
Defines functions summary.resampling summary.represampling is_represampling print.represampling as.represampling.list as.represampling print.resampling is.resampling validate.resampling as.resampling.list as.resampling.factor as.resampling.default as.resampling tile_neighbors get_small_tiles print.tilename as.tilename.character as.numeric.tilename as.character.tilename as.tilename.numeric as.tilename add.distance.represampling add.distance.resampling add.distance dataset_distance

Documented in add.distance add.distance.represampling add.distance.resampling as.character.tilename as.numeric.tilename as.represampling as.represampling.list as.resampling as.resampling.default as.resampling.factor as.resampling.list as.tilename as.tilename.character as.tilename.numeric dataset_distance get_small_tiles is_represampling is.resampling print.represampling print.resampling print.tilename summary.represampling summary.resampling tile_neighbors validate.resampling

#' @title Calculate mean nearest-neighbour distance between point datasets
#' @description `dataset_distance` calculates Euclidean nearest-neighbour
#'   distances between two point datasets and summarizes these distances using
#'   some function, by default the mean.
#' @param d1 a `data.frame` with (at least) columns with names given by `x_name`
#'   and `y_name`; these contain the x and y coordinates, respectively.
#' @param d2 see `d1`  - second set of points
#' @param x_name name of column in `d1` and `d2` containing the x coordinates of
#'   points.
#' @param y_name same for y coordinates
#' @param fun function to be applied to the vector of nearest-neighbor
#' distances of `d1` from `d2`.
#' @param method type of distance metric to be used; only `'euclidean'` is
#'   currently supported.
#' @param ... additional arguments to `fun`.
#' @return depends on `fun`; typically (e.g., `mean`) a numeric vector
#' of length 1
#' @details Nearest-neighbour distances are calculated for each point in `d1`,
#'   resulting in a vector of length `nrow(d1)`, and `fun` is applied to this
#'   vector.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))
#' dataset_distance(df, df) # == 0
#' @name dataset_distance
#' @aliases dataset_distance
#' @seealso [add.distance]
#' @export
dataset_distance <- function(d1,
                             x_name = "x",
                             y_name = "y",
                             fun = mean,
                             method = "euclidean",
                             ...) {
  method <- tolower(method)
  if (method != "euclidean") {
    if (method == "euclidian") { # nocov start # nolint
      warning("correct spelling is 'Euclidean', not 'Euclidian'")
      method <- "euclidean"
    else {
      warning("only Euclidean distance is currently implemented\n")
    } # nocov end
  di <- rep(NA, nrow(d1))
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(d1))) {
    di[i] <- min(sqrt((d2[, x_name] - d1[i, x_name])^2 + # nolint
      (d2[, y_name] - d1[i, y_name])^2)) # nolint
  if (!is.null(fun)) {
    di <- fun(di, ...)

#' @title Add distance information to resampling objects
#' @name add.distance
#' @inheritParams partition_cv
#' @param object [resampling] or [represampling] object.
#' @param mode Use `future.apply::future_lapply()` for parallelized
#'   execution if `mode = "future"`, and `lapply` for sequential
#'   execution otherwise (`mode = "sequential"`)
#' @param ... Additional arguments to [dataset_distance] and
#'   [add.distance.resampling], respectively.
#' @return A [resampling] or [represampling] object containing an additional.
#'   `$distance` component in each [resampling] object. The `distance` component
#'   is a single numeric value indicating, for each `train` / `test` pair, the
#'   (by default, mean) nearest-neighbour distance between the two sets.
#' @details Nearest-neighbour distances are calculated for each sample in the
#'   test set. These `nrow(???$test)` nearest-neighbour distances are then
#'   averaged. Aggregation methods other than `mean` can be chosen using the
#'   `fun` argument, which will be passed on to [dataset_distance].
#' @seealso [dataset_distance] [represampling]
#' [resampling]
#' @examples
#' # Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
#' nsp.parti <- partition_cv(ecuador)
#' sp.parti <- partition_kmeans(ecuador)
#' nsp.parti <- add.distance(nsp.parti, data = ecuador)
#' sp.parti <- add.distance(sp.parti, data = ecuador)
#' # non-spatial partioning: very small test-training distance:
#' nsp.parti[[1]][[1]]$distance
#' # spatial partitioning: more substantial distance, depending on number of
#' # folds etc.
#' sp.parti[[1]][[1]]$distance
#' @export
add.distance <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("add.distance") # nolint

#' @rdname add.distance
#' @name add.distance.resampling
#' @method add.distance resampling
#' @export
add.distance.resampling <- function(object, data, coords = c("x", "y"), ...) { # nolint
  for (j in seq_along(object)) {
    test_dist <- dataset_distance(data[object[[j]]$test, coords],
      data[object[[j]]$train, coords],
      x_name = coords[1], y_name = coords[2], ...
    object[[j]]$distance <- test_dist

#' @rdname add.distance
#' @name add.distance.represampling
#' @method add.distance represampling
#' @export
add.distance.represampling <- function(object,
                                       data, coords = c("x", "y"),
                                       mode = "future", ...) { # nolint
  if (mode == "future") {
    object <- future.apply::future_lapply(object,
                                          data = data, coords = coords,
                                          ...) # nolint
  } else {
    object <- lapply(object, add.distance.resampling,
                     data = data, coords = coords, ...)
  class(object) <- "represampling"

#' @title Alphanumeric tile names
#' @description Functions for generating and handling alphanumeric tile names of
#'   the form `'X2:Y7'` as used by [partition_tiles] and
#'   [represampling_tile_bootstrap].
#' @name as.tilename
#' @aliases tilename
#' @param x object of class `tilename`, `character`, or `numeric` (of length 2).
#' @param ... additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @return object of class `tilename`, `character`, or numeric vector of length
#'   2
#' @examples
#' tnm <- as.tilename(c(2, 3))
#' tnm # 'X2:Y3'
#' as.numeric(tnm) # c(2,3)
#' @seealso [partition_tiles], [represampling],
#' [represampling_tile_bootstrap]
#' @export
as.tilename <- function(x, # nolint
                        ...) {
  UseMethod("as.tilename", x)

#' @rdname as.tilename
#' @name as.tilename_numeric
#' @method as.tilename numeric
#' @export
as.tilename.numeric <- function(x,
                                ...) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == 2)
  stopifnot(all(x >= 0))
  stopifnot(x == round(x))
  x <- paste("X", x[1], ":Y", x[2], sep = "")
  class(x) <- "tilename"

#' @rdname as.tilename
#' @name as.character.tilename
#' @method as.character tilename
#' @export
as.character.tilename <- function(x,
                                  ...) {
  class(x) <- "character"

#' @rdname as.tilename
#' @name as.numeric.tilename
#' @method as.numeric tilename
#' @export
as.numeric.tilename <- function(x, # nolint # nocov start
                                ...) {
  x <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1]]
  if (length(x) != 2) {
    stop("tilename objects must have the form 'X3:Y5' etc.")
  x <- c(as.numeric(substring(x[1], 2)), as.numeric(substring(x[2], 2)))
  stopifnot(all(x >= 0))

#' @rdname as.tilename
#' @name as.tilename_character
#' @method as.tilename character
#' @export
as.tilename.character <- function(x,
                                  ...) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  class(x) <- "tilename"

#' @rdname as.tilename
#' @name print.tilename
#' @method print tilename
#' @export
print.tilename <- function(x,
                           ...) {
} # nocov end

#' @title Identify small partitions that need to be fixed.
#' @description `get_small_tiles` identifies partitions (tiles) that are too
#'   small according to some defined criterion / criteria (minimum number of
#'   samples in tile and/or minimum fraction of entire dataset).
#' @param tile factor: tile/partition names for all samples; names must be
#'   coercible to class [tilename], i.e. of the form `'X4:Y2'` etc.
#' @param min_n integer (optional): minimum number of samples per partition_
#' @param min_frac numeric >0, <1: minimum relative size of partition as
#'   percentage of sample.
#' @param ignore character vector: names of tiles to be ignored, i.e. to be
#'   retained even if the inclusion criteria are not met.
#' @return character vector: names of tiles that are considered 'small'
#'   according to these criteria
#' @seealso [partition_tiles], [tilename]
#' @examples
#' # Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
#' # Rectangular partitioning without removal of small tiles:
#' parti <- partition_tiles(ecuador, nsplit = c(10, 10), reassign = FALSE)
#' summary(parti)
#' length(parti[[1]])
#' # Same in factor format for the application of get_small_tiles:
#' parti_fac <- partition_tiles(ecuador,
#'   nsplit = c(10, 10), reassign = FALSE,
#'   return_factor = TRUE
#' )
#' get_small_tiles(parti_fac[[1]], min_n = 20) # tiles with less than 20 samples
#' parti2 <- partition_tiles(ecuador,
#'   nsplit = c(10, 10), reassign = TRUE,
#'   min_n = 20, min_frac = 0
#' )
#' length(parti2[[1]]) # < length(parti[[1]])
#' @export
get_small_tiles <- function(tile, min_n = NULL, min_frac = 0, ignore = c()) {
  # Number of samples in each tile:
  n_tile <- tapply(tile, tile, length)
  # Number of tiles:
  n_tiles <- length(n_tile)
  # Find the small ones:
  small_tile <- rep(FALSE, n_tiles)
  if (is.null(min_n) & is.null(min_frac)) {
      "either 'min_n' or 'min_frac' must be specified in", # nocov
      " 'get_small_tiles'"
    )) # nocov
  if (!is.null(min_n)) {
    small_tile <- small_tile | (n_tile < min_n)
  if (!is.null(min_frac)) {
    small_tile <- small_tile | (n_tile * n_tiles / length(tile) < min_frac)
  if (any(small_tile)) {
    small_tile <- levels(tile)[small_tile] # nocov
  else {
    small_tile <- character()
  if ((length(small_tile) > 0) & (length(ignore) > 0)) { # nolint
    small_tile <- small_tile[!(small_tile %in% as.character(ignore))] # nocov
  # Order 'small' tiles, smallest one first:
  if (length(small_tile) > 0) {
    small_tile <- small_tile[order(n_tile[small_tile], decreasing = FALSE)] # nocov # nolint
  factor(small_tile, levels = levels(tile))

#' @title Determine the names of neighbouring tiles in a rectangular pattern
#' @description This based on 'counting' up and down based on the tile name.
#' @param nm Character string or factor: name of a tile, e.g., `'X4:Y6'`
#' @param tileset Admissible tile names; if missing and `nm` is a factor
#'   variable, then `levels(nm)` is used as a default for `tileset`.
#' @param iterate internal - do not change default: to control behaviour in an
#'   interactive call to this function.
#' @param diagonal if `TRUE`, diagonal neighbours are also considered
#'   neighbours.
#' @return Character string.
#' @name tile_neighbors
#' @export
tile_neighbors <- function(nm, # nocov start # nolint
                           iterate = 0,
                           diagonal = FALSE) {
  if (missing(tileset)) {
    if (is.factor(nm)) {
      tileset <- levels(nm)
    else {
      tileset <- NULL
  nm <- as.character(nm)
  wh <- as.numeric.tilename(as.tilename(nm)) # nolint

  # Initial neighbors list:
  nbr <- c()
  for (i in c(-1, 0, 1)) {
    if (wh[1] + i >= 0) {
      for (j in c(-1, 0, 1)) {
        if (!diagonal & i * j != 0) {
        if (i == j) {
        if (wh[2] + j >= 0) {
          nbr <- c(nbr, as.character(as.tilename(wh + c(i, j)))) # nolint

  if (!is.null(tileset)) {
    # If neighbors are not in 'tileset' (i.e. have been removed e.g. because
    # they were too small) then continue search up to 'iterate' times/steps:
    if (!any(nbr %in% tileset) & (iterate > 0)) {
      nbrs <- c()
      for (a.nbr in nbr) {
        nbrs <- c(nbrs, tile_neighbors(
          nm = a.nbr,
          tileset = tileset,
          iterate = iterate - 1
      nbr <- nbrs
      nbr <- nbr[nbr != nm]
    # Now remove any neighbor tiles that are not contained in the 'tileset',
    # i.e. have been removed previously (presumably because they were too small,
    # or out of range):
    nbr <- nbr[nbr %in% tileset]

  if (!is.null(tileset)) {
    nbr <- factor(nbr, levels = tileset)

} # nocov end

#' @title Resampling objects such as partitionings or bootstrap samples
#' @description Create/coerce and print resampling objects, e.g., partitionings
#'   or bootstrap samples derived from a data set.
#' @param object depending on the function/method, a list or a vector of type
#'   factor defining a partitioning of the dataset.
#' @param x object of class `resampling`.
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @name as.resampling
#' @return `as.resampling` methods: An object of class `resampling`.
#' @details A `resampling` object is a list of lists defining a set of training
#'   and test samples.
#' In the case of `k`-fold cross-validation partitioning, for example, the
#' corresponding `resampling` object would be of length `k`, i.e. contain `k`
#' lists. Each of these `k` lists defines a training set of size `n(k-1)/k`
#' (where `n` is the overall sample size), and a test set of size `n/k`. The
#' `resampling` object does, however, not contain the data itself, but only
#' indices between `1` and `n` identifying the selection (see Examples).
#' Another example is bootstrap resampling. [represampling_bootstrap] with
#' argument `oob = TRUE` generates [`rep`]`resampling` objects with indices of a
#' bootstrap sample in the `train` component and indices of the out-of-bag
#' sample in the test component (see Examples below).
#' `as.resampling.factor`: For each factor level of the input variable,
#' `as.resampling.factor` determines the indices of samples in this level (=
#' test samples) and outside this level (= training samples). Empty levels of
#' `object` are dropped without warning.
#' `as.resampling_list` checks if the list in `object` has a valid `resampling`
#' object structure (with components `train` and `test` etc.) and assigns the
#' class attribute `'resampling'` if successful.
#' @examples
#' # Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
#' # Partitioning by elevation classes in 200 m steps:
#' parti <- factor(as.character(floor(ecuador$dem / 200)))
#' smp <- as.resampling(parti)
#' summary(smp)
#' # Compare:
#' summary(parti)
#' # k-fold (non-spatial) cross-validation partitioning:
#' parti <- partition_cv(ecuador)
#' parti <- parti[[1]] # the first (and only) resampling object in parti
#' # data corresponding to the test sample of the first fold:
#' str(ecuador[parti[[1]]$test, ])
#' # the corresponding training sample - larger:
#' str(ecuador[parti[[1]]$train, ])
#' # Bootstrap training sets, out-of-bag test sets:
#' parti <- represampling_bootstrap(ecuador, oob = TRUE)
#' parti <- parti[[1]] # the first (and only) resampling object in parti
#' # out-of-bag test sample: approx. one-third of nrow(ecuador):
#' str(ecuador[parti[[1]]$test, ])
#' # bootstrap training sample: same size as nrow(ecuador):
#' str(ecuador[parti[[1]]$train, ])
#' @seealso [represampling], [partition_cv],
#' [partition_kmeans], [represampling_bootstrap], etc.
#' @aliases as.resampling resampling
#' @export
as.resampling <- function(object, # nolint
                          ...) {
  if (inherits(object, "resampling")) {
  } else {
    return(UseMethod("as.resampling", object))

#' @rdname as.resampling
#' @name as.resampling_default
#' @method as.resampling default
#' @export
as.resampling.default <- function(object,
                                  ...) {
  as.resampling.factor(factor(object)) # nocov

#' @rdname as.resampling
#' @name as.resampling.factor
#' @method as.resampling factor
#' @export
as.resampling.factor <- function(object,
                                 ...) {
  object <- factor(object) # drop empty level

  # Turn factor levels into test sets, one after the other:
  resampling <- lapply(levels(object), function(x, spl) {
    list(train = which(spl != x), test = which(spl == x))
  }, spl = object)
  # result is a list with nlevels (object) levels
  names(resampling) <- levels(object)
  class(resampling) <- "resampling"

#' @rdname as.resampling
#' @name as.resampling_list
#' @method as.resampling list
#' @export
as.resampling.list <- function(object,
                               ...) {
  stopifnot(validate.resampling(object)) # nolint
  class(object) <- "resampling"

#' @rdname as.resampling
#' @name validate.resampling
#' @export
validate.resampling <- function(object) { # nolint
  if (!is.list(object)) {
    return(FALSE) # nocov
  for (i in seq_along(object)) {
    if (!is.list(object[[i]])) {
      return(FALSE) # nocov
    if (length(object[[i]]) < 2) {
      return(FALSE) # nocov
    if (!all(c("train", "test") %in% names(object[[i]]))) {
      return(FALSE) # nocov
    if (!is.numeric(object[[i]]$train) || !is.numeric(object[[i]]$test)) {
      return(FALSE) # nocov

#' @rdname as.resampling
#' @name is.resampling
#' @export
is.resampling <- function(x, # nocov #nolint
                          ...) {
  inherits(x, "resampling")

#' @rdname as.resampling
#' @name print.resampling
#' @method print resampling
#' @export

# nocov start
print.resampling <- function(x,
                             ...) {
  cat("\nSample sizes in resampling object with", length(x), "folds:\n")
  print(as.data.frame(t(sapply(x, function(y) sapply(y, length)))))
} # nocov end

#' @title Resampling objects with repetition, i.e. sets of partitionings or
#'   bootstrap samples
#' @description Functions for handling `represampling` objects, i.e. `list`s of
#'   [resampling] objects.
#' @param object object of class `represampling`, or a list to be coerced to
#'   this class.
#' @param x object of class `represampling`.
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @name as.represampling
#' @return `as.represampling` methods return an object of class `represampling`
#'   with the contents of `object`.
#' @details `represampling` objects are (names) lists of [resampling] objects.
#'   Such objects are typically created by [partition_cv], [partition_kmeans],
#'   [represampling_disc_bootstrap] and related functions.
#'   In `r`-repeated `k`-fold cross-validation, for example, the corresponding
#'   `represampling` object has length `r`, and each of its `r` [resampling]
#'   objects has length `k`.
#'   `as.resampling_list` coerces `object` to class `represampling` while
#'   coercing its elements to [resampling] objects. Some validity checks are
#'   performed.
#' @seealso [resampling], [partition_cv], [partition_kmeans],
#'   [represampling_disc_bootstrap], etc.
#' @examples
#' # Muenchow et al. (2012), see ?ecuador
#' # Partitioning by elevation classes in 200 m steps:
#' fac <- factor(as.character(floor(ecuador$dem / 300)))
#' summary(fac)
#' parti <- as.resampling(fac)
#' # a list of lists specifying sets of training and test sets,
#' # using each factor at a time as the test set:
#' str(parti)
#' summary(parti)
#' @aliases as.represampling represampling
#' @export
as.represampling <- function(object, # nolint
                             ...) {
  if (inherits(object, "represampling")) {
    object # nocov
  else {
    UseMethod("as.represampling", object)

#' @rdname as.represampling
#' @name as.represampling_list
#' @method as.represampling list
#' @export
as.represampling.list <- function(object,
                                  ...) {
  valid <- sapply(object, validate.resampling) # nolint
  # nocov start
  if (any(!valid)) {
    msg <- paste(
      "cannot coerce to 'represampling' object: invalid list
                 elements number\n   ",
      paste(which(!valid), collapse = " ")
    stop(msg) # nocov end
  object <- lapply(object, as.resampling) # nolint
  class(object) <- "represampling"

#' @rdname as.represampling
#' @name print.represampling
#' @method print represampling
#' @export

# nocov start
print.represampling <- function(x,
                                ...) {
  txt <- paste("Replicated Selection Object (r=", length(x), ")", sep = "")
  cat("\n", txt, "\n", sep = "")
  cat(paste(rep("-", nchar(txt)), collapse = ""), "\n\n")
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
} # nocov end

#' @rdname as.represampling
#' @name is_represampling
#' @export
is_represampling <- function(object) inherits(object, "represampling") # nocov

#' title Summary statistics for a resampling objects
#' @description Calculates sample sizes of training and test sets within
#'   repetitions and folds of a `resampling` or `represampling` object.
#' @name summary.represampling
#' @method summary represampling
#' @param object A `resampling` or `represampling` object.
#' @param ... currently ignored.
#' @return A list of `data.frame`s summarizing the sample sizes of training and
#'   test sets in each fold of each repetition.
#' @export
summary.represampling <- function(object,
                                  ...) {
  lapply(object, function(x) {
    as.data.frame(t(sapply(x, function(y) {
        n.train = length(y$train),
        n.test = length(y$test)

#' @rdname summary.represampling
#' @name summary.resampling
#' @method summary resampling
#' @export
summary.resampling <- function(object, # nocov start
                               ...) {
  as.data.frame(t(sapply(object, function(y) {
      n.train = length(y$train),
      n.test = length(y$test)
} # nocov end
pat-s/sperrorest documentation built on June 6, 2023, 7:51 a.m.