
Defines functions pfBoxCox

Documented in pfBoxCox

#' Box-Cox transformation of Charcoal series
#' Box-Cox transformation of charcoal series, the maximum likelihood estimation
#' of lambda is derived from the boxcox.R function in the Venables and Ripley
#' MASS library included in R 2.6.1
#' @param serie A vector of charcoal values.
#' @param alpha Numeric, the "shift" parameter, default=0.01.
#' @param type Character, the Box-Cox transformation formulation, can be either
#' "BoxCox1964" (default) for the original Box & Cox (1964) formulation, or
#' "JohnDraper" for the John & Draper (1980) modulus transformation.
#' @return
#' \item{X}{Vector of transformed charcoal values}
#' @author P. Bartlein
#' @seealso \code{\link{pfTransform}}
#' @references Venables, W. N., Ripley, B. D., & Venables, W. N. (1994). Modern
#' applied statistics with S-PLUS (Vol. 250). New York: Springer-verlag. \cr
#' \cr Box, G.E.P. & Cox, D. R.(1964) An analysis of transformations, Journal
#' of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 26, 211-252. \cr \cr John, J. A.
#' & Draper N. R. (1980) Analternative family of transformations, Applied
#' Statistics, 29, 190-197.
#' @examples
#' # Select a site
#' ID=pfSiteSel(site_name=="Pas-de-Fond")
#' # Extract data
#' A=pfExtract(ID)
#' B=pfBoxCox(A[,4],0.1)
#' plot(B,type="l")
pfBoxCox <- function(serie, alpha=0.01, type="BoxCox1964") {
  types <- c("BoxCox1964", "JohnDraper")
  warntype <- type[(type %in% types) == FALSE]
  if (length(warntype) != 0) {
    stop(paste(warntype, "is not a valid type for pfBoxCox", sep = " "))

  # initial minimax rescaling of data, and addition of "shift" parameter (alpha)
  # value used in DP1
  if (alpha == "alternative") {
    alpha <- 0.5 * min(serie[serie != 0]) # alternative alpha: 0.5 time the smallest nonzero value of quant
  quant2 <- serie + alpha

  # maximum likelihood estimation of lambda
  # derived from the boxcox.R function in the Venables and Ripley MASS library included in R 2.6.1

  npts <- 201 # number of estimates of lambda
  y <- quant2
  n <- length(y)
  logy <- log(y)
  ydot <- exp(mean(logy))
  lasave <- matrix(1:npts)
  liksave <- matrix(1:npts)
  for (i in 1:npts) {
    la <- -2.0 + (i - 1) * (4 / (npts - 1))
    if (la != 0.0) yt <- (y^la - 1) / la else yt <- logy * (1 + (la * logy) / 2 * (1 + (la * logy) / 3 * (1 + (la * logy) / 4)))
    zt <- yt / ydot^(la - 1)
    loglik <- -n / 2 * log(sum((zt - mean(zt))^2))
    lasave[i] <- la
    liksave[i] <- loglik
  # print(cbind(lasave,liksave))
  cbind(1, liksave[which.max(liksave)], lasave[which.max(liksave)])
  laopt <- as.character(lasave[which.max(liksave)])
  lafit <- lasave[which.max(liksave)]

  # Box-Cox transformation of data

  # Box-Cox original
  if (type == "BoxCox1964") {
    if (lafit == 0.0) tquant <- log(quant2) else tquant <- (quant2^lafit - 1) / lafit
  # Modulus transformation
  if (type == "JohnDraper") {
    s <- sign(quant2)
    s[s == 0] <- 1

    if (lafit == 0.0) {
      tquant <- s * (log(abs(quant2) + 1))
    } else {
      tquant <- s * (((abs(quant2) + 1)^lafit - 1) / lafit)

paleofire/paleofire documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11:09 a.m.