
Defines functions index_weights index_weights Deep.Compute deep_compute Divide.Weights divide_weights Sum.Weights sum_weights Make.Decision.Tree make_decision_tree

Documented in deep_compute divide_weights index_weights make_decision_tree sum_weights

# Create decision tree -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Evaluate utilities
#' @description Create decision tree for MAUT models exporting to an igraph object.
#' @param tree.data data.table with decision tree information.
#' @return igraph object containing the graph of the decision tree.
#' @author Pedro Guarderas, Andrés Lopez
#' \email{pedro.felipe.guarderas@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_tree}}
#' @details With the tree information loaded by the \code{\link{read_tree}} the decision tree
#' could be represented like an igraph object.
#' @examples
#' library( data.table )
#' library( igraph )
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "tree.csv", package = "mau" )
#' tree.data <- read_tree( file, skip = 0, nrows = 8 )
#' tree <- make_decision_tree( tree.data )
#' plot( tree )
#' @importFrom igraph make_empty_graph add_vertices add_edges V neighborhood %>%
#' @export
make_decision_tree <- function( tree.data ) {
  tree <- make_empty_graph( directed = TRUE )
  for ( i in 1:nrow( tree.data ) ) { # i <- 1
    A <- list()
    if ( is.na( tree.data$cod[i] ) ) {
      A <- list( 'id' = tree.data$id[i],
               'code' = 0,
               'name' = tree.data$name[i],
               'color' = 'dodgerblue1',
               'weight' = tree.data$weight[i],
               'rweight' = 0.0,
               'leaf' = 0,
               'function' = '',
               'deep' = 0,
               'size' = 21 )
    } else {
      A <- list( 'id' = tree.data$id[i],
               'code' = tree.data$cod[i],
               'name' = tree.data$name[i],
               'color' = 'orange',
               'weight' = tree.data$weight[i],
               'rweight' = 0.0,
               'leaf' = 1,
               'function' = tree.data$funct[i],
               'deep' = 0,
               'size' = 20 )
    tree <- tree %>% add_vertices( 1, attr = A )  
    if ( tree.data$id[i] != tree.data$parent[i] & !is.na( tree.data$parent[i] ) ) {
      tree <- tree %>% add_edges( c( tree.data$name.parent[i], tree.data$name[i] ), color = "black" )
  tree <- sum_weights( tree ) # weights
  tree <- divide_weights( tree ) # relative weights
  tree <- deep_compute( tree )
  return( tree )

Make.Decision.Tree <- function( tree.data ) {
    new = 'make_decision_tree',
    msg = 'The function Make.Decision.Tree will be replaced by the function make_decision_tree',
    old = 'Make.Decision.Tree' )
  return( make_decision_tree( tree.data ) )

# Sum weights --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Sum weights for internal nodes
#' @description The weights of the internal nodes has to be computed first is necessary to add each
#' weights of the leaves.
#' @param tree igraph object representing the tree
#' @return igraph object updated
#' @author Pedro Guarderas, Andrés Lopez
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_tree}}
#' @importFrom igraph V ego
#' @export
sum_weights <- function( tree ) {
  with( tree, {
  childs <- NULL
  noleaves <- which( V(tree)$leaf == 0 )
  leaves <- which( V(tree)$leaf == 1 )
  for ( i in noleaves ) { # i <- leaves[1]
    childs <- unlist( ego( tree, 100, V(tree)[i], mode = 'out' ) )
    childs <- childs[ childs %in% leaves ]
    V( tree )[i]$weight <- sum( V( tree )[ childs ]$weight )
  return( tree )

Sum.Weights <- function( tree ) {
    new = 'sum_weights',
    msg = 'The function Sum.Weights will be replaced by the function make_decision_tree',
    old = 'Sum.Weights' )
  return( sum_weights( tree ) )

# Compute relative weights -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Divide weights of internal nodes
#' @description After the addition of weights for internal nodes the final weights have to be 
#' computed dividing by the total weight of each parent.
#' @param tree igraph object representing the tree
#' @return igraph object updated
#' @author Pedro Guarderas, Andrés Lopez
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_tree}}
#' @importFrom igraph V ego neighborhood
#' @export
divide_weights <- function( tree ) {
  with( tree, {
  noleaves <- which( V(tree)$leaf == 0 )
  leaves <- which( V(tree)$leaf == 1 )
  for ( i in 1:length( V(tree) ) ) { # i <- leaves[9]
    parent <- unlist( ego( tree, 1, V(tree)[i], mode = 'in' ) )
    parent <- parent[ parent != i ]
    childs <- unlist( neighborhood( tree, 100, V(tree)[i], mode = 'out' ) )
    childs <- childs[ childs %in% leaves ]
    if ( length( parent ) == 1 ) {
      pchilds <- unlist( ego( tree, 100, V(tree)[parent], mode = 'out' ) )
      pchilds <- pchilds[ pchilds %in% leaves ]
      V( tree )[i]$rweight <- sum( V(tree)[childs]$weight ) / sum( V(tree)[pchilds]$weight )
    } else if ( length( parent ) == 0 ) {
      V( tree )[i]$rweight <- 1.0
  return( tree )

Divide.Weights <- function( tree ) {
    new = 'divide_weights',
    msg = 'The function Divide.Weights will be replaced by the function divide_weights',
    old = 'Divide.Weights' )
  return( divide_weights( tree ) )

# Assign deep identifier ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Compute the deep position of every node
#' @description For the computation of the complete decision model is necessary to establish the 
#' deep position of every node.
#' @param tree igraph object representing the tree
#' @return igraph object updated
#' @author Pedro Guarderas, Andrés Lopez
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_tree}}
#' @importFrom igraph V ego neighborhood
#' @export
deep_compute <- function( tree ) {
  with( tree, {
  parent <- NULL
  childs <- NULL
  nodes <- which( V(tree)$leaf == 0 )
  for( i in nodes ) {
    parent <- unlist( ego( tree, 1, V(tree)[i], mode = 'in' ) )
    parent <- parent[ !( parent %in% i ) ]
    if ( length( parent ) == 0 ) {
  parent <- i
  deep <- 0
  while ( length( parent ) > 0 ) {
    V(tree)[parent]$deep <- deep  
    deep <- deep + 1
    childs <- unique( unlist( neighborhood( tree, 1, V(tree)[parent], mode = 'out' ) ) )
    childs <- childs[ !( childs %in% parent ) ]
    parent <- childs
  return( tree )

Deep.Compute <- function( tree ) {
    new = 'deep_compute',
    msg = 'The function Deep.Compute will be replaced by the function deep_compute',
    old = 'Deep.Compute' )
  return( deep_compute( tree ) )

# Get index values ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Compute leaves weights
#' @description The computation of weights could be determined in an inverse processes given the
#' internal weights.
#' @param tree igraph object representing the tree
#' @return igraph object updated
#' @author Pedro Guarderas, Andrés Lopez
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_tree}}
#' @importFrom igraph V ego neighborhood
#' @export
index_weights <- function( tree ) {
  with( tree, {
  leaves <- which( V(tree)$leaf == 1 )
  weights <- data.frame()
  for ( i in leaves ) {
    parents <- unlist( neighborhood( tree, 5, V(tree)[i], mode = 'in' ) )
    weights <- rbind( weights, c( V(tree)[i]$codigo, prod( V(tree)[parents]$weight ) ) )
  colnames( weights ) <- c( 'cod', 'weight' )
  weights <- weights[ order( weights$cod ), ]
  rownames( weights ) <- NULL
  return( weights )

index_weights <- function( tree ) {
    new = 'index_weights',
    msg = 'The function Index.Weights will be replaced by the function index_weights',
    old = 'Index.Weights' )
  return( index_weights( tree ) )
pedroguarderas/mau documentation built on June 4, 2024, 2:04 a.m.