
Defines functions callReactionMapping callBNG callNFSim callRxncon2Boolnet callRxncon2BNG callRxncon2Reg callExtractModules loadPackageConfig callPython addQuotes cleanFiles

cleanFiles <- function(files) {
  for (file in files) {
    if (file.exists(file)) {

addQuotes <- function(str) {
  noQuotes <- gsub("^\"", "", str)
  noQuotes <- gsub("\"$", "", noQuotes)

  return(paste0("\"", noQuotes, "\""))

callPython <- function(args) {
  config <- loadPackageConfig()
  pythonCommand <- config$value[config$setting == "pythonCommand"]
  return(suppressWarnings(system2(command = pythonCommand, args = args, stderr = TRUE, stdout = "")))

loadPackageConfig <- function() {
  configFile <- paste0(rappdirs::user_config_dir(appname="kboolnet"), "/config.csv")
  if (!file.exists(configFile)) {
    stop("Package config file could not be found. Please run setupKboolnet() in an interactive terminal first!")

  return(read.csv(file = configFile))

callExtractModules <- function(inFile, outFile, modules="", quality=0, args=c()) {
  path <- paste0(system.file(package="kboolnet"), "/python/extract_modules.py")
  stderr <- callPython(c(addQuotes(path), "--file", addQuotes(inFile), "--modules", paste0('"', paste0(modules, collapse=","), '"'),
                         "--output", addQuotes(outFile), "--quality", quality, args))

  if (any(grepl("Error", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE)) | !file.exists(outFile)) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))

    if (any(grepl("xlrd", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
        stop("Error during module extraction. Error was raised by xlrd module; are you trying to load an xlsx file? xlrd dropped support for xlsx files in v2.0.0, please downgrade to v1.2.0. See FAQ in the repository wiki for more details.")

    stop("Error during module extraction. Please run extract_modules.py on its own with the -v DEBUG flag.")

callRxncon2Reg <- function(inFile, outFile, args=c()) {
  config <- loadPackageConfig()
  path <- paste0(config$value[config$setting == "rxnconDir"], "/rxncon2regulatorygraph.py")
  stderr <-  callPython(c(addQuotes(path), addQuotes(inFile), "--output", addQuotes(outFile), args))

  if (any(grepl("Error", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))
    stop("Error during module plotting. Please run rxncon2regulatorygraph.py on its own with the -v DEBUG flag.")

callRxncon2BNG <- function(inFile, outFile, args=c()) {
  cleanFiles(addQuotes(paste0(outFile, c(".bngl", ".xml", ".rnf"))))
  config <- loadPackageConfig()
  path <- paste0(config$value[config$setting == "rxnconDir"], "/rxncon2bngl.py")
  stderr <- callPython(c(addQuotes(path), addQuotes(inFile), "--output", addQuotes(outFile)))

  if (any(grepl("Error", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))
    stop("Error during BNG file generation. Please run rxncon2bngl.py on its own with the -v DEBUG flag.")

callRxncon2Boolnet <- function(inFile, outFile, args=c()) {
  config <- loadPackageConfig()
  path <- paste0(config$value[config$setting == "rxnconDir"], "/rxncon2boolnet.py")
  stderr <- callPython(c(addQuotes(path), addQuotes(inFile), "--output", addQuotes(outFile), args))

  if (any(grepl("Error", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))
    stop("Error during BoolNet file generation. Please run rxncon2boolnet.py on its own with the -v DEBUG flag.")

callNFSim <- function(inFile, args=c()) {
  config <- loadPackageConfig()
  BNGDir <- config$value[config$setting == "BNGDir"]
  if (BNGDir == "") {
    stop("BioNetGen install directory has not been set. Run setupKboolnet() to fix this.")

  path <- paste0(BNGDir, "/bin/NFsim")
  suppressWarnings(stderr <- system2(addQuotes(path), args = c("-rnf", inFile)))

  if (any(grepl("Error", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))
    stop("Error during NF file generation. Please run NFsim.")

callBNG <- function(inFile, outFile, args=c()) {
  config <- loadPackageConfig()
  BNGDir <- config$value[config$setting == "BNGDir"]
  if (BNGDir == "") {
    stop("BioNetGen install directory has not been set. Run setupKboolnet() to fix this.")

  path <- paste0(BNGDir, "/BNG2.pl")
  suppressWarnings(stderr <- system2(path, args = c(addQuotes(inFile), "--outdir", addQuotes(outFile)), stderr = TRUE, stdout = ""))

  if (any(grepl("(Error|ABORT)", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))
    stop("Error during BNG simulation. Please run BNG2.pl on its own.")

callReactionMapping <- function(inFile, outFile, args=c()) {
  path <- paste0(system.file(package="kboolnet"), "/python/reaction_mapping.py")
  stderr <- callPython(c(path, addQuotes(inFile), "--output", addQuotes(outFile), args))

  if (any(grepl("Error", stderr, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    cat(paste(stderr, "\n"))
    stop("Error during reaction mapping generation. Please run reaction_mapping.py on its own with the -v DEBUG flag.")
palmerito0/kboolnet documentation built on April 27, 2023, 12:41 p.m.