
#' Encrypt and share any object
#' Encrypt and share R objects on github using \code{\link{hugo_share_object}}.
#' @param object object to share
#' @param passphrase object will be encrypted using provided passphrase
#' @param user Github user name, to construct proper url to repository.
#' @param repo_name Name of github repository, also used to construct url.
#' @param object_name Name of the object you want to download.
#' @describeIn  hugo_share_secret Shares given object via github, prompts user for input.
#'    See \code{\link{hugo_share_object}} for details.
#'    Returns: in case of success prompts user with message, and returns string, which is
#'    direct call to \code{\link{hugo_get_secret}}. In case of failure, prompts user with appropriate
#'    message and returns NULL.
#' @return Please check Functions section.
#' @export
#' @author Kamil Romaszko
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_string <- hugo_share_secret(iris, "secret")
#' #Fetch object from github using returned command
#' eval(parse(text=get_string))
#' }
hugo_share_secret <- function(object, passphrase) {
  if (!requireNamespace("sodium", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Package \"sodium\" is needed for this function to work.
      Install it if you want encryption or use hugo_share_object instead."

  object <- encrypt_object(object, passphrase)
  get_string <- hugo_share_object(object)

  # override history entry from hugo_share_object
  .hugoEnv$history[length(.hugoEnv$history)] <- deparse(match.call())

  if (is.null(get_string)) {

  get_string <- get_string_with_passphrase(get_string, passphrase)


#' @describeIn  hugo_share_secret Downloads encrypted object from github.
#'    See \code{\link{hugo_get_object}} for details.
#'    Returns: in case of success prompts user with message, and returns object.
#'    It us up to user how to handle it - wheter to assign it to variable,
#'    or use as parameter. In case of failure, prompts user with appropriate
#'    message and returns NULL.
#' @export
hugo_get_secret <- function(user, repo_name, object_name, passphrase) {
  if (!requireNamespace("sodium", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Package \"sodium\" is needed for this function to work.
      Install it if you want download encrypted file."

  encrypted_object <- hugo_get_object(user, repo_name, object_name)

  # override history entry from hugo_get_object
  .hugoEnv$history[length(.hugoEnv$history)] <- deparse(match.call())

  if(is.null(encrypted_object)) {
  decrypted_object <- decrypt_object(encrypted_object, passphrase)


encrypt_object <- function(object, passphrase) {
  hashed_passphrase <- sodium::hash(charToRaw(passphrase))
  serialized_object <- serialize(object, NULL)
  encrypted_object <- sodium::data_encrypt(serialized_object, hashed_passphrase)


decrypt_object <- function(object, passphrase) {
  hashed_passphrase <- sodium::hash(charToRaw(passphrase))
  decrypted_object <- sodium::data_decrypt(object, hashed_passphrase)
  unserialized_object <- unserialize(decrypted_object)


get_string_with_passphrase <- function(get_string, passphrase) {
  get_string <- sub('object', 'secret', get_string)
  string_len <- nchar(get_string)
  passphrase_to_add <- paste0(", '", passphrase, "'")
  get_string <- paste(substring(get_string,
                                c(1, string_len),
                                c(string_len - 1, string_len)),
                      collapse = passphrase_to_add)

pbiecek/hugo documentation built on May 12, 2019, 6:24 p.m.