
n <- 1000
B <- matrix(0,nrow=3,ncol=4)
B[3,1:2] <- 2
B[2,2:3] <- 1
B[1,1] <- .5
X <- matrix(rbinom(n*nrow(B), size=1, prob=.5), n, nrow(B))
E <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, rep(0,4), Sigma=diag(4))
Y <- X %*% B + E
o <- mvtb(Y=Y, X=X)

test_that("n.trees", {
  r <- mvtb(X=X, Y=Y, n.trees=50)
  expect_equal(r$best.trees$train, rep(50, 4))

test_that("train.fraction", {
for(i in seq(.1, .9, by=.1)) {
    r <- mvtb(X=X, Y=Y, n.trees=1, train.fraction=i)
    expect_equal(r$models[[1]]$params$num_train, floor(n*i))

test_that("bag.fraction", {
  r <- mvtb(X=X, Y=Y, n.trees=10, train.fraction=1, bag.fraction=.5)
  for(i in 1:4) { expect_equal(r$models[[i]]$params$bag_fraction, .5) }

test_that("subsetting", {
  r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5,bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500,save.cv=TRUE)
  expect_equal(r$s, 1:500) # should be in this order correct order


test_that("compress", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=FALSE)
    expect_true(all(!(sapply(r,class) %in% "raw"))) # none of the objects are raw
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=TRUE)
    expect_true(all(sapply(r,class) == "raw")) # all of the objects are raw
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T)
    expect_true(all(!(sapply(r,class)) %in% "raw")) # none of the objects are raw
    expect_true(all(!(sapply(r$cv.mods,class) %in% "raw"))) # none of the cv objects are raw
    r1 <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=TRUE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T)
    expect_true(all(sapply(r1,class) == "raw")) # all of the objects are raw
    expect_equal(class(r1$cv.mods),"raw") # the cv.mods object is raw
    expect_lt(object.size(r1), object.size(r)) # just verify that the object sizes are as they should be

test_that("mvtb.uncomp", {
  rc <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5,  compress=TRUE)
  r  <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5,  compress=FALSE)
  r2 <- mvtb.uncomp(rc)
  r$params$compress <- TRUE # set to TRUE so that the comparison is legitimate

test_that("iter.details", {
    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5,  compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T, iter.details = T)
    expect_true(all(c("train.err", "test.err", "cv.err", "cv.mods") %in% names(r)))
    expect_length(r$test.err[[1]], r$best.trees$train[1])
    expect_length(r$train.err[[1]], r$best.trees$train[1])
    expect_length(r$cv.err[[1]], r$best.trees$train[1])
    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5,  compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=F, iter.details = F)
    r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5,  compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T, iter.details = F)

test_that("verbose", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    expect_silent(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T, verbose = F))
    expect_output(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=5, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T, verbose = T))


# r <- mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=500, train.fraction=.5, bag.fraction=.5,s=1:500, compress=FALSE, cv.folds=3, save.cv=T, mc.cores=3)

test_that("keep.data", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, keep.data=FALSE)
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, keep.data=TRUE)

test_that("distribution", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50)
    expect_equal(r$models[[1]]$distribution$name,"Gaussian") # default is gaussian
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, distribution="Gaussian")   
    expect_error(mvtb(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, distribution="bernoulli")) # correctly passes bernoulli to gbm 

test_that("train.fraction and s", {
## Test 
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    for(i in seq(.1,.9,by=.1)) {    
        r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=10,train.fraction=i,s=1:floor(n*i),save.cv=TRUE)
        expect_true(all(r$s %in% 1:floor(n*i)))

test_that("interaction depth", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    r <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, interaction.depth=1)
    r2 <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, interaction.depth=2)
    r3 <- f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, interaction.depth=2)
    # totalnumber of nodes for a given "interaction depth" (which is the number of splits) is 3*n + 1:
    # = {l,r,NA}*n + root
    # interaction depth = number of splits.
    n <- 1:3
    nodes <- 3*n+1
    expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(r$finaltree[[1]],function(t){length(t[[1]])})) == nodes[1]))
    expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(r2$finaltree[[1]],function(t){length(t[[1]])})) == nodes[2]))
    expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(r3$finaltree[[1]],function(t){length(t[[1]])})) == nodes[3]))

test_that("checks", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    # test errors
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, shrinkage=2))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, shrinkage=0))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, shrinkage=-1))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, train.fraction=2))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, train.fraction=0))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, train.fraction=-1))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, bag.fraction=-1))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, bag.fraction=0))
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, bag.fraction=2))
    Y[1,1] <- NA
    expect_error(f(X=X,Y=Y,n.trees=50, bag.fraction=2))

test_that("input", {
  for(f in c(mvtb)){
    # test data frame
    Y <- X %*% B + E
    Xf <- as.data.frame(X)
    Yf <- as.data.frame(Y)
    out <- try(f(Y=Yf,X=Xf))
    # test single predictor case
    n <- 1000
    B <- matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=4)
    B[1,1:2] <- 1
    X <- matrix(rbinom(n,size=1,prob=.5),n,nrow(B))
    E <- matrix(rnorm(n*4),nrow=n,ncol=4)
    Y <- X %*% B + E
    expect_is(f(Y=Y,X=as.data.frame(X)), "mvtb")
    Xf <- as.factor(X)
    expect_is(f(Y=Y,X=Xf), "mvtb")
    # test single outcome, single predictor
    n <- 1000
    B <- matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=1)
    B[1,1] <- 1
    X <- matrix(rbinom(n,size=1,prob=.5),n,nrow(B))
    E <- matrix(rnorm(n*nrow(B)),nrow=n,ncol=nrow(B))
    Y <- X %*% B + E
    expect_is(f(Y=Y,X=X), "mvtb")
    # test single outcome, single predictor
    n <- 1000
    B <- matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=1)
    B[1,1] <- 1
    X <- matrix(rbinom(n,size=1,prob=.5),n,nrow(B))
    E <- matrix(rnorm(n*nrow(B)),nrow=n,ncol=nrow(B))
    Y <- X %*% B + E
    yf <- as.numeric(Y < 0)
    expect_is(f(Y=yf,X=X,distribution="bernoulli"), "mvtb")
    # test vectors
    expect_is(mvtb(Y=Y[,,drop=TRUE],X=X[,,drop=TRUE]), "mvtb")
    x <- rnorm(1000)
    y <- x*5 + rnorm(1000)
    expect_is(f(Y=y,X=x), "mvtb")
patr1ckm/mvtboost documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:21 p.m.