeric row names
    rownames(events) <- NULL
    # Return the complete data frame!

#' Scrape the details of advertised events in Bath for each day
#' Web scraping function to retrieve the detail for events advertised at
#'  \url{http://www.bath.co.uk/events} for each day in a specified range of
#'  dates.
#' @author Ryan Kenning (@@rkenning)
#' @param from A date or date-time object, or string, of the first
#'  date for which to find events.
#' @param to A date or date-time object, or string, of the last
#'  date for which to find events.
#' @return A data frame of daily event details for each day in the specified
#'  range of months.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return daily event details from 01 Oct 2014 to 08 Oct 2014
#' events <- get_events_detail("2014-10-01", "2014-10-08")
#' }
#' @export

get_events_detail <- function(from, to) {
    # Get all year-month combinations in specified range
    year_month_day_seq <- seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), by = "days") %>%
        substr(., 0, nchar(.)+6)
    # Create web addresses for past event pages
    addresses <- paste0("http://www.bath.co.uk/events/", year_month_day_seq)
    # Initialize event-count vector
    event_count <- vector("list", length(addresses))
    names(event_count) <- year_month_day_seq
    # Initialise 0 length vectors to create the initial DF object (Not sure if this is the best approach to append to a df type pattern)
    year_month_day <- vector(mode="character",0)
    event_name <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    event_location_name <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    event_postcode <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    event_street <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    event_locality <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    event_start <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    event_end <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    time_slot <- vector(mode="character", 0)
    # Create the initial df (Not sure if this is the best approach to append to a df type pattern)
    events <- data.frame(year_month_day, time_slot, event_name, event_location_name, event_postcode, event_street, event_locality, event_start, event_end, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Add a progress bar to the console
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(year_month_day_seq),
                                initial = 0, style = 3)
    # For each year-month-day loop through the URLs:
    for (ymd in 1:length(addresses)) {
        # Connect to address and return HTLM page from URL
        url <- addresses[ymd]
        # Parse the HTML page
        webpage <- xml2::read_html(url)
        # Find the Timeslot HTML nodes
        event_time_slot <- webpage %>%
        #Loop through the timeslots
        for (i in 2:length(event_time_slot)){
            # Get the current timeslot header text
            time_slot_val <- event_time_slot[i] %>%
                rvest::html_node(xpath=".//h5") %>%
            # From the current timeslot, get the event detail html node
            event_detail_nodes <- event_time_slot[i] %>%
                rvest::html_nodes(xpath=".//div[contains(@class, 'type-tribe_events')]")
            # Initialise the value vectors with the length based on number of events found
            event_name <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            event_location_name <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            event_postcode <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            event_street <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            event_locality <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            event_start <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            event_end <- vector(mode="character", length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            time_slot <- rep(time_slot_val,length=length(event_detail_nodes))
            # Revised html text function to retun NA if no HTML text value can be found
            html_text_na <- function(x, ...) {
                txt <- try(rvest::html_text(x, ...))
                if (inherits(txt, "try-error") || (length(txt)==0)) { return(NA) }
            # Loop through each event node
            for (j in 1:length(event_detail_nodes)){
                #Add parsed event
                event_name[j] <- rvest::html_nodes(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//a[@class='url']") %>% rvest::html_text(trim=TRUE)
                event_location_name[j] <- rvest::html_node(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//div[@class='tribe-events-venue-details']//a/text()") %>% html_text_na()
                event_postcode[j] <- rvest::html_node(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), 'tribe-postal-code')]") %>% html_text_na()
                event_street[j] <- rvest::html_node(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), 'tribe-street-address')]") %>% html_text_na()
                event_locality[j] <- rvest::html_node(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), 'tribe-locality')]") %>% html_text_na()
                event_start[j] <- rvest::html_node(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), 'tribe-event-date-start')]") %>% html_text_na()
                event_end[j] <- rvest::html_node(event_detail_nodes[j], xpath=".//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), 'tribe-event-date-end')]") %>% html_text_na()
            # Make a Dataframe from the populated vectors (only if there are any events)
            if (length(event_detail_nodes)) {
                new_events <- data.frame(year_month_day_seq[ymd], time_slot, event_name, event_location_name, event_postcode, event_street, event_locality, event_start, event_end)
                # Combine the event details collect so far with the new event details parsed for the current day and timeslot
                events <- rbind(events, new_events )
        # Update the progress bar
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = ymd) 
    # Return the dataframe

#' Scrape daily weather records for Bath
#' This function scrapes the \href{https://www.wunderground.com/}{Wunderground}
#'  website to get daily weather summaries for Bath over a given date range.
#' @param from A date or date-time object, or YYYY-MM-DD string: the first day
#'  from which to get a weather summary.
#' @param to A date or date-time object, or YYYY-MM-DD string: the last day
#'  from which to get a weather summary.
#' @return A data frame of daily weather summaries for each day in the specified
#'  range.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return daily weather summaries from 01 Oct 2014 to 17 Jul 2016
#' weather <- get_daily_weather("2014-10-01", "2016-07-17")
#' # Return daily event counts for all days in date range of parking records
#' library(lubridate)
#' raw_data <- get_all_crude()
#' df <- refine(raw_data)
#' weather <- rbind(get_daily_weather(min(df$LastUpdate), max(df$LastUpdate))
#' }
#' @export

get_daily_weather <- function(from, to) {
    # If we've been asked for more than 398 records, chop into chunks (table
    # on the site only shows up to 398 records at once!)
    if (lubridate::as_date(to) - lubridate::as_date(from) > 398) {
        from_dates <- seq(lubridate::as_date(from), lubridate::as_date(to), by = "395 day")
        to_dates <- from_dates + 394
        # Last one needs to be up to "to"
        to_dates[length(to_dates)] <- lubridate::as_date(to)
    # Initialise an empty data frame
    weather <- data.frame()
    for (i in seq_along(from_dates)) {
        # Make start date into correct format, and extract numbers from end date
        from_day <- gsub("-", "/", as.character(from_dates[i]))
        day_end <- lubridate::day(to_dates[i])
        month_end <- lubridate::month(to_dates[i])
        year_end <- lubridate::year(to_dates[i])
        # Set up the URL query (EGTG is closest location to Bath)
        url <- paste0("https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/EGTG/",
                      "/CustomHistory.html?dayend=", day_end,
                      "&monthend=", month_end,
                      "&yearend=", year_end,
        # Get the HTML content of the webpage
        wg <- xml2::read_html(url)
        # Find the second table on the webpage (the massive weather table)
        wgtab <- rvest::html_table(wg, header = FALSE)[[2]]
        # Set column names
        names(wgtab) <- c("GMT", "max_temp_c", "mean_temp_c",
                          "min_temp_c", "max_dewpoint_c", "mean_dewpoint_c",
                          "min_dewpoint_c", "max_humidity", "mean_humidity",
                          "min_humidity", "max_pressure_hpa",
                          "mean_pressure_hpa", "min_pressure_hpa",
                          "max_visibility_km", "mean_visibility_km", "min_visibility_km",
                          "max_wind_kmph", "mean_wind_kmph",
                          "max_gust_kmph", "precip_mm", "precip_type")
        # The GMT column of the table currently contains years, months AND days;
        # we'll use regex to separate them out into new columns
        #   First, if GMT contains a 1 or 2-digit number then this must be a day
        #   number, so put this number into a new column; or put in an NA if GMT
        #   did NOT contain a1 or 2-digit number
        wgtab <- dplyr::mutate(wgtab, day = ifelse(grepl("^\\d{1,2}$", GMT), GMT, NA),
                               # Do the same for 3-character strings (month names)
                               month = ifelse(grepl("^[A-Za-z]{3}$", GMT), GMT, NA),
                               # Do the same for 4-digit numbers (year numbers)
                               year = ifelse(grepl("^\\d{4}$", GMT), GMT, NA)) %>%
            # Whenever there's an NA in the month or year columns (i.e. most of the
            # time!) fill in each block of NAs with the first previous non-NA value;
            #   e.g. Jan  becomes  Jan
            #        NA            Jan
            #        NA            Jan
            #        Feb           Feb
            #        NA            Feb
            dplyr::mutate(month = zoo::na.locf(month, na.rm = FALSE),
                          year = zoo::na.locf(year, na.rm = FALSE)) %>%
            # Wherever there's an NA in the day column, this was a row containing
            # (unnecessary) headers, rather than data; so we drop these rows
            dplyr::filter(!is.na(day)) %>%
            # Now we stick the year-month-day columns together and convert to a date
            dplyr::mutate(Date = lubridate::ymd(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"))) %>%
            # Then we can drop the old GMT column and the year-month-day columns
            dplyr::select(-day, -month, -year, -GMT) %>%
            # Re-order the columns to get Date on the left (currently on the right)
            dplyr::select(Date, dplyr::everything()) %>%
            # Lastly, the max_gust_kmph column is always empty, and precip_type
            # column needs splitting into separate columns
            dplyr::mutate("was_rainy" = grepl("Rain", precip_type),
                          "was_snowy" = grepl("Snow", precip_type),
                          "was_foggy" = grepl("Fog", precip_type)) %>%
            dplyr::select(-max_gust_kmph, -precip_type)
        # Add this set or records to the table
        weather <- dplyr::bind_rows(weather, wgtab)
    # Return the table!
owenjonesuob/BANEScarparking documentation built on April 21, 2020, 10:15 a.m.