#' Simulate data to test model fitting
#' Uses fixed covariates and parameters to generate random effects and response
#' variables. Outputs a list of class `obj` that can be directly supplied to
#' [fit()].
#' @param catch matrix (or data frame) of commercial catch (g = 1); each row
#' corresponds to a year of available data, the first column reports the year
#' (T_1, i.e the whole range 1940–2012), the second column is the catch C_t.
#' @param survey1 matrix (or data frame) of biomass estimates from survey 1 (g =
#' 2); each row corresponds to a year of available data, the first column
#' reports the year (T_2), the second column is the survey biomass estimate I
#' t,2 , and the third column is the observation error SD values κ t,2, for t
#' ∈ T_2.
#' @param survey2 matrix (or data frame) of biomass estimates from survey 2 (g =
#' 3); each row corresponds to a year of available data, the first column
#' reports the year (T_3), the second column is the survey biomass estimate I
#' t,3 , and the third column is the observation error SD values κ t,3, for t
#' ∈ T_3.
#' @param survey3 matrix (or data frame) of biomass estimates from survey 1 (g =
#' 4); each row corresponds to a year of available data, the first column
#' reports the year (T_4), the second column is the survey biomass estimate I
#' t,4 , and the third column is the observation error SD values κ t,4, for t
#' ∈ T_4.
#' @param paa.catch.female matrix (or data frame) of paa for the females (s = 1)
#' from the commercial catch (g = 1); each row corresponds to a year of
#' available data, the first column reports the year (U_1) and the next 30
#' columns correspond to the paa per age class and year p a,t,1,1 , for t ∈ U_1.
#' @param paa.catch.male matrix (or data frame) of paa for the males (s = 2)
#' from the commercial catch (g = 1); each row corresponds to a year of
#' available data, the first column is the year (U_1) and the next 30 columns
#' correspond to the paa per age class and year p a,t,1,2 , for t ∈ U 1.
#' @param n.trips.paa.catch matrix (or data frame) of the number of trips per
#' year of available paa for the commercial catch (g = 1); each row
#' corresponds to a year, the first column reports the year (U_1), the second
#' column is the number of trips n t,1 , for t ∈ U_1.
#' @param paa.survey1.female matrix (or data frame) of paa for the females
#' (s = 1) from survey 1 (g = 2); each row corresponds to a year of available data,
#' the first column reports the year (U_2) and the next 30 columns correspond
#' to the paa per age class and year p a,t,2,1 , for t ∈ U_2.
#' @param paa.survey1.male matrix (or data frame) of paa for the males (s = 2)
#' from survey 1 (g = 2); each row corresponds to a year of available data,
#' the first column is the year (U_2) and the next 30 columns correspond to
#' the paa per age class and year p a,t,2,2 , for t ∈ U_2.
#' @param n.trips.paa.survey1 matrix (or data frame) of the number of trips per
#' year of available paa for survey 1 (g = 2); each row corresponds to a year,
#' the first column reports the year (U_2), the second column is the number of
#' trips n t,2 , for t ∈ U 2.
#' @param paa.mature vector of A = 30 proportions of mature females.
#' @param weight.female vectors of A = 30 average weight at age of females (s = 1).
#' @param weight.male vectors of A = 30 average weight at age of males (s = 2).
#' @param misc.fixed.param optional named vector/list (or data frame) of fixed
#' values for the selectivity parameters of surveys 2 and 3 and for the
#' process error SD σ R ; the names must match `muS2`, `deltaS2`, `upsilonS2`, `muS3`,
#' `deltaS3`, `upsilonS3` and `sigmaR`. If unused (left to `NULL`), then the following
#' default values are used: muS2 = muS3 = 13.3, deltaS2 = deltaS3 = 0.22,
#' upsilonS2 = upsilonS3 = 10 and sigmaR = 0.05.
#' @param theta.ini optional named vector/list (or data frame) of starting
#' values for the model parameters to be estimated; the names must match `R0`,
#' `M1`, `M2`, `muC`, `deltaC`, `upsilonC`, `muS1`, `deltaS1`, `upsilonS1`, `h`, `qS1`, `qS2` and
#' `qS3`. If unused (left to `NULL`), then the default values given in Table 2 are
#' used.
#' @param lkhd.paa either `"normal"` or `"binomial"`; specifies a binomial likelihood
#' for the paa, following Cadigan et al. (2014), which may be more
#' statistically sound (and simpler) or a Gaussian likelihood as originally
#' specified in Edwards et al. (2014). Defaults to "normal".
#' @param var.paa.add either `TRUE` or `FALSE`; if `TRUE` (the default), it
#' enables the addition of the 1/(10A) term in Var[ξ a,t,g,s ] related to the
#' Gaussian observation error of (F.19 ? ). If `FALSE`, this additional term
#' is 0 (disabled). If some observed p a,t,g,s are exactly 0 or 1, as in the
#' POP data, then it must be set to `TRUE` to avoid zero variances with
#' `lkhd.paa = "normal"`.
#' @param enable.priors either `TRUE` or `FALSE`; if `TRUE` (the default), it
#' enables all the prior distributions defined in Section 3.1. If `FALSE`, the
#' priors are disabled and the maximization over θ is carried without any
#' constraints (apart from constraints on their range of possible values
#' enforced by means of transformations, such as strictly positive variances).
#' @return A list of class `obj` properly formatted to be fed to `fit()`,
#' with the following elements:
#' * `datalist`: a list containing all DATA inputs for the TMB POP template;
#' * `parlist`: a list containing all PARAMETER inputs for the TMB POP template;
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats nlminb rbinom rlnorm rnorm
#' @export
sim <- function(catch,
misc.fixed.param = NULL,
theta.ini = NULL,
lkhd.paa = "normal",
var.paa.add = TRUE,
enable.priors = TRUE) {
# bound11 <- function(x){(1-exp(-x))/1+exp(-x)}
invlogitSelectivity <- function(a, mu, ups) {
tmp <- exp((a - (mu - ups / 2)) / ups * 10)
return(tmp / (1 + tmp))
} # steepness=10 mimics well selectivitiy curve in (F.7) and (F.8) with ups<5
# Setup
if (is.null(theta.ini)) {
# then default starting values
# fixed param, not in user-supplied data
R0 <- 5000 # 4000 in Andy's priors
M1 <- 0.07
M2 <- 0.07
muC <- 10.5
deltaC <- 0
upsilonC <- 5 # different meaning than in Andy's code, smaller than his
muS1 <- 13.3
deltaS1 <- 0.22
upsilonS1 <- 10 # different meaning than in Andy's code, smaller than his
h <- 0.674
qS1 <- 1
qS2 <- 1
qS3 <- 1
yearsvec <- catch[, 1]
length.theta <- 13 # better way?
if (is.null(misc.fixed.param)) {
# then default misc param values
muS2 <- 13.3
deltaS2 <- 0.22
upsilonS2 <- 10
muS3 <- 13.3
deltaS3 <- 0.22
upsilonS3 <- 10
sigmaR <- 0.05 # 0.9 in Andy's code
} else {
muS2 <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['muS2'])
deltaS2 <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['deltaS2'])
upsilonS2 <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['upsilonS2'])
muS3 <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['muS3'])
deltaS3 <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['deltaS3'])
upsilonS3 <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['upsilonS3'])
sigmaR <- as.numeric(misc.fixed.param['sigmaR'])
A <- length(weight.female)
TC <- dim(catch)[[1]]
TS1 <- dim(survey1)[[1]]
TS2 <- dim(survey2)[[1]]
TS3 <- dim(survey3)[[1]]
UC <- dim(paa.catch.female)[[1]]
US1 <- dim(paa.survey1.female)[[1]]
# R indices, converted for C++ in Outputs
tS1 <- which(catch[, 1] %in% survey1[, 1])
tS2 <- which(catch[, 1] %in% survey2[, 1])
tS3 <- which(catch[, 1] %in% survey3[, 1])
tUC <- which(catch[, 1] %in% paa.catch.female[, 1])
tUS1 <- which(catch[, 1] %in% paa.survey1.female[, 1])
Ct <- catch[, 2]
ntC <- n.trips.paa.catch[, 2]
ntS1 <- n.trips.paa.survey1[, 2]
wa1 <- weight.female
wa2 <- weight.male
ma <- paa.mature
kappaS1 <- survey1[, 3]
kappaS2 <- survey2[, 3]
kappaS3 <- survey3[, 3]
if (lkhd.paa == "normal") {
lkhdpropatage <- 1L
} else if (lkhd.paa == "binomial") {
lkhdpropatage <- 2L
} else {
stop('lkhd.paa can only be "normal" or "binomial".')
varweight <- as.integer(var.paa.add)
enablepriors <- as.integer(enable.priors)
G <- 4 # number of fleets # TODO: config, allow for more than 4?
indC <- 1 # index for catch data
indS1 <- 2 # g index for S1
indS2 <- 3 # g index for S2
indS3 <- 4 # g index for S3
Nat1 <- matrix(NA_real_, A, TC) # abundance females
Nat2 <- Nat1 # abundance males
sag1 <- matrix(NA_real_, A, G) # selectivity females
sag2 <- sag1 # selectivity males
Bt <- rep(NA_real_, TC) # 1<=t<=T, B_0 is separate
Rt <- Bt # number of recruits, only strict randeff
Vt <- Bt # vulnerable biomass
ut <- Bt # alternative to fishing mortality
uat1 <- Nat1
uat2 <- Nat1
patC1 <- matrix(NA_real_, A, UC) # prop-at-age catch females
patC2 <- patC1 # prop-at-age catch males
patS11 <- matrix(NA_real_, A, US1) # prop-at-age S1 females
patS12 <- patS11 # prop-at-age S1 males
expnegM1 <- exp(-M1)
expnegM2 <- exp(-M2)
sqrtexpnegM1 <- sqrt(expnegM1) # exp(-M1*0.5)
sqrtexpnegM2 <- sqrt(expnegM2) # exp(-M2*0.5)
# Generate iid process errors
errRt <-
rlnorm(n = TC,
meanlog = -sigmaR ^ 2 / 2,
sdlog = sigmaR) # proc error Rt
errS1t <-
rlnorm(n = TS1,
meanlog = -kappaS1 ^ 2 / 2,
sdlog = kappaS1) # obs error S1t
errS2t <-
rlnorm(n = TS2,
meanlog = -kappaS2 ^ 2 / 2,
sdlog = kappaS2) # obs error S2t
errS3t <-
rlnorm(n = TS3,
meanlog = -kappaS3 ^ 2 / 2,
sdlog = kappaS3) # obs error S3t
# States dynamics
# Selectivities, all fleets
for (a in 1:A) {
sag1[a, indC] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muC, upsilonC) # catch females (F.7)
sag2[a, indC] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muC + deltaC, upsilonC) # catch males (F.8)
sag1[a, indS1] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muS1, upsilonS1) # S1 females (F.7)
sag2[a, indS1] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muS1 + deltaS1, upsilonS1) # S1 males (F.8)
sag1[a, indS2] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muS2, upsilonS2) # S2 females (F.7)
sag2[a, indS2] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muS2 + deltaS2, upsilonS2) # S2 males (F.8)
sag1[a, indS3] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muS3, upsilonS3) # S3 females (F.7)
sag2[a, indS3] <-
invlogitSelectivity(a, muS3 + deltaS3, upsilonS3) # S3 males (F.8)
### init Nat, Bt, Rt, Vt, ut and uat
# Nat, t=1, s=1,2
for (a in 1:(A - 1)) {
Nat1[a, 1] <- 0.5 * R0 * exp(-M1 * a) # (F.4)
Nat2[a, 1] <- 0.5 * R0 * exp(-M2 * a) # (F.4)
Nat1[A, 1] <- 0.5 * R0 * exp(-M1 * (A - 1)) / (1 - expnegM1) # (F.5)
Nat2[A, 1] <- 0.5 * R0 * exp(-M2 * (A - 1)) / (1 - expnegM2) # (F.5)
# Bt, t=0,1
Bt[1] <- as.numeric((wa1 * ma) %*% Nat1[, 1]) # t=1 (F.6)
B0 <- Bt[1] # t=0 (F.6)
# Rt, t=1
meanR0 <- R0 # (F.10)
Rt[1] <- meanR0 * errRt[1] # (F.17)
# Vt and ut, requires Ct[1], t=1
sumwsN1 <- (wa1 * sag1[, indC]) %*% Nat1[, 1] # (F.11)
sumwsN2 <- (wa2 * sag2[, indC]) %*% Nat2[, 1] # (F.11)
Vt[1] <- sqrtexpnegM1 * sumwsN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumwsN2 # (F.11)
ut[1] <- Ct[1] / Vt[1] # Ct must be a fixed covariate (F.12)
# uat, t=1
uat1[, 1] <- sag1[, indC] * ut[1] # (F.13)
uat2[, 1] <- sag2[, indC] * ut[1] # (F.13)
### dynamics for Rt, Nat, Bt, Vt, ut and uat, 2<=t<=T
for (t in 2:TC) {
# Rt, based on Bt[t-1]
meanRt <- 4 * h * R0 * Bt[t - 1] / ((1 - h) * B0 + (5 * h - 1) * Bt[t -
1]) # (F.10)
Rt[t] <- meanRt * errRt[t] # (F.17)
# Nat, based on Rt[t], uat[,t-1] and Nat[,t-1]
Nat1[1, t] <- 0.5 * Rt[t] # (F.1)
Nat2[1, t] <- 0.5 * Rt[t] # (F.1)
for (a in 2:(A - 1)) {
Nat1[a, t] <- expnegM1 * (1 - uat1[a - 1, t - 1]) * Nat1[a - 1, t - 1] # (F.2)
Nat2[a, t] <- expnegM2 * (1 - uat2[a - 1, t - 1]) * Nat2[a - 1, t -
1] # (F.2)
Nat1[A, t] <- expnegM1 * (1 - uat1[A - 1, t - 1]) * Nat1[A - 1, t -
1] +
expnegM1 * (1 - uat1[A, t - 1]) * Nat1[A, t - 1] # (F.3)
Nat2[A, t] <- expnegM2 * (1 - uat2[A - 1, t - 1]) * Nat2[A - 1, t -
1] +
expnegM2 * (1 - uat2[A, t - 1]) * Nat2[A, t - 1] # (F.3)
# Bt, based on Nat[,t]
Bt[t] <- as.numeric((wa1 * ma) %*% Nat1[, t]) # (F.9)
# Vt and ut, based on Nat[,t] an Ct[t]
sumwsN1 <- (wa1 * sag1[, indC]) %*% Nat1[, t] # (F.11)
sumwsN2 <- (wa2 * sag2[, indC]) %*% Nat2[, t] # (F.11)
Vt[t] <- sqrtexpnegM1 * sumwsN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumwsN2 # (F.11)
ut[t] <- Ct[t] / Vt[t] # Ct must be a fixed covariate (F.12)
# uat, based on ut
uat1[, t] <- sag1[, indC] * ut[t] # (F.13)
uat2[, t] <- sag2[, indC] * ut[t] # (F.13)
# Observation equations
# survey index S1, t in tS1
sumuwsN1 <- as.numeric(sag1[, indS1] %*% ((1 - 0.5 * uat1[, tS1]) * Nat1[, tS1] *
matrix(rep(wa1, TS1), A, TS1))) # (F.14)
sumuwsN2 <- as.numeric(sag2[, indS1] %*% ((1 - 0.5 * uat2[, tS1]) * Nat2[, tS1] *
matrix(rep(wa2, TS1), A, TS1))) # (F.14)
meanS1t <-
qS1 * (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumuwsN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumuwsN2) # (F.14)
S1t <- meanS1t * errS1t # (F.20)
# survey index S2, t in tS2
sumuwsN1 <- as.numeric(sag1[, indS2] %*% ((1 - 0.5 * uat1[, tS2]) * Nat1[, tS2] *
matrix(rep(wa1, TS2), A, TS2))) # (F.14)
sumuwsN2 <- as.numeric(sag2[, indS2] %*% ((1 - 0.5 * uat2[, tS2]) * Nat2[, tS2] *
matrix(rep(wa2, TS2), A, TS2))) # (F.14)
meanS2t <-
qS2 * (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumuwsN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumuwsN2) # (F.14)
S2t <- meanS2t * errS2t # (F.20)
# survey index S3, t in tS3
sumuwsN1 <- as.numeric(sag1[, indS3] %*% ((1 - 0.5 * uat1[, tS3]) * Nat1[, tS3] *
matrix(rep(wa1, TS3), A, TS3))) # (F.14)
sumuwsN2 <- as.numeric(sag2[, indS3] %*% ((1 - 0.5 * uat2[, tS3]) * Nat2[, tS3] *
matrix(rep(wa2, TS3), A, TS3))) # (F.14)
meanS3t <-
qS3 * (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumuwsN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumuwsN2) # (F.14)
S3t <- meanS3t * errS3t # (F.20)
# prop at age C, t in tUC
if (lkhdpropatage == 1) {
# Gaussian lkhd
if (varweight == 0) {
# no variance inflation
varcst <- 0 # no effect
} else if (varweight == 1) {
# inflate prop-at-age variance by adding varcst
varcst <- 1 / (10 * A) # F.5.3, Stanley et al. (2009) # (F.19)
} else {
stop('varweight can only be "0" (disabled) or "1" (variance inflation).')
for (t in 1:UC) {
ind <- tUC[t] # scalar ind
usN1 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat1[, ind]) * sag1[, indC] * Nat1[, ind] # (F.15)
usN2 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat2[, ind]) * sag2[, indC] * Nat2[, ind] # (F.15)
sumusN1 <- sum(usN1) # (F.15)
sumusN2 <- sum(usN2) # (F.15)
sumusN <- (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumusN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumusN2) # (F.15)
meanpat1 <- sqrtexpnegM1 * usN1 / sumusN # (F.15)
meanpat2 <- sqrtexpnegM2 * usN2 / sumusN # (F.15)
# meanpat instead of observed patC[,t], cannot follow exact Coleraine
sdpat1 <- sqrt((meanpat1 * (1 - meanpat1) + varcst) / ntC[t]) # (F.19)
sdpat2 <- sqrt((meanpat2 * (1 - meanpat2) + varcst) / ntC[t]) # (F.19)
patC1[, t] <-
pmax(rnorm(n = A, mean = meanpat1, sd = sdpat1), 0) # (F.19)
patC2[, t] <-
pmax(rnorm(n = A, mean = meanpat2, sd = sdpat2), 0) # (F.19)
} else if (lkhdpropatage == 2) {
# binomial lkhd
for (t in 1:UC) {
ind <- tUC[t] # scalar ind
usN1 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat1[, ind]) * sag1[, indC] * Nat1[, ind] # (F.15)
usN2 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat2[, ind]) * sag2[, indC] * Nat2[, ind] # (F.15)
sumusN1 <- sum(usN1) # (F.15)
sumusN2 <- sum(usN2) # (F.15)
sumusN <- (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumusN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumusN2) # (F.15)
meanpat1 <- sqrtexpnegM1 * usN1 / sumusN # (F.15)
meanpat2 <- sqrtexpnegM2 * usN2 / sumusN # (F.15)
patC1[, t] <- rbinom(n = A,
prob = meanpat1,
size = ntC[t]) / ntC[t]
patC2[, t] <- rbinom(n = A,
prob = meanpat2,
size = ntC[t]) / ntC[t]
} else {
stop('lkhdpropatage can only be "1" (Gaussian) or "2" (binomial).')
# prop at age S1, t in tUS1
if (lkhdpropatage == 1) {
# Gaussian lkhd
if (varweight == 0) {
# no variance inflation
varcst <- 0 # no effect
} else if (varweight == 1) {
# inflate prop-at-age variance by adding varcst
varcst <- 1 / (10 * A) # F.5.3, Stanley et al. (2009) # (F.19)
} else {
stop('varweight can only be "0" (disabled) or "1" (variance inflation).')
for (t in 1:US1) {
ind <- tUS1[t] # scalar ind
usN1 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat1[, ind]) * sag1[, indS1] * Nat1[, ind] # (F.15)
usN2 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat2[, ind]) * sag2[, indS1] * Nat2[, ind] # (F.15)
sumusN1 <- sum(usN1) # (F.15)
sumusN2 <- sum(usN2) # (F.15)
sumusN <- (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumusN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumusN2) # (F.15)
meanpat1 <- sqrtexpnegM1 * usN1 / sumusN # (F.15)
meanpat2 <- sqrtexpnegM2 * usN2 / sumusN # (F.15)
# meanpat instead of observed patS1[,t], cannot follow exact Coleraine
sdpat1 <-
sqrt((meanpat1 * (1 - meanpat1) + varcst) / ntS1[t]) # (F.19)
sdpat2 <-
sqrt((meanpat2 * (1 - meanpat2) + varcst) / ntS1[t]) # (F.19)
patS11[, t] <-
pmax(rnorm(n = A, mean = meanpat1, sd = sdpat1), 0) # (F.19)
patS12[, t] <-
pmax(rnorm(n = A, mean = meanpat2, sd = sdpat2), 0) # (F.19)
} else if (lkhdpropatage == 2) {
# binomial lkhd
for (t in 1:US1) {
ind <- tUS1[t] # scalar ind
usN1 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat1[, ind]) * sag1[, indS1] * Nat1[, ind] # (F.15)
usN2 <- (1 - 0.5 * uat2[, ind]) * sag2[, indS1] * Nat2[, ind] # (F.15)
sumusN1 <- sum(usN1) # (F.15)
sumusN2 <- sum(usN2) # (F.15)
sumusN <- (sqrtexpnegM1 * sumusN1 + sqrtexpnegM2 * sumusN2) # (F.15)
meanpat1 <- sqrtexpnegM1 * usN1 / sumusN # (F.15)
meanpat2 <- sqrtexpnegM2 * usN2 / sumusN # (F.15)
patS11[, t] <- rbinom(n = A,
prob = meanpat1,
size = ntS1[t]) / ntS1[t]
patS12[, t] <- rbinom(n = A,
prob = meanpat2,
size = ntS1[t]) / ntS1[t]
} else {
stop('lkhdpropatage can only be "1" (Gaussian) or "2" (binomial).')
# Outputs
# convert R indices into C++ indices
tS1 <- as.integer(tS1 - 1)
tS2 <- as.integer(tS2 - 1)
tS3 <- as.integer(tS3 - 1)
tUC <- as.integer(tUC - 1)
tUS1 <- as.integer(tUS1 - 1)
true.theta <- c(R0,
parlist <- list(
'logR0' = log(R0),
'logM1' = log(M1),
'logM2' = log(M2),
'logmuC' = log(muC),
'deltaC' = deltaC,
'logupsilonC' = log(upsilonC),
'logmuS1' = log(muS1),
'deltaS1' = deltaS1,
'logupsilonS1' = log(upsilonS1),
'logh' = log(h),
'logqS1' = log(qS1),
'logqS2' = log(qS2),
'logqS3' = log(qS3),
'logRt' = rep(log(R0), TC)
datalist <- list(
'S1t' = S1t,
'S2t' = S2t,
'S3t' = S3t,
# response
'patC1' = patC1,
'patC2' = patC2,
# response
'patS11' = patS11,
'patS12' = patS12,
# response
'Ct' = Ct,
'ntC' = ntC,
'ntS1' = ntS1,
# fixed covariate
'wa1' = wa1,
'wa2' = wa2,
'ma' = ma,
# fixed covariate
'tS1' = tS1,
'tS2' = tS2,
'tS3' = tS3,
'tUC' = tUC,
'tUS1' = tUS1,
# indices
'kappaS1' = kappaS1,
'kappaS2' = kappaS2,
'kappaS3' = kappaS3,
# fixed
'muS2' = muS2,
'deltaS2' = deltaS2,
'upsilonS2' = upsilonS2,
# fixed
'muS3' = muS3 ,
'deltaS3' = deltaS3,
'upsilonS3' = upsilonS3,
# fixed
'sigmaR' = sigmaR,
# fixed
'lkhdpropatage' = lkhdpropatage,
'varweight' = varweight,
# options
'enablepriors' = as.integer(enable.priors) # options
res <- list(
'parlist' = parlist,
'datalist' = datalist,
'true.theta' = true.theta,
'true.R' = Rt,
'true.B' = Bt,
'true.V' = Vt,
'true.u' = ut,
'true.uaa.female' = uat1,
'true.uaa.male' = uat2,
'true.select.female' = sag1,
'true.select.male' = sag2,
'true.abund.female' = Nat1,
'true.abund.male' = Nat2,
'length.theta' = length.theta,
'years' = yearsvec,
'A' = A,
'TC' = TC,
'TS1' = TS1,
'TS2' = TS2,
'TS3' = TS3,
'UC' = UC,
'US1' = US1
class(res) <- 'obj'
# END POPsim
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