
Defines functions stop.syscall df.pref.check check.singleint.null2minus peval psel.indices psel

Documented in peval psel psel.indices

#' Preference Selection
#' Evaluates a preference on a given data set, i.e., 
#' returns the maximal elements of a data set for a given preference order.
#' @param df A data frame or, for a grouped preference selection, a grouped data frame. See below for details.
#' @param pref The preference order constructed via \code{\link{complex_pref}} and \code{\link{base_pref}}. 
#'             All variables occurring in the definition of \code{pref} must be either columns of the data frame \code{df} 
#'             or variables/functions of the environment where \code{pref} was defined.
#' @param ... Additional (optional) parameters for top(-level)-k selections:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{top}}{A \code{top} value of k means that the k-best tuples of the data set are returned. 
#'     This may be non-deterministic, see below for details.}
#'     \item{\code{at_least}}{An \code{at_least} value of k returns the top-k tuples and additionally all tuples which are 
#'     not dominated by the worst tuple (i.e. the minima) of the Top-k set. 
#'     The number of tuples returned is greater or equal than
#'      \code{at_least}. In contrast to top-k, this is deterministic.}
#'     \item{\code{top_level}}{A \code{top_level} value of k returns all tuples from the k-best levels. See below for the definition of a level.}
#'     \item{\code{and_connected}}{Logical value, which is only relevant if more than one of the above \{\code{top}, \code{at_least}, \code{top_level}\} 
#'     values is given, otherwise it will be ignored. 
#'     Then \code{and_connected = TRUE} (which is the default) means that all top-conditions 
#'     must hold for the returned tuples: 
#'     Let \code{cond1} and \code{cond2} be top-conditions like \code{top=2} or \code{top_level=3}, then
#'     \code{psel([...], cond1, cond2)} is equivalent to the intersection of \code{psel([...], cond1)} and \code{psel([...], cond2)}. If we have
#'     \code{and_connected = FALSE}, these conditions are or-connected. 
#'     This corresponds to the union of \code{psel([...], cond1)} and \code{psel([...], cond2)}.}
#'     \item{\code{show_level}}{Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, a column \code{.level} 
#'     is added to the returned data frame, containing all level values. 
#'     If at least one of the \{\code{top}, \code{at_least}, \code{top_level}\} values are given,
#'     then \code{show_level} is \code{TRUE} by default for the \code{psel} function. 
#'     Otherwise, and for \code{psel.indices} in all cases, this option is \code{FALSE} by default.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The difference between the three variants of the preference selection is:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The \code{psel} function returns a subset of the data set which contains the maxima according to the given preference. 
#' \item The function \code{psel.indices} returns just the row indices of the maxima 
#' (except top-k queries with \code{show_level = TRUE}, see top-k preference selection).
#' Hence \code{psel(df, pref)} is equivalent to \code{df[psel.indices(df, pref),]} for non-grouped data frames. 
#' \item Finally, \code{peval} does the same like \code{psel}, but assumes that \code{p} has an associated data frame
#'        which is used for the preference selection.
#'        Consider \code{\link{base_pref}} to see how base preferences are associated with data sets
#'        or use \code{\link{assoc.df}} to explicitly associate a preference with a data frame.
#' }
#' @section Top-k Preference Selection:
#' For a given \code{top} value of k the k best elements and their level values are returned. The level values are determined as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{All the maxima of a data set w.r.t. a preference have level 1.}
#' \item{The maxima of the remainder, i.e., the data set without the level 1 maxima, have level 2.}
#' \item{The n-th iteration of "Take the maxima from the remainder" returns tuples of level n.}
#' }
#' By default, \code{psel.indices} does not return the level values. By setting \code{show_level = TRUE} this function
#' returns a data frame with the columns '.indices' and '.level'. 
#' Note that, if none of the top-k values \{\code{top}, \code{at_least}, \code{top_level}\} is set,
#' then all level values are equal to 1. 
#' By definition, a top-k preference selection is non-deterministic. 
#' A top-1 query of two equivalent tuples (equivalence according to \code{pref})
#' can return both of these tuples. 
#' For example, a \code{top=1} preference selection on the tuples {(a=1, b=1), (a=1, b=2)}
#' w.r.t. \code{low(a)} preference can return either the 'b=1' or the 'b=2' tuple. 
#' On the contrary, a preference selection using \code{at_least} is deterministic by adding all tuples having the same level as the worst level 
#' of the corresponding top-k query. This means, the result is filled with all tuples being not worse than the top-k result. 
#' A preference selection with top-level-k returns all tuples having level k or better. 
#' If the \code{top} or \code{at_least} value is greater than the number of elements in \code{df} 
#' (i.e., \code{nrow(df)}), or \code{top_level} is greater than the highest level in \code{df},
#' then all elements of \code{df} will be returned without further warning.
#' @section Grouped Preference Selection:
#' Using \code{psel} it is also possible to perform a preference selection where the maxima are calculated for every group separately. 
#' The groups have to be created with \code{\link{group_by}} from the dplyr package. The preference selection preserves the grouping, i.e.,
#' the groups are restored after the preference selection.
#' For example, if the \code{summarize} function from dplyr is applied to
#' \code{psel(group_by(...), pref)}, the summarizing is done for the set of maxima of each group. 
#' This can be used to e.g., calculate the number of maxima in each group, see the examples below.
#' A \{\code{top}, \code{at_least}, \code{top_level}\} preference selection
#' is applied to each group separately.
#' A \code{top=k} selection returns the k best tuples for each group. 
#' Hence if there are 3 groups in \code{df}, each containing at least 2 elements, 
#' and we have \code{top = 2}, then 6 tuples will be returned.
#' @section Parallel Computation:
#' On multi-core machines the preference selection can be run in parallel using a divide-and-conquer approach. 
#' Depending on the data set, this may be faster than a single-threaded computation.
#' To activate parallel computation within rPref the following option has to be set:
#' \code{options(rPref.parallel = TRUE)}
#' If this option is not set, rPref will use single-threaded computation by default. 
#' With the option \code{rPref.parallel.threads} the maximum number of threads can be specified.
#' The default is the number of cores on your machine. 
#' To set the number of threads to the value of 4, use:
#' \code{options(rPref.parallel.threads = 4)}
#' @seealso See \code{\link{complex_pref}} on how to construct a Skyline preference. 
#' @name psel
#' @importFrom dplyr is.grouped_df group_by
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Skyline and top-k/at-least Skyline
#' psel(mtcars, low(mpg) * low(hp))
#' psel(mtcars, low(mpg) * low(hp), top = 5)
#' psel(mtcars, low(mpg) * low(hp), at_least = 5)
#' # Preference with associated data frame and evaluation
#' p <- low(mpg, df = mtcars) * (high(cyl) & high(gear))
#' peval(p)
#' # Visualizes the Skyline in a plot.
#' sky1 <- psel(mtcars, high(mpg) * high(hp))
#' plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$hp)
#' points(sky1$mpg, sky1$hp, lwd=3)
#' # Grouped preference with dplyr.
#' library(dplyr)
#' psel(group_by(mtcars, cyl), low(mpg))
#' # Returns the size of each maxima group.
#' summarise(psel(group_by(mtcars, cyl), low(mpg)), n())
psel <- function(df, pref, ...) { 
  df.pref.check(df, pref)
  vars = list(...)
  # Check if top-k query
  is_top <- any(names(vars) %in% c('top', 'at_least', 'top_level'))
  # Store actual show_level value
  if (is_top) {
    # top value is set => show_level is TRUE by Default
    show_level <- is.null(vars$show_level) || isTRUE(vars$show_level)
  } else {
    # top value is not set => show_level is FALSE by Default
    show_level <- isTRUE(vars$show_level)
  vars$show_level <- show_level
  # Call psel.indices with all parameters from ...
  tres <- psel.indices(df, pref, .dots = vars)
  # Extract indices
  if (!show_level) indices <- tres # psel.indices.top returned just indices when show_level = FALSE
  else indices <- tres[['.indices']]
  # Apply indices (potential grouping is preserved!)
  res <- df[indices,,drop=FALSE] 
  # Add levels if show_level is true
  if (!show_level) {
  } else {
    res[['.level']] <- tres[['.level']]

#' @export
#' @rdname psel
#' @importFrom dplyr is.grouped_df
#' @importFrom RcppParallel defaultNumThreads
psel.indices <- function(df, pref, ...) {
  df.pref.check(df, pref)
  # ** Get all special arguments for top-k selections
  vars <- list(...)
  # Get all variables from '...' in psel
  if ('.dots' %in% names(vars)) vars <- vars[['.dots']] 
  is_top <- any(c('top', 'at_least', 'top_level') %in% names(vars))
  # Show-level operates indepndant of is_top!
  show_level    <- isTRUE(vars[['show_level']]) # FALSE by Default (for psel.indices)
  if (is_top) { 
    # Logical options
    and_connected <- isTRUE(vars[['and_connected']]) || is.null(vars[['and_connected']])  # TRUE by default
    # No defaults, but value -1 if null
    top       <- check.singleint.null2minus(vars[['top']],       'top')
    top_level <- check.singleint.null2minus(vars[['top_level']], 'top_level')
    at_least  <- check.singleint.null2minus(vars[['at_least']],  'at_least')
    # Check if all "-1" (were NULL before) - no valid top-k selection!
    if (all(c(top, show_level, at_least) == -1)) stop('The parameters top, top_level, at_least must not be all NULL!')
  # ** Check for additional (wrong) arguments
  unused_names = setdiff(names(vars), c('top', 'at_least', 'top_level', 'and_connected', 'show_level', '.dots', ''))
  if (!is.null(unused_names) && length(unused_names) > 0)
    warning(paste0('The following arguments passed to psel are no preference selection parameters and will be ignored: ', paste(unused_names, collapse = ', ')))

  if ((length(vars) > 0 && is.null(names(vars))) || ('' %in% names(vars)))
    warning("Unnamed arguments were passed to '...' in psel. They will be ignored.")
  # ** get grouping 
  raise_grouping_error <- function() {
    stop("Could not find grouping indices in grouped data frame! Probably rPref and dplyr became incompatible.")
  # (in dplyr 0.8 is.grouped_df is true for group_by(x) where x is a data.frame or data.table)
  is_grouped <- dplyr::is.grouped_df(df)
  if (is_grouped) {
    groups <- attr(df, 'groups')
    # Must have at least 2 columns: At least one grouping var and ".rows"
    if (is.null(groups) || length(groups) < 2) raise_grouping_error()
    group_indices = groups[[length(groups)]]
    if (!is.list(group_indices) || !all(vapply(group_indices, is.numeric, TRUE))) raise_grouping_error()
    # These are R indices starting at 1, and we need C indices starting at 0
    group_indices <- lapply(group_indices, function(l) l - 1)
  # ** Calculate score/serial pref
  # Precalculate score values for given preference, get_scores must be called before serialize!
  # We need the correct priorchains for serializing!
  res <- get_scores(pref, 1, df)
  scores <- res$scores
  pref_serial <- pserialize(res$p)
  # ** Get options
  # Get alpha value, default is 1
  alpha <- getOption("rPref.scalagon.alpha", default = 1)
  # Use parallel computation? Default is FALSE!
  if (isTRUE(getOption("rPref.parallel", default = FALSE)))
    # Get number of threads
    # default is number of cores (from RcppParallel)
    Npar <- getOption("rPref.parallel.threads", RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads())
    Npar <- 1
  # ** Finally do the (top-k) preference selection
  if (!is_top) {
    # Do the preference selection - not-top-k
    if (!is_grouped) { # Usual preference selection (not grouped)
      res <- pref_select_impl(scores, pref_serial, Npar, alpha) # non parallel for Npar=1
    } else { # Grouped preference selection
      res <- grouped_pref_sel_impl(group_indices, scores, pref_serial, Npar, alpha) 
    if (!show_level) # just return indices
      # All C indices start at 0, and all R indices start at 1
      return(res + 1)
      # Add level values for is_top = FALSE, i.e., all level values are 1
      return(data.frame(.indices = res + 1, .level = 1))
  } else {
    # Do the top-k preference selection
    if (!is_grouped) { # Usual preference selection (not grouped)
      res <- pref_select_top_impl(scores, pref_serial, Npar, alpha, 
                                  top, at_least, top_level, and_connected, show_level) 
    } else { # Grouped preference selection
      res <- grouped_pref_sel_top_impl(group_indices, scores, pref_serial, Npar, alpha,
                                       top, at_least, top_level, and_connected, show_level) 
    # All C indices start at 0, and all R indices start at 1
    res[['.indices']] <- res[['.indices']] + 1
    if (!show_level) return(res[['.indices']]) # Return just indices
    return(res) # Return Data.Frame(".indices", ".level")

#' @export
#' @rdname psel
peval <- function(pref, ...) {
  if (length(pref@df_src) == 0)
    stop("The given preference has no associated data frame. Call `assoc.df(pref) <- df' first.")
    return(psel(pref@df_src$df, pref, ...))

# Helper
check.singleint.null2minus <- function(val, name) {
  if (is.null(val)) 
  else if (!(is.numeric(val) && length(val) == 1 && round(val) == val && val >= 0))
    stop.syscall(paste0('Parameter ', name, ' must be a positive single integer value'))

df.pref.check <- function(df, pref) {
  # Note that also data.table fulfills is.data.frame(.) = TRUE
  if (!is.data.frame(df))          stop.syscall("First argument has to be a data frame.")
  if (!is.actual.preference(pref)) stop.syscall("Second argument has to be a preference.")

stop.syscall <- function(message) {
  message <- paste0("Error in ", deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-1]]), " : ", message)
  stop(message, call. = FALSE)
patrickroocks/rpref documentation built on Feb. 6, 2023, 1:39 p.m.