
Defines functions FPhiRegress recPhiRegress precPhiRegress NMBenRegress MBenRegress totBenRegress NMCostRegress MCostRegress totCostRegress NMUtilRegress MUtilRegress totUtilRegress EvalRegressMetrics FPhiClassif recPhiClassif precPhiClassif NMBenClassif MBenClassif totBenClassif NMCostClassif MCostClassif totCostClassif NMUtilClassif MUtilClassif totUtilClassif EvalClassifMetrics

Documented in EvalClassifMetrics EvalRegressMetrics

## Functions for evaluating metrics developed for utility-based learning
## These metrics were developed for both classification and regression tasks 

# matrix/surface provided must always contain the true class/value in 
# the rows and the predicted class/value in the columns

## Classification metrics

EvalClassifMetrics <- function(trues, preds, mtr, type = "util", metrics = NULL,
                               thr = 0.5, beta = 1){
# inputs:  
#   trues:   vector with true classes
#   preds:   vector with predicted classes
#   mtr:     one matrix that can be either a cost, a benefit or a utility
#            matrix.
#            The matrix must be always provided with the true class in 
#            the rows and the predicted class in the columns
#   type:    the type of matrix. Can be set to "util" (the default), "ben"
#            or "cost".
#   metrics: metrics to be evaluated
#   thr:     the threshold on the relevance values used for determining which 
#            are the important classes to consider. This threshold is only 
#            necessary for the following metrics: precPhi, recPhi and FPhi. 
#            These metrics are only available when using a utility matrix.
#   beta:    beta parameter for the F-score
# outputs:   named list with each metric results
  type <- match.arg(type, c("cost", "benefit", "utility"))
  ## Checking trues and preds
  if (!is.null(dim(trues))) stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: expecting a vector as trues.",
  if (!is.null(dim(preds))) stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: expecting a vector as predictions.",
  Cls <- unique(c(levels(as.factor(trues)), levels(as.factor(preds))))
  preds <- factor(preds, levels = Cls)
  trues <- factor(trues, levels = Cls)
  res <- list()

  if (is.null(mtr)) stop("EvalClassifMetrics:: expecting a matrix in param mtr and none provided.",
                         call. = FALSE)
  UtilMetrics <- c("totUtil", "MUtil", "NMUtil", "precPhi", "recPhi", "FPhi")
  CostMetrics <- c("totCost", "MCost", "NMCost")
  BenMetrics <- c("totBen", "MBen", "NMBen")

    if( (type=="utility" && !(metrics %in% UtilMetrics)) || 
        (type=="cost" && !(metrics %in% CostMetrics)) ||
        (type=="benefit" && !(metrics %in% BenMetrics))  ) { 
      stop("EvalClassifMetrics:: The metrics selected do not match the type of matrix provided.",
           call. = FALSE)
  if(is.null(metrics) && type == "utility"){
    metrics <- UtilMetrics
  if(is.null(metrics) && type == "benefit"){
    metrics <- BenMetrics
  if(is.null(metrics) && type == "cost"){
    metrics <- CostMetrics
  if("totUtil" %in% metrics){
    # sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
      res[["totUtil"]] <- totUtilClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("totCost" %in% metrics){ 
    # sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
      res[["totCost"]] <- totCostClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("totBen" %in% metrics){ 
    # sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
    res[["totBen"]] <- totBenClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("MUtil" %in% metrics){ 
    # MU = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y_i)) }{N}: range: [-1, 1]
      res[["MUtil"]] <- MUtilClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("MCost" %in% metrics){ 
    # MCost = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(C(y, \hat(y)))]
    res[["MCost"]] <- MCostClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("MBen" %in% metrics){ 
    # MBen = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N B(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(B(y, \hat(y)))]
    res[["MBen"]] <- MBenClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("NMUtil" %in% metrics){ 
    # NMU= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(U(y_i, \hat(y_i))))+N}{2N}: range:[0,1]
      res[["NMUtil"]] <- NMUtilClassif(trues, preds, mtr)

  if("NMCost" %in% metrics){ 
    # NMC= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(C(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(C(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
    res[["NMCost"]] <- NMCostClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
  if("NMBen" %in% metrics){ 
    # NMB= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(B(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(B(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
    res[["NMBen"]] <- NMBenClassif(trues, preds, mtr)

  if("precPhi" %in% metrics){
    # pre_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
    #               {sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+\phi(\hat{y}_i))}
    res[["precPhi"]] <- precPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)

  if("recPhi" %in% metrics){
    # rec_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
    #               {sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+\phi(y_i))}
    res[["recPhi"]] <- recPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
  if("FPhi" %in% metrics){
    # F_\phi\beta=(1+beta^2)*frac{prec*rec}{beta^2*prec+rec}
    res[["FPhi"]] <- FPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr, beta)


totUtilClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)

MUtilClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)/N

NMUtilClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- (sum(confm*mtr)+N)/(2*N)

totCostClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and cost matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)

MCostClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and cost matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)/N

NMCostClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and cost matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)/(N*max(mtr))

totBenClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and benefit matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)

MBenClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and benefit matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)/N

NMBenClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
  N <- length(trues)
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and benefit matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  res <- sum(confm*mtr)/(N*max(mtr))

precPhiClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr, thr){
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  relClasses <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrow(mtr)){if(mtr[i,i]>thr) relClasses <- c(relClasses, i)}
  tprod <- confm*(mtr+1)
  res <- sum(tprod[,relClasses]) / 

recPhiClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr, thr){
  confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
    stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
         call. = FALSE)
  relClasses <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrow(mtr)){if(mtr[i,i]>thr) relClasses <- c(relClasses, i)}
  tprod <- confm*(mtr+1)
  res <- sum(tprod[relClasses,]) / 

FPhiClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr, thr, beta){
  rec <- recPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
  prec <- precPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
  res <- (1+beta^2)*(prec*rec)/(beta^2*prec + rec)

# Regression metrics
 EvalRegressMetrics <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, type = "util", metrics = NULL,
                                thr = 0.5, control.parms = NULL, beta = 1,
                                maxC = NULL, maxB = NULL){
#   # inputs:  
#   trues:          vector with true values
#   preds:          vector with predicted values
#   util.vals:      the utility values of each pair of points (true, pred) provided
#   type:           the type of surface being considered. Can be set to "util"
#                   (the default), "ben" or "cost".
#   metrics:        metrics to be evaluated
#   thr:            the threshold on the relevance values used to decide which are
#                   the important and unimportant cases
#   beta:           beta parameter for the F-score
#   maxC:           the maximum Cost achievable in the Cost surface
#   maxB:           the maximum Benefit achievable in the Benefit surface
#   control.parms:  the control.parms of the relevance function phi. These are
#                   only necessary for evaluating the following utility metrics:
#                   recPhi, precPhi and FPhi.
# outputs:  named list with each metric results

   type <- match.arg(type, c("cost", "benefit", "utility"))

     ## Checking trues, preds and utility values
  if (!is.null(dim(trues))) stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector as trues.",
                                 call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(dim(preds))) stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector as predictions.",
                                 call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(dim(util.vals))){
    if(type == "utility"){
      stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector with utility values.",
           call. = FALSE)
    } else if (type == "cost"){
      stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector with cost values.",
           call. = FALSE)
    } else if(type == "benefit"){
      stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector with benefit values.",
           call. = FALSE)
   res <- list()
   UtilMetrics <- c("totUtil", "MUtil", "NMUtil")
   UtilMetricsL <- c("totUtil", "MUtil", "NMUtil", "precPhi", "recPhi", "FPhi")
   CostMetrics <- c("totCost", "MCost", "NMCost")
   BenMetrics <- c("totBen", "MBen", "NMBen")
     if( (type=="utility" && !(metrics %in% UtilMetricsL)) || 
         (type=="cost" && !(metrics %in% CostMetrics)) ||
         (type=="benefit" && !(metrics %in% BenMetrics))  ) { 
       stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: The metrics selected do not match the type of matrix provided.",
            call. = FALSE)
   if(is.null(metrics) && type=="utility"){
     if (!is.null(control.parms)){
       metrics <- UtilMetricsL
     } else {
       metrics <- UtilMetrics
   if(is.null(metrics) && type=="benefit"){
     metrics <- BenMetrics
   if(is.null(metrics) && type=="cost"){
     metrics <- CostMetrics
   if(type=="cost" && is.null(maxC)){
     stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: maxC must be set when evaluating cost based metrics",
          call. = FALSE)
   if(type=="benefit" && is.null(maxB)){
     stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: maxB must be set when evaluating benefit based metrics",
          call. = FALSE)
   if("totUtil" %in% metrics){
     # sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
     res[["totUtil"]] <- totUtilRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("totCost" %in% metrics){ 
     # sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
     res[["totCost"]] <- totCostRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("totBen" %in% metrics){ 
     # sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
     res[["totBen"]] <- totBenRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("MUtil" %in% metrics){ 
     # MU = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y_i)) }{N}: range: [-1, 1]
     res[["MUtil"]] <- MUtilRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("MCost" %in% metrics){ 
     # MCost = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(C(y, \hat(y)))]
     res[["MCost"]] <- MCostRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("MBen" %in% metrics){ 
     # MBen = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N B(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(B(y, \hat(y)))]
     res[["MBen"]] <- MBenRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("NMUtil" %in% metrics){ 
     # NMU= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(U(y_i, \hat(y_i))))+N}{2N}: range:[0,1]
     res[["NMUtil"]] <- NMUtilRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
   if("NMCost" %in% metrics){ 
     # NMC= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(C(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(C(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
     res[["NMCost"]] <- NMCostRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, maxC)
   if("NMBen" %in% metrics){ 
     # NMB= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(B(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(B(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
     res[["NMBen"]] <- NMBenRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, maxB)
   if("precPhi" %in% metrics){
     # pre_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
     #               {sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+\phi(\hat{y}_i))}
     res[["precPhi"]] <- precPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
   if("recPhi" %in% metrics){
     # rec_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
     #               {sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+\phi(y_i))}
     res[["recPhi"]] <- recPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
   if("FPhi" %in% metrics){
     # F_\phi\beta=(1+beta^2)*frac{prec*rec}{beta^2*prec+rec}
     res[["FPhi"]] <- FPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, beta, control.parms)
 totUtilRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
   res <- sum(util.vals)
 MUtilRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
    N <- length(trues)
   res <- sum(util.vals)/N
 NMUtilRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
   N <- length(trues)
   res <- (sum(util.vals)+N)/(2*N)
 totCostRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
   res <- sum(util.vals)
 MCostRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
   N <- length(trues)
   res <- sum(util.vals)/N
 NMCostRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, maxC){
   N <- length(trues)
   res <- sum(util.vals)/(N*maxC)
 totBenRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
   res <- sum(util.vals)
 MBenRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
   N <- length(trues)
   res <- sum(util.vals)/N
 NMBenRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, maxB){
   N <- length(trues)
   res <- sum(util.vals)/(N*maxB)

 precPhiRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms){
   imp.ev <- which(phi(preds, control.parms)>thr)
   res <- sum(1+util.vals[imp.ev])/sum(1+phi(preds[imp.ev], control.parms))
 recPhiRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms){
   imp.ev <- which(phi(trues, control.parms)>thr)
   res <- sum(1+util.vals[imp.ev])/sum(1+phi(preds[imp.ev], control.parms))
 FPhiRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, beta, control.parms){
   rec <- recPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
   prec <- precPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
   res <- (1+beta^2)*(prec*rec)/(beta^2*prec + rec)
paobranco/UBL documentation built on May 6, 2021, 6:57 p.m.