# data is a zoo object or a plain vector or matrix
# width is
# - a list of integer vectors representing offsets or a plain vector of widths.
# There is one per time point or its recycled if too short. recycling uses
# by= argument if length(width) is 1; otherwise, by is ignored.
# If width represents widths then they are turned into offsets using align.
# If we are at 5th time of data and width[[5]] is c(-2,-1,0) then FUN is applied
# to positions i + width[[i]] = 5 + c(-2,-1,0) = 3:5 of z (so in terms of
# a width specification it would be the same as width = 3, align = "right").
# Therefore we have the following transformations:
# widths are converted to offsets which are converted to positions.
# The offsets are the components of width and the
# positions are i+width[[i]] after partial processing. partial can be:
# - logical. FALSE means that all offets must exist or else no result is
# produced for that time point. TRUE means that at least one offset must
# exist.
# - numeric. The minimum number of offsets that must exist. If < 0 then
# all elements of the offset must exist. Note that TRUE corresponds to 1
# and FALSE correspoinds to -1. These are the two most common values.
# For points that are not computed they are filled in with fill. fill has
# three elements and is recycled if too short. fill = NULL is the default.
# The elements represent what to fill the left points, interior points and
# right points. NULL causes no filling and "extend" causes the first or
# last point to be repeated or interior points to be linearly approximated.
# wrapper around rollapply which defaults to align = "right"
rollapplyr <- function(..., align = "right") {
rollapply(..., align = align)
rollapply <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("rollapply")
rollapply.default <- function(data, ...) {
if (length(data) < 1L) return(data)
coredata(rollapply(zoo(data), ...))
rollapply.ts <- function(data, ...) {
if (length(data) < 1L) return(data)
as.ts(rollapply(as.zoo(data), ...))
rollapply.zoo <- function(data, width, FUN, ..., by = 1,
by.column = TRUE, fill = if (na.pad) NA, na.pad = FALSE,
partial = FALSE, align = c("center", "left", "right"), coredata = TRUE) {
if (length(data) < 1L) return(data)
if (!missing(na.pad)) {
warning("na.pad argument is deprecated")
if (is.vector(width) && !is.list(width) && length(width) == 1 &&
by.column && length(by) == 1 && by == 1 && (missing(partial) | identical(partial, FALSE)) &&
length(list(...)) < 1 && length(sw <- deparse(substitute(FUN))) == 1) {
if (sw == "mean" && !anyNA(data)) {
return(rollmean(data, width, fill = fill, align = align))
} else if (sw == "median" && width %% 2 == 1 && !anyNA(data)) {
return(rollmedian(data, width, fill = fill, align = align))
} else if (sw == "max") {
return(rollmax(data, width, fill = fill, align = align))
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (by.column && length(dim(data)) == 2) {
z <- do.call(merge,
lapply(1:NCOL(data), function(j)
rollapply(data[, j, drop = TRUE], width = width, FUN = FUN, ...,
by = by, by.column = by.column, fill = fill,
partial = partial, align = align, coredata = coredata)
if (NCOL(data) == 1) dim(z) <- c(length(z), 1)
colnames(z) <- if (NCOL(z) == NCOL(data)) colnames(data)
if (is.logical(partial)) partial <- if (partial) 1 else -1
# convert widths to offsets using align
align <- match.arg(align)
width <- if (!is.list(width)) {
lapply(trunc(width), function(w) {
if (align == "right") seq(to = 0, length.out = w)
else if (align == "center") seq(to = floor(w/2), length.out = w)
else seq(from = 0, length.out = w)
} else {
lapply(width, function(w) {
if(is.null(w)) NULL else trunc(w)
# recycle width (using by if length(width) == 1)
width <- if (length(width) == 1) {
w <- rep(list(NULL), NROW(data))
start.at <- if (partial < 0) max(-min(width[[1]]), 0) + 1 else 1
start.at <- min(NROW(data), start.at)
replace(w, seq(start.at, NROW(data), by = by), width)
} else rep(width, length.out = NROW(data))
f <- if (is.null(dim(data))) {
# undimensioned
# if FUN is to be evaluated at offsets for the ith point then calculate
# positions, do partial processing and apply FUN
function(i, offsets, data, ...) {
if (is.null(offsets)) return(NULL)
posns <- i + offsets
ix <- posns >= 1 & posns <= NROW(data)
if (partial < 0) {
if (all(ix)) FUN(data[posns], ...)
} else if (sum(ix) >= partial) {
FUN(data[replace(posns, !ix, 0)], ...)
} else {
# dimensioned
# same f as in TRUE leg except data[.] becomes data[.,]
function(i, offsets, data, ...) {
if (is.null(offsets)) return(NULL)
posns <- i + offsets
ix <- posns >= 1 & posns <= NROW(data)
if (partial < 0) {
if (all(ix)) FUN(data[posns,], ...)
} else if (sum(ix) >= partial) {
FUN(data[replace(posns, !ix, 0),], ...)
dat <- if(coredata) coredata(data) else data
dat <- mapply(f, seq_along(time(data)), width,
MoreArgs = list(data = dat, ...), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
ix <- !sapply(dat, is.null) # integer indexes of non-nulls
if (!missing(fill) || !missing(na.pad)) {
# replace NULLs with NAs
dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) if (is.null(x)) NA else x)
# construct zoo object
dat <-
if (max(sapply(dat, length)) > 1)
zoo(do.call("rbind", dat), index(data), attr(data, "frequency"))
zoo(do.call("c", dat), index(data), attr(data, "frequency"))
# perform filling
dat <- na.fill(dat, fill, ix)
} else {
# construct zoo object removing points corresponding to NULL
dat <- if (max(sapply(dat, length)) > 1)
zoo(do.call("rbind", dat), index(data)[ix], attr(data, "frequency"))
zoo(do.call("c", dat), index(data)[ix], attr(data, "frequency"))
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