
context("filename parsing")

product_ids <- c("LC08_L1TP_009029_20170508_20170515_01_T1", # These are from the SW Nova dataset
                 "LT05_L1TP_063013_19960711_20170104_01_T1", # these are from Kevin's LANDSAT R tutorial

archive_files <- file.path("dummy_directory",
                           paste0(product_ids, ".tar.gz"))

image_files <- with(expand.grid(band = c(paste0("B", 1:11), "BQA"), fn = product_ids), {
  file.path("dummy_directory_2", paste0(fn, "_", band, ".TIF"))

test_that("parsing functions generate the correct dimensions of output", {
  # zero-length input
  pid0 <- landsat_parse_product_id(character(0))
  expect_is(pid0, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(pid0), 0L)
  arc0 <- landsat_parse_filename_archive(character(0))
  expect_is(arc0, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(arc0), 0L)
  img0 <- landsat_parse_filename_image(character(0))
  expect_is(img0, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(nrow(img0), 0L)

  # one-length input
  pid1 <- landsat_parse_product_id("LT05_L1TP_063013_19960711_20170104_01_T1")
  expect_is(pid1, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(pid1), 1L)
  arc1 <- landsat_parse_filename_archive("LT05_L1TP_063013_19960711_20170104_01_T1.tar.gz")
  expect_is(arc1, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(arc1), 1L)
  img1 <- landsat_parse_filename_image("LT05_L1TP_063013_19960711_20170104_01_T1_B1.TIF")
  expect_is(img1, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(img1), 1L)

  # expect product ID columns are all valid product IDs
  expect_true(all(grepl(landsatutils:::landsat_product_id_regex, pid1$product_id)))
  expect_true(all(grepl(landsatutils:::landsat_product_id_regex, arc1$product_id)))
  expect_true(all(grepl(landsatutils:::landsat_product_id_regex, img1$product_id)))

  # n-length input
  pidN <- landsat_parse_product_id(product_ids)
  expect_is(pidN, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(pidN), length(product_ids))
  arcN <- landsat_parse_filename_archive(archive_files)
  expect_is(arcN, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(arcN), length(archive_files))
  imgN <- landsat_parse_filename_image(image_files)
  expect_is(imgN, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(imgN), length(image_files))

  # expect product ID columns are all valid product IDs
  expect_true(all(grepl(landsatutils:::landsat_product_id_regex, pidN$product_id)))
  expect_true(all(grepl(landsatutils:::landsat_product_id_regex, arcN$product_id)))
  expect_true(all(grepl(landsatutils:::landsat_product_id_regex, imgN$product_id)))

test_that("paths are propogated through parsing functions", {
  arcN <- landsat_parse_filename_archive(archive_files)
  expect_identical(arcN$path, archive_files)
  imgN <- landsat_parse_filename_image(image_files)
  expect_identical(imgN$path, image_files)

test_that("parsing invalid product IDs generates an error", {

  # make sure error message is case sensitive
  expect_error(landsat_parse_product_id("not a product ID"),
               "The following filenames do not contain valid Landsat product IDs: not a product ID")

  # make sure error is thrown if any values are NA
               "The following filenames do not contain valid Landsat product IDs: NA")

test_that("parsing invalid archive filenames generates an error", {
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat archive filenames:*")
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat archive filenames:*")

  # make sure error message is case sensitive
  expect_error(landsat_parse_filename_archive("not a product ID"),
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat archive filenames: not a product ID")

  # make sure error is thrown if any values are NA
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat archive filenames: NA")

test_that("parsing invalid image filenames generates an error", {
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat image filenames:*")
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat image filenames:*")

  # make sure error message is case sensitive
  expect_error(landsat_parse_filename_image("not a product ID"),
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat image filenames: not a product ID")

  # make sure error is thrown if any values are NA
               "The following filenames are not valid Landsat image filenames: NA")
paleolimbot/landsatutils documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:14 a.m.