PORT_RANGE <- 12000:12050
runTests <- function()
} # runTests
createSampleData <- function(rows=3, cols=3, columnMetadataCategories=2, rowMetadataCategories=3)
# create the matrix
data <- runif(rows*cols, min=-3, max=3)
mtx <- matrix(data, nrow=rows, ncol=cols, dimnames=list(paste("R", 1:rows, sep=""), paste("C", 1:cols, sep="")))
# now the row metadata table
tbl.rmd <- data.frame()
if(rowMetadataCategories > 0){
category.names <- paste("cat", sample(letters, size=rowMetadataCategories), sep="_")
tbl.rmd <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=rownames(mtx))
for( in category.names){
values <- paste(, sample(1:100, size=rows), sep=".")
tbl.rmd <- cbind(tbl.rmd, values)
colnames(tbl.rmd) <- category.names
} # if rmd categories > 0
# now the column metadata table
tbl.cmd <- data.frame()
if(columnMetadataCategories > 0){
category.names <- paste("cat", sample(LETTERS, size=columnMetadataCategories), sep="_")
tbl.cmd <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=colnames(mtx))
for( in category.names){
values <- paste(, sample(1:100, size=cols), sep=".")
tbl.cmd <- cbind(tbl.cmd, values)
colnames(tbl.cmd) <- category.names
} # if cmd categories > 0
list(mtx=mtx, rmd=tbl.rmd, cmd=tbl.cmd)
} # createSampleData
test_createSampleData <- function()
printf("--- test_createSmallMatrix")
x <- createSampleData(rows=3, cols=3, columnMetadataCategories=2, rowMetadataCategories=3)
checkEquals(names(x), c("mtx", "rmd", "cmd"))
checkEquals(dim(x$mtx), c(3, 3))
checkEquals(rownames(x$rmd), rownames(x$mtx))
checkEquals(length(colnames(x$rmd)), 3)
x <- createSampleData(rows=10, cols=5, columnMetadataCategories=0, rowMetadataCategories=2)
checkEquals(names(x), c("mtx", "rmd", "cmd"))
checkEquals(dim(x$mtx), c(10, 5))
checkEquals(rownames(x$rmd), rownames(x$mtx))
checkEquals(x$cmd, data.frame())
} # test_createSampleData
test_constructor <- function()
printf("--- test_constructor")
# create with an empty matrix
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
checkEquals(sort(is(rcg)), c("BrowserVizClass", "RClustergrammer"))
} # test_constructor
# test_getSetMetadata <- function()
# {
# printf("--- test_getSetMetadata")
# # create with an empty matrix
# mtx.6x4 <- matrix(1:24, nrow=6, dimnames=list(paste("R", 1:6, sep=""), paste("C", 1:4, sep="")))
# rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE, mtx=mtx.6x4)
# checkEquals(getMatrix(rcg), mtx.6x4)
# # two metadata categories for the rows: Placement and Shape
# tbl.rmd <- data.frame(row.names=c("R1","R2","R3", "R4", "R5", "R6"),
# Placement=c("First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth"),
# Shape=c("Triangle", "Square", "Circle", "Trapezoid", "Rhombus", "Crescent"),
# stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# setRowMetadata(rcg, tbl.rmd)
# checkEquals(getRowMetadata(rcg), tbl.rmd)
# # three metadata categories for the columns: Placement, Colors, group
# tbl.cmd <- data.frame(row.names=c("C1","C2","C3", "C4"),
# Placement=c("One", "Two", "Three", "Last"),
# Colors=c("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Magenta"),
# group=c("w", "x", "y", "z"),
# stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# setColumnMetadata(rcg, tbl.cmd)
# checkEquals(getColumnMetadata(rcg), tbl.cmd)
# } # test_getSetMetadata
test_clusterAndDisplay_tiny <- function ()
printf("--- test_clusterAndDisplay_tiny")
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
x <- createSampleData(rows=8, cols=10, columnMetadataCategories=2, rowMetadataCategories=3)
contrived.mtx <- x$mtx
contrived.mtx[, 2] <- contrived.mtx[, 1]
contrived.mtx[3, ] <- contrived.mtx[5, ]
x$mtx <- contrived.mtx
clusterAndDisplay(rcg, method="hclust", x$mtx, x$rmd, x$cmd)
} # test_clusterAndDisplay_tiny
test_clusterAndDisplay_medium <- function ()
printf("--- test_clusterAndDisplay_medium")
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
x <- createSampleData(rows=20, cols=6, columnMetadataCategories=2, rowMetadataCategories=3)
contrived.mtx <- x$mtx
contrived.mtx[, c(2,4)] <- contrived.mtx[, 1]
contrived.mtx[1:2, ] <- contrived.mtx[5, ]
x$mtx <- contrived.mtx
col.branches <- c(1, 3, 5)
row.branches <- NA # c(1:5)
clusterAndDisplay(rcg, method="hclust", x$mtx, x$rmd, x$cmd, row.branches, col.branches)
} # test_clusterAndDisplay_medim
test_clusterAndDisplay_big <- function ()
printf("--- test_clusterAndDisplay_big")
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
load(system.file(package="RClustergrammer", "extdata", "mtx.microglial.RData"))
clusterAndDisplay(rcg, method="hclust", mtx.microglial)
} # test_clusterAndDisplay_big
test_selectRowsAndColumns <- function ()
printf("--- test_selectRowsAndColumns")
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
x <- createSampleData(rows=80, cols=100, columnMetadataCategories=2, rowMetadataCategories=3)
clusterAndDisplay(rcg, method="hclust", x$mtx, x$rmd, x$cmd)
selectRowsAndColumns(rcg, head(rownames(x$mtx)), head(colnames(x$mtx)))
selectRows(rcg, tail(rownames(x$mtx)))
checkEquals(sort(getRowNames(rcg)), sort(tail(rownames(x$mtx))))
checkEquals(sort(getRowNames(rcg)), sort(rownames(x$mtx)))
checkEquals(sort(getColumnNames(rcg)), sort(colnames(x$mtx)))
selectColumns(rcg, tail(colnames(x$mtx)))
checkEquals(sort(getColumnNames(rcg)), sort(tail(colnames(x$mtx))))
} # test_clusterAndDisplay_medim
simulate_martinSheltonBug <- function()
mtx <- matrix(rep(0, 100), nrow=10)
row.numbers <- sample(1:10, 10, replace=TRUE)
col.numbers <- sample(1:10, 10, replace=TRUE)
for(i in 1:10) mtx[row.numbers[i], col.numbers[i]] <- runif(1, 2, 10)
rownames(mtx) <- paste("R", 1:10, sep="")
colnames(mtx) <- paste("C", 1:10, sep="")
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
clusterAndDisplay(rcg, method="hclust", mtx)
} # test_martinSheltonBug
martinSheltonsMatrix <- function()
tbl <- read.table("~/s/work/priceLab/martinShelton/singleCellNeuronData/neuron.dg2.all.txt",
sep="\t",, nrow=-1, header=TRUE)
mtx <- as.matrix(tbl[, 2:ncol(tbl)])
rownames(mtx) <- sub("qpcr-", "", tbl[,1])
mtx <- asinh(mtx)
rcg <- RClustergrammer(portRange=PORT_RANGE)
col.branches <- c(1:11)
col.branches <- as.integer(c(seq(1, 33, length=5), seq(150, 187, length=6)))
row.branches <- NA # c(1:5)
clusterAndDisplay(rcg, method="hclust", mtx, row.branches=row.branches, col.branches=col.branches)
} # martinSheltonsMatrix
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