
Defines functions fetchPlantNET

Documented in fetchPlantNET

#' Fetch PlantNET information for a taxon
#' Search for a matching taxon on PlantNET and, if found, return a named list containing useful information extracted from the return web page. No resolvable name returns "No_data" list elements.
#' @param thisTaxon Character string representign the name of the taxon to be fetched
#' @param verbose Logical. Should progress messages be written to the console? Default is FALSE
#' @return
#' {A named list with the following elements:
#' \item{nswName}{The taxonomic name used in NSW as reported by PlantNET}
#' \item{plantNETurl}{Ther recovered URL to the taxon entry on PlantNET}
#' \item{plantNETfullName}{Full taxonomic name (taxon plus author inforamtion) reproted by PlantNET}
#' \item{plantNETcommonNames}{A multivalued field of any common names supplied by PlantNET with elements separated by ';'.}
#' \item{plantNETfamily}{The name of the family used by PlantNET for this taxon concept}
#' \item{plantNETsubfamily}{The name of the sub-family (if present) used by PlantNET for this taxon concept}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{}
fetchPlantNET <- function(thisTaxon, synonyms = "", verbose = FALSE)
  if (verbose) cat("Fetching PlantNET record\n")

  if (verbose) cat("    Original taxon:", thisTaxon,"\n")

  # Trim interim names to 2 parts as PlantNET cannot handle infra-specific taxa
  nameBits <- unlist(strsplit(thisTaxon, " "))
  if (length(nameBits) > 2)
    thisTaxon <- paste(nameBits[1:2], collapse = " ")

  if (verbose) cat("    Trimmed taxon:", thisTaxon, "\n")

  if (synonyms != "")
    parsedSynonyms <- c(thisTaxon, unlist(strsplit(synonyms, ";")))
    parsedSynonyms <- thisTaxon

  if (verbose) cat("parsedSynonyms =", paste(parsedSynonyms, collapse = ", "), "\n")

  n <- length(parsedSynonyms)
  i <- 1
  found <- FALSE

  while((i <= n) & !found)
    if (verbose) cat("Testing", parsedSynonyms[i], ":\n")

    nswName <- parsedSynonyms[i]
    thisURL <- paste0("https://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=", gsub(" ", "~", nswName, fixed = TRUE))
    if (verbose) cat("    PlantNET URL:", thisURL, "\n")

    stuff <- httr::GET(thisURL)
    responseCode <- stuff$status_code
    if (verbose) cat("    Response code =", responseCode, "\n")
    if (responseCode == 200)
      guts <- rawToChar(stuff$content)

      if (grepl("No entry in Flora of NSW", guts, fixed = TRUE))
        if (verbose) cat("      Found 'No entry in Flora of NSW' in response\n")
        i <- i + 1
        # We got a result...so bail out and process the info
        found <- TRUE
      if (verbose) cat("    Failed response from PlantNET: HTML code =",responseCode,"\n")

      i <- n # Force a stop but maintain state of 'found'

  if (!found)
    nswName <- "Not_accepted"
    thisURL <- "No_data"
    #plantNETurl <- "No_data"
    plantNETcommonNames <- "No_data"
    plantNETfamily <- "No_data"
    plantNETsubfamily <- "No_data"
    plantNETfullname <- "No_data"
    if (verbose) cat("      Processing content in response\n")

    topSplit <- xml2::xml_children(xml2::read_html(guts))
    tables <- xml2::xml_find_all(topSplit[2], ".//table")
    usefulStuff <- xml2::xml_contents(xml2::xml_contents(tables[5])[1])
    part2 <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml2::xml_find_all(usefulStuff, ".//table")[2], ".//tr")
    strBits <- strsplit(xml2::xml_text(part2), "Family", fixed = TRUE)
    plantNETfullname <- stringr::str_squish(strBits[[1]][1])

    familyBits <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(strBits[[1]][2], "Subfamily ", fixed = TRUE)))

    plantNETfamily <- familyBits[1]

    plantNETsubfamily <- "No_data"
    if (length(familyBits) == 2)
      plantNETsubfamily <- familyBits[2]

    divs <- xml2::xml_find_all(topSplit[2], ".//div")

    if (length(divs) == 2)
      plantNETcommonNames <- gsub(",", ";", stringr::str_to_title(trimws(sub("Common name: ", "", xml2::xml_text(divs[1]), fixed = TRUE))), fixed = TRUE)
      plantNETcommonNames <- "No_data"

  plantNET_result <- list("nswName" = nswName,
                          "plantNETurl" = thisURL,
                          "plantNETfullName" = plantNETfullname,
                          "plantNETcommonNames" = plantNETcommonNames,
                          "plantNETfamily" = plantNETfamily,
                          "plantNETsubfamily" = plantNETsubfamily)

peterbat1/RandR.webtool.dataPrep documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 3:05 p.m.