knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
I used to update LCM abstract data by querying PubMed and downloading everything again and geocoding everything again. That's not very efficient, because I only need to query abstracts and geocode for new entries. So here I'll do that and later I'll add the code to the museumst package.
library(tidyverse) library(XML) library(ggmap) library(easyPubMed) library(lubridate) library(museumst)
my_query <- "((laser capture microdissection) OR (laser microdissection)) AND ((microarray) OR (transcriptome) OR (RNA-seq))" my_ids <- get_pubmed_ids(my_query, api_key = Sys.getenv("PUBMED_API_KEY"))
my_xmls <- fetch_pubmed_data(my_ids, format = "xml", retmax = 2000) xmlx_list <- articles_to_list(my_xmls)
con <- file("pubmed_lcm.xml") writeLines(my_xmls, con = con) close(con)
df <- map_dfr(xmlx_list, article_to_df, max_chars = 0)
saveRDS(df, "lcm_info.rds")
For now, I only care about the address of the first author.
df_1st <- df %>% group_by(pmid, title) %>% mutate(author_ord = seq_along(title)) %>% filter(author_ord == 1) %>% select(-author_ord)
Also, I want to exclude reviews, which means I need to get article types.
xmls <- xmlParse("pubmed_lcm.xml") types <- xpathApply(xmls, "//PublicationTypeList") types <- lapply(types, function(x) xmlSApply(x, xmlValue)) is_review <- map_lgl(types, ~ any(.x == "Review"))
What proportion is reviews?
# Old data("lcm_abstracts")
I'll only keep entries not already in the collection and are not reviews.
inds_keep <- !is_review & (!df_1st$pmid %in% lcm_abstracts$pmid)
df_1st <- df_1st[inds_keep, ]
df_1st <- df_1st %>% unite(col = "date_published", year, month, day, sep = "-") %>% mutate(date_published = ymd(date_published))
# Old data("lcm_city_gc")
Just learnt this from Stack Overflow.
df_gc <- df_1st %>% mutate(geodata = purrr::map(address, ~ {if ( NA else geocode(.x, output = "all")})) %>% filter(!
df_gc <- df_gc %>% mutate(address_components = purrr::map(geodata, list("results", 1, "address_components")), to_rm = map_lgl(address_components, is.null)) %>% filter(!to_rm) %>% select(-to_rm)
df_gc <- df_gc %>% mutate(address_components = purrr::map(address_components, ~ as_tibble(transpose(.x)) %>% unnest(c("long_name", "short_name")) %>% unnest("types") %>% unnest("types")), country = map_chr(address_components, ~ .x$long_name[.x$types == "country"]), `state/province` = map_chr(address_components, ~ {out <- .x$long_name[.x$types == "administrative_area_level_1"] if (length(out) == 0) NA_character_ else out })) df_gc <- df_gc %>% mutate(city = map_chr(address_components, ~ {out <- .x$long_name[.x$types == "postal_town"] if (length(out) == 0) out <- .x$long_name[.x$types == "locality"] if (length(out) == 0) out <- .x$long_name[.x$types == "administrative_area_level_2"] if (length(out) == 0) out <- .x$long_name[.x$types == "administrative_area_level_1"] if (length(out) == 0) out <- NA_character_ out }))
Sounds like really dumb, but I'm going to geocode the cities again.
df_gc <- df_gc %>% mutate(`state/province` = str_remove(`state/province`, "\\s(Sheng)|(Shi)$"), city = str_remove(city, "\\s(City)|(Shi)$")) %>% ungroup()
# Only do cities not already in the collection cities <- df_gc %>% select(city, `state/province`, country) %>% distinct() %>% filter(! %>% unite(col = "city2", city, `state/province`, country, remove = FALSE, sep = ", ") %>% mutate(city2 = str_remove(city2, "NA, ")) %>% anti_join(lcm_city_gc, by = "city2") cities_gc <- geocode(cities$city2) cities_gc <- cbind(cities, cities_gc) cities_gc <- sf::st_as_sf(cities_gc, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = sf::st_crs(4326)) %>% select(city, city2, `state/province`, country, geometry)
cities_gc <- bind_rows(cities_gc, lcm_city_gc)
saveRDS(cities_gc, "lcm_city_gc.rds")
I'll only get the abstracts of new entries
abstracts <- map_dfr(xmlx_list[inds_keep], article_to_df, getAuthors = FALSE, max_chars = 1e6)
abstracts <- abstracts %>% select(pmid:journal)
abstracts <- abstracts %>% unite(col = "date_published", year, month, day, sep = "-") %>% mutate(date_published = ymd(date_published)) %>% inner_join(df_gc[, c("pmid", "address", "country", "state/province", "city")])
Also remove empty abstracts
abstracts <- abstracts %>% filter(abstract != "")
abstracts <- abstracts %>% mutate(date_num = as.numeric(date_published))
abstracts <- abstracts %>% unite(col = "city2", city, country, sep = ", ", remove = FALSE)
# append to old collection abstracts <- bind_rows(abstracts, lcm_abstracts)
lcm_abstracts <- abstracts lcm_city_gc <- cities_gc
usethis::use_data(lcm_abstracts, overwrite = TRUE) usethis::use_data(lcm_city_gc, overwrite = TRUE)
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