#' Create input sections for phreeqc
#' @param type The keyword name to use (e.g. SOLUTION)
#' @param number,.number Number of the component
#' @param name,.name Name of the component
#' @param components,... Key/value pairs corresponding to lines of input
#' @param x,y An object created by phreeqc_input
#' @return A character vector with an element for each line
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # pure water solution
#' solution(pH=7, temp=25)
phreeqc_input <- function(type, number = NA, name = "", components = list()) {
# check type input
if(!is.character(type) || (length(type) != 1)) {
stop("'type' must be a character vector of length 1")
# check name input
name <- as.character(name)
if(!is.character(name) || (length(name) != 1)) {
stop("'name' must be a character vector of length 1")
# check number input
number <- as.integer(number)
if(!is.integer(number) || (length(number) != 1)) {
stop("'number' must be a numeric vector of length 1")
# number or name as "NA" means don't include
if(is.na(number)) {
number <- ""
if(is.na(name)) {
name <- ""
# check for non-atomics
lapply(components, function(val) {
if(!is.atomic(val)) stop("Only atomic vectors are allowed in phreeqc_input")
# make sure names(components) is not null
if(is.null(names(components))) {
names(components) <- rep("", length(components))
# create header line, removing "" strings
header <- c(type, number, name)
header <- header[nchar(header) > 0]
# paste args together
lines <- c(
paste(header, collapse = " "),
paste0(" ", vapply(seq_along(components), function(i) {
vals <- c(names(components)[i], phreeqc_escape_values(components[[i]]))
# remove zero-length strings
vals <- vals[nchar(vals) > 0]
# paste values together
paste(vals, collapse = " ")
}, character(1)))
# give custom class to character vector output
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
solution <- function(.number = 1, .name = "", ...) {
phreeqc_input("SOLUTION", number = .number, name = .name, components = list(...))
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
selected_output <- function(.number = 1, ...) {
# names for SELECTED_OUTPUT are preceeded by a "-"
components = list(...)
if(length(components) > 0) {
names(components) <- paste0("-", names(components))
# values of "TRUE" should be just the name, values of "FALSE" should be omitted
# values of NA should be "", NULL doesn't make sense
components <- lapply(components, function(val) {
if(identical(val, TRUE)) {
} else if(identical(val, FALSE)) {
} else if(identical(val, NA)) {
} else if(is.null(val)) {
stop("value of NULL is ambiguous in call to selected_output")
} else {
# remove NULL values
components <- components[!vapply(components, is.null, logical(1))]
# call phreeqc_input
phreeqc_input("SELECTED_OUTPUT", number = .number, name = "", components = components)
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
equilibrium_phases <- function(.number = 1, .name = NA, ...) {
phreeqc_input("EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES", number = .number, name = .name, components = list(...))
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
print.phreeqc_input <- function(x, ...) {
cat(paste(x, collapse = "\n"))
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
is.phreeqc_input <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "phreeqc_input")
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
as.phreeqc_input <- function(x) {
structure(as.character(x), class = c("phreeqc_input", "character"))
#' @rdname phreeqc_input
#' @export
`+.phreeqc_input` <- function(x, y) {
if(!is.phreeqc_input(y)) stop("Cannot add non-phreeqc_input to phreeqc_input")
as.phreeqc_input(c(x, y))
# phreeqc needs quotes backslash escaped
phreeqc_escape_values <- function(vals) {
gsub('"', '\\"', as.character(vals), fixed = TRUE)
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