test_that("project() works with delta models", {
mesh <- make_mesh(dogfish, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 35)
historical_years <- 2004:2022
to_project <- 1
future_years <- seq(max(historical_years) + 1, max(historical_years) + to_project)
all_years <- c(historical_years, future_years)
proj_grid <- replicate_df(wcvi_grid, "year", all_years)
# we could fit our model like this, but for long projections, this becomes slow:
fit <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = all_years, #< note that all years here
spatial = "off", # speed
spatiotemporal = "ar1",
data = dogfish,
mesh = mesh,
family = delta_gamma()
p <- predict(fit, newdata = proj_grid)
# instead, we could fit our model like this and then take simulation draws
# from the projection time period:
fit2 <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = historical_years, #< does *not* include projection years
spatial = "off", # speed
spatiotemporal = "ar1",
data = dogfish,
mesh = mesh,
family = delta_gamma()
out <- project(fit2, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 100, uncertainty = "none")
none <- out
expect_identical(names(out), c("est1", "est2", "epsilon_st1", "epsilon_st2"))
proj_grid$est_mean1 <- apply(out$est1, 1, mean)
proj_grid$est_mean2 <- apply(out$est2, 1, mean)
proj_grid$eps_mean1 <- apply(out$epsilon_st1, 1, mean)
proj_grid$eps_mean2 <- apply(out$epsilon_st2, 1, mean)
# visualize:
ggplot(subset(proj_grid, year > 2021), aes(X, Y, fill = est_mean1)) +
geom_raster() +
facet_wrap(~year) +
coord_fixed() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(limits = c(-4, 4)) +
ggtitle("Projection simulation (mean)")
# or with predict() method:
ggplot(subset(p, year > 2021), aes(X, Y, fill = est1)) +
geom_raster() +
facet_wrap(~year) +
coord_fixed() +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
labs(fill = "est_mean") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(limits = c(-4, 4)) +
ggtitle("Projection simulation (mean)")
i <- p$year == 2023
plot(p$est1[i], proj_grid$est_mean1[i])
plot(p$est2[i], proj_grid$est_mean2[i])
plot(p$epsilon_st1[i], proj_grid$eps_mean1[i])
plot(p$epsilon_st2[i], proj_grid$eps_mean2[i])
OK_COR <- 0.98
expect_gt(cor(p$est1[i], proj_grid$est_mean1[i]), OK_COR)
expect_gt(cor(p$est2[i], proj_grid$est_mean2[i]), OK_COR)
expect_gt(cor(p$epsilon_st1[i], proj_grid$eps_mean1[i]), OK_COR)
expect_gt(cor(p$epsilon_st2[i], proj_grid$eps_mean2[i]), OK_COR)
# test return_tmb_report:
# if instead we wanted to grab, say, the spatiotemporal random field values,
# we can return the report and work with the raw output ourselves:
out <- project(
newdata = proj_grid,
nsim = 100,
uncertainty = "none",
return_tmb_report = TRUE #< difference from above example
eps <- lapply(out, \(x) x[["epsilon_st_A_vec"]][, 1])
eps <- do.call(cbind, eps)
eps_mean <- apply(eps, 1, mean)
plot(eps_mean, proj_grid$eps_mean1)
expect_gt(cor(eps_mean, proj_grid$eps_mean1), OK_COR)
eps <- lapply(out, \(x) x[["epsilon_st_A_vec"]][, 2])
eps <- do.call(cbind, eps)
eps_mean <- apply(eps, 1, mean)
plot(eps_mean, proj_grid$eps_mean2)
expect_gt(cor(eps_mean, proj_grid$eps_mean2), OK_COR)
# test the types of uncertainty
both <- project(fit2, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 50, uncertainty = "both")
random <- project(fit2, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 50, uncertainty = "random")
sd_both <- mean(apply(both$est1, 1, sd)[i])
sd_none <- mean(apply(none$est1, 1, sd)[i])
sd_random <- mean(apply(random$est1, 1, sd)[i], na.rm = TRUE)
# expect_gt(sd_both, sd_random) # !!?
expect_gt(sd_both, sd_none)
expect_gt(sd_random, sd_none)
test_that("project() works with non-delta models", {
mesh <- make_mesh(dogfish, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 35)
historical_years <- 2004:2022
to_project <- 1
future_years <- seq(max(historical_years) + 1, max(historical_years) + to_project)
all_years <- c(historical_years, future_years)
proj_grid <- replicate_df(wcvi_grid, "year", all_years)
fit <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = all_years, #< note that all years here
spatial = "off", # speed
spatiotemporal = "ar1",
data = dogfish,
mesh = mesh,
family = tweedie()
p <- predict(fit, newdata = proj_grid)
fit2 <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = historical_years, #< does *not* include projection years
spatial = "off", # speed
spatiotemporal = "ar1",
data = dogfish,
mesh = mesh,
family = tweedie()
out <- project(fit2, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 100, uncertainty = "none")
expect_identical(names(out), c("est", "epsilon_st"))
i <- p$year == 2023
proj_grid$est_mean <- apply(out$est, 1, mean)
proj_grid$eps_mean <- apply(out$epsilon_st, 1, mean)
plot(p$est[i], proj_grid$est_mean[i])
plot(p$epsilon_st[i], proj_grid$eps_mean[i])
expect_gt(cor(p$est[i], proj_grid$est_mean[i]), 0.98)
expect_gt(cor(p$epsilon_st[i], proj_grid$est_mean[i]), 0.98)
test_that("project() works with time-varying effects", {
mesh <- make_mesh(dogfish, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 35)
historical_years <- 2004:2022
to_project <- 1
future_years <- seq(max(historical_years) + 1, max(historical_years) + to_project)
all_years <- c(historical_years, future_years)
proj_grid <- replicate_df(wcvi_grid, "year", all_years)
fit <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
time_varying = ~1,
time_varying_type = "ar1",
extra_time = all_years, #< note that all years here
spatial = "off",
spatiotemporal = "off",
data = dogfish,
# mesh = mesh,
family = tweedie()
p <- predict(fit, newdata = proj_grid)
fit2 <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
time_varying = ~1,
time_varying_type = "ar1",
extra_time = historical_years, #< does *not* include projection years
spatial = "off",
spatiotemporal = "off",
data = dogfish,
# mesh = mesh,
family = tweedie()
out <- project(fit2, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 100, uncertainty = "none")
expect_identical(names(out), c("est"))
i <- p$year == 2023
hist(out$est[i, ])
abline(v = mean(p$est[i]))
expect_equal(mean(p$est[i]), 5.983172, tolerance = 1e-3)
test_that("project() works/fails as expected in some less obvious situations", {
mesh <- make_mesh(dogfish, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 35)
historical_years <- 2004:2022
to_project <- 1
future_years <- seq(max(historical_years) + 1, max(historical_years) + to_project)
all_years <- c(historical_years, future_years)
proj_grid <- replicate_df(wcvi_grid, "year", all_years)
# no time model:
fit <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = historical_years,
spatial = "off",
spatiotemporal = "off",
data = dogfish,
mesh = mesh,
family = delta_gamma()
expect_message(out <- project(fit, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 2, uncertainty = "none"), "structures")
expect_equal(unique(as.numeric(out$est1)), 0.8032636, tolerance = 1e-3)
expect_message(out <- project(fit, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 1, uncertainty = "both"), regexp = "random")
expect_error(out <- project(fit, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 1, uncertainty = "random"), regexp = "random")
# no time argument specified errors:
fit <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 1,
# time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = historical_years,
spatial = "off",
spatiotemporal = "off",
data = dogfish,
# mesh = mesh,
family = delta_gamma()
expect_error(out2 <- project(fit, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 1), regexp = "time")
# no future time errors:
fit <- sdmTMB(
catch_weight ~ 0,
time = "year",
offset = log(dogfish$area_swept),
extra_time = historical_years,
spatial = "off",
spatiotemporal = "off",
time_varying = ~ 1,
data = dogfish,
family = tweedie()
expect_error(out <- project(fit, newdata = subset(proj_grid, year %in% historical_years), nsim = 1), "new")
# newdata is missing a time step; make sure that's fine and matches not missing the time step:
all_years <- c(historical_years, 2023:2025)
proj_grid <- replicate_df(wcvi_grid, "year", all_years)
out <- project(fit, newdata = proj_grid, nsim = 1)
all_years <- c(historical_years, c(2023, 2025))
proj_grid2 <- replicate_df(wcvi_grid, "year", all_years)
out2 <- project(fit, newdata = proj_grid2, nsim = 1)
i <- proj_grid$year %in% c(2023, 2025)
i2 <- proj_grid2$year %in% c(2023, 2025)
expect_equal(out$est[i,], out2$est[i2,])
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