
Defines functions itsa.postest

Documented in itsa.postest

#' Post-estimating ITSA models
#' Function to produce post-estimation plots from the itsa.model function.
#' @param model define ITSA model results object.
#' @param no.plots logical, specify whether function should present post-estimation plots (default is FALSE).
#' @param alpha define alpha level for test statistics, default is 0.05.
#' @param bootstrap logical, declare if itsa.model was bootstrapped for plot of these results.
#' @param print logical, specify whether the main model result should be printed to the console.
#' @return Returns a list containing post-estimation test results and four plots (plus one additional if bootstrapping applied) which are also sent directly to the plot tab.
#' @export itsa.postest
#' @details This function runs and reports post-estimation tests on fits from the itsa.model function, and generates four plots.
#' Main tests are whether two key ANCOVA assumptions are met, and an additional autocorrelation test for the time series framework.
#' The Shapiro-Wilks test examines the residuals from the fitted model for abnormality. A p-value less than alpha indicates abnormal residuals. In this instance, the user should consider replicating the its.analysis model design using a non-parametric ANCOVA equivalent.
#' The Levene's Test makes sure that there are equal variances between the treated groups. A p-value less than alpha indicates heterogeneous variances.
#' A QQ-Norm and Boxplot are generated with the test results overlaid (respectively), with a Residual v Fitted and Autocorrelation Function Plot also generated.
#' The results of bootstrap estimations in itsa.model will be plotted, unless argument is switched to FALSE. See plot.boot help file for assistance on interpreting these plots.
#' Default is to generate plots and summary table, but plots may be overridden using no.plots argument.
#' Default alpha value for post-estimation statistics is 0.05, test results will suggest potential presence of problems at higher values (and also at higher levels relative to a user-defined alpha), but user discretion is needed (examined in tandem with the Residuals v Fitted plot).
#' See 'itsa.model' documentation for further information.

itsa.postest <- function(model = NULL, no.plots = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, bootstrap = TRUE, print = TRUE) {

  if(missing(model)) {
    stop("Error: model object not defined", call.=TRUE)

  user.ops <- options()

  options(show.signif.stars = FALSE, contrasts = c("contr.sum","contr.poly"))


  if(no.plots==FALSE) {

    ### Plots

    ## Bootstrap plot

      plot(model$fstat.bootstrap, index=1)
      bootstrap.plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()


    # Result text objects
    stest_ob <- paste("Shapiro-Wilk Test of Abnormality: p =", model$shapiro.test)
    ltest_ob <- paste("Levene's Test of Heterogeneous Variances: p =", model$levenes.test)

    # Residual v Fitted
    graphics::plot(model$fitted.values, model$residuals,
                   main="ITSA Residuals v Fitted Plot",
                   xlab="ITSA Fitted Values",
                   ylab="ITSA Residuals")
    graphics::abline(0,0, col="red")
    residual.plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()

    # ACF plot
    forecast::Acf(model$residuals, main="ITSA Autocorrelation Plot")
    acf.plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()

    # DV v Factor boxplot

    graphics::boxplot(model$dependent ~ model$interrupt_var,
                      main="Group Variances",
                      xlab="Time Period",
                      ylab="Dependent Variable")
    graphics::mtext(ltest_ob, side=3)
    variance.plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()

    # QQ-Norm plot
                  main="ITSA QQ-Norm Plot")
    stats::qqline(model$residuals, col="red")
    graphics::mtext(stest_ob, side=3)
    qqnorm.plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()

    ## Summary Table
    stest <- model$shapiro.test
    ltest <- model$levenes.test

    if(stest < alpha){
      stest_r <- "Non-normality present. Consider a non-parametric alternative test."
      if(stest < alpha * 4){
        stest_r <- "Non-normality could be present"

        stest_r <- "Non-normality not present"

    if(ltest < alpha){
      ltest_r <- "Heterogeneous variances present"
      if(ltest < alpha * 2){
        ltest_r <- "Heterogeneous variances could be present"
        ltest_r <- "Heterogeneous variances not present"

    acftest <- model$autcorr
    acftest_r <- ifelse(acftest=="Evidence of autocorrelation", "Autocorrelation may be present", "Autocorrelation not present")

    x <- c("Shapiro-Wilk", "Levene's", "Autocorrelation")
    p <- c(stest, ltest, "NA")
    y <- c(stest_r, ltest_r, acftest_r)

    z <- as.data.frame(cbind(x, p, y))

    colnames(z) <- c("Test", "P-value", "Result")

    itsa.postest.results <- as.list("ITSA Post-Estimation")
    itsa.postest.results$test_results <- z
      itsa.postest.results$bootstrap_plot <- bootstrap.plot
    itsa.postest.results$residual_plot <- residual.plot
    itsa.postest.results$acf_plot <- acf.plot
    itsa.postest.results$variance_plot <- variance.plot
    itsa.postest.results$qqnorm_plot <- qqnorm.plot




  else {

    ## Summary Table

    stest <- model$shapiro.test
    ltest <- model$levenes.test

    if(stest < alpha){
      stest_r <- "Non-normality present"
      if(stest < alpha * 4){
        stest_r <- "Non-normality could be present"

        stest_r <- "Non-normality not present"

    if(ltest < alpha){
      ltest_r <- "Heterogeneous variances present"
      if(ltest < alpha * 2){
        ltest_r <- "Heterogeneous variances could be present"

        ltest_r <- "Heterogeneous variances not present"

    acftest <- model$autcorr
    acftest_r <- ifelse(acftest=="Evidence of autocorrelation", "Autocorrelation may be present", "Autocorrelation not present")

    x <- c("Shapiro-Wilk", "Levene's", "Autocorrelation")
    p <- c(stest, ltest, "NA")
    y <- c(stest_r, ltest_r, acftest_r)

    z <- as.data.frame(cbind(x, p, y))

    colnames(z) <- c("Test", "P-value", "Result")

    itsa.postest.results <- as.list("ITSA Post-Estimation")
    itsa.postest.results$test_results <- z
    itsa.postest.results$plots <- "No plots forced"




patrick-eng/ITS.analysis documentation built on Jan. 5, 2021, 2:46 a.m.