
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Analyses for "NAEd / Spencer presentation 2016"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# To do:
  # X 1 integrate cIRF and EM functions; sort out which functions take matrix of probs and which only take a 1X4 vector
  # X write data sim for mixture; thetas given
  # X bootstrap lr test for mixture
  # bootstrap SE for mixture: data generating posterior dist is mix_prop. should be recovered well by priors of EM. Variance over posteriors gives something like the SE of the posterior distribution. Apply delta method to get SE of group_score. But how to seperate sampleing error from measurement error, as in PV? dont have model based SE of posteriors, only able to resample SEs. Resample with and without PV on theta? take the difference as the noise added by measurement error in theta. good enough!

# library("cirt")

# Load item parms
parms <- read.csv("calibration_parms.csv", row.names = 1)

#  collaboration data and split into forms
collab <- read.csv("collaboration_2016.csv", check.names = F)
col_form <- format_resp(collab, row.names(parms), "COL")
ind_form <- format_resp(collab, row.names(parms), "IND")

# Apply conjunctive scoring rule
odd <- seq(1, nrow(col_form), by = 2)
col_form[odd,] <- col_form[odd+1,] <- col_form[odd,]*col_form[odd+1,]

# Drop 13 unsuable response patterns (all 1 or all 0)
drop_groups <- c(
  collab$group_id[apply(col_form, 1, mean, na.rm = T) %in% c(1,0)],
  collab$group_id[apply(ind_form, 1, mean, na.rm = T) %in% c(1,0)])

col_form <-col_form[!collab$group_id%in%drop_groups,]
ind_form <-ind_form[!collab$group_id%in%drop_groups,]

# Reset odd for dropped items
odd <- odd[1:(nrow(col_form)/2)]

# Estimate theta for ind forms
ind <- MLE(ind_form, parms, WMLE = T)
theta1 <- ind$theta[odd]
theta2 <- ind$theta[odd+1]
resp <- col_form[odd, ]

# tests for re written functions -------------------------------------------

# EM
models <- c("Ind", "Min", "Max", "AI")
col <- EM(models, resp, parms, theta1, theta2)

sanity <- sim_em(1000, 25, prior = NULL, alpha = NULL, beta = NULL, sort = F)

sanity2 <- EM(models, ind_form[odd, ]*ind_form[odd+1, ], parms, theta1, theta2)

# lr test
mix_prop <- col$posterior
theta1_se <- ind$se[odd]
theta2_se <- ind$se[odd+1]
n_boot <- 20

lr  <- lr_test(resp, mix_prop, parms, theta1, theta2, theta1_se, theta2_se, n_boot)

# its aliiiiiive! but definitely have a few stinkers in here. what is going on?

hist(q$p_obs, breaks = 20)
ind <- which(q$p_obs < .01)
apply(!is.na(resp[ind,]), 1, sum)

# old stuff -------------------------------------------

col_theta <- factor.scores(calib_ltm, col_form, type = "EB", prior = F)$score.dat$z1

# Take a look
par(mfrow  = c(1,2))

# EM ----------------------------------------
  # two sanity checks and one analysis

models <- c("Ind", "Min", "Max", "AI")
theta1 <- ind_theta[odd]
theta2 <- ind_theta[odd+1]
plot(theta1, theta2)

# Sanity check #1
sanity <- EM(models, ind_form[odd,]*ind_form[odd+1,], theta1, theta2, parms)

# Sanity check #2
n_obs <- 5000
n_items <- 20
sim <- sim_mix(n_obs, n_items)
raster_plot(sim, sort = F)
table(apply(sim$posterior, 1, which.max))

# Real deal: Collaborative responses
col <- EM(models, col_form[odd,], theta1, theta2, parms)
group_score <- rep(col$posterior %*% 1:4, each = 2)

# Random sample for barbell plot
temp <- sample(odd, 20)
ind <- sort(c(temp, temp + 1))
barbell_plot(ind$theta[ind], mle_ref$theta[ind], group_score[ind], legend = "right")

# Plots of group scores ------------------

# Histogram
temp <- data.frame(group_score)
names(temp) <- "u"
1 <- ggplot(temp, aes(x = u)) + geom_histogram(color = "white", fill =  "#132B43", binwidth = .25)  + xlab("\'group score\'") #+ labs(title = "Effective proportion of items for each dyad")

# Scatter plot
theta_min <- apply(cbind(theta1, theta2), 1, min)
theta_max <- apply(cbind(theta1, theta2), 1, max)
temp <- data.frame(
  c(theta_min, theta_max),
  rep(c("theta_min", "theta_max"), each = length(theta_min)))

temp[,1] <- rep(col_theta[odd], times = 2) - temp[,1]
names(temp) <- c("delta_theta", "U", "member")

p2 <- ggplot(temp, aes(x = U, y = delta_theta, group = member)) +
  geom_smooth(aes(color = member)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = member), size = 1) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-3,3)) +
  xlab("\'group score\'")+
  ylab("collaborative theta minus individual theta") +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0, col = "grey") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#132B43", "#56B1F7")) +
  theme(legend.position = c(.8, .2))

grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)

#plot(col$posterior%*%1:4, col_theta[odd] -theta_min, pch = 20)
#points(col$posterior%*%1:4, col_theta[odd] -theta_max, col = 2, pch = 20)

# DIF analysis --------------------------------

file <- "~/Dropbox/Academic/Projects/CA/Data/response_matrices/DIF/collaboration_DIF2a.out"
q <- extractModelParameters(file)$stdy.standardized
thresholds <- q[q$paramHeader == "Thresholds",]
ind <- grep("IN", thresholds$param)
col <- grep("CO", thresholds$param)

temp <- data.frame(thresholds$est[ind], thresholds$est[col])
names(temp) <- c("ti", "tc")
temp$dif <- (abs((thresholds$est[ind]-.3) - thresholds$est[col]) > .34)*1
temp$dif <- factor(temp$dif)

ggplot(temp, aes(x = ti, y = tc, group = dif)) + geom_point(size = 2, aes(color = dif)) +
  geom_abline(intercept = -.32, slope = 1, col = "grey") +
  ggtitle("Estimated Item Thresholds, Research Sample") +
  xlab("Individual condition") +
  ylab("Collaborative condition") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#132B43", "#56B1F7"))

# Chi square dif tests scalar invariance is OK without 39, 75, 96, 97
l_con  <- -4976.624
l_full <- -5048.337
l_metric  <- -5001.881
l_scalar  <- -5019.747

c_full <- (68*1.328 - 129*1.323)/(68 - 129)
c_metric <-  (104*1.328 - 129*1.323)/(104 - 129)
c_scalar <-  (76*1.316 - 129*1.323)/(76 - 129)

lr_full <- -2*(l_full - l_con)/c_full
lr_metric <- -2*(l_metric - l_con)/c_metric
lr_scalar <- -2*(l_scalar - l_con)/c_scalar

pchisq(lr_full, 129-68)
pchisq(lr_metric, 129-104)
pchisq(lr_scalar, 129-76)

# Plot IRFS for numerical example ---------------------
theta <- seq(-4, 4, by = .25)
nIRF <- 4
a <- 2
alpha <- c(a, a, a, a/3)
beta <- c(-1, 1, 0, 0)
temp <- cbind(rep(1:nIRF, each = length(theta)), rep(theta, times = length(nIRF)))
q <- c()
for(i in 1:nIRF) q <- c(q, twoPL(alpha[i], beta[i], theta))

temp <- data.frame(cbind(temp, q))
names(temp) <- c("item", "theta", "p")
temp$item <- as.factor(temp$item)

ggplot(temp, aes(x = theta, y = p, group = item)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.25, aes(col = item)) +
  geom_vline(size = 1.25, xintercept = 1, linetype = 2 ,) +
  geom_vline(size = 1.25, xintercept = -1, linetype = 3) +
  annotate("text", x = .25, y = 1.02, size = 5, label = "theta_2") +
  annotate("text", x = -1.8, y = 1.02, size = 5, label = "theta_1"))

# Weights items ------------------

weights <- delta(parms$alpha, parms$beta, theta1, theta2)/.25
temp <- data.frame(apply(weights*col_form, 1, sum, na.rm = T) / apply(!is.na(col_form), 1, sum))
names(temp) <- "weights"

ggplot(n_item, aes(x = weights)) +
  geom_histogram(color = "white", fill =  "#132B43", binwidth = .04)  +
  xlab("proportion") +
  labs(title = "Effective proportion of items for each dyad")

# Screen items
s <- screen(.06, parms$alpha, parms$beta, theta1, theta2)
col2 <- EM(models, col_form[odd,]*s, theta1, theta2, parms)

# Table for slides

# Screening dyads ?
ind <- temp[odd,]
temp_form <- col_form[odd,]
col3 <- EM(models, temp_form[ind>.05,], theta1[ind>.05], theta2[ind>.05], parms)
plot(col3$posterior%*%1:4, col$posterior[ind > .05,]%*%1:4)

#BARRRRF output for Noreen, in a rush ---------------------------------
# t1 <- collab2[temp_ind,]
# t1$member_id
# temp_ind <- temp_ind[-c(1:6)]
# t1 <- collab2[temp_ind,]
# t2 <- round(cbind(rep(1:(nrow(t1)/2), each = 2), t1$group_id, t1$member_id, ind_theta[temp_ind], col_theta[temp_ind], col_theta[temp_ind] - ind_theta[temp_ind]), 3)
# colnames(t2) <- c("pairs", "group_id", "member_id", "ind_theta", "collab_theta", "delta_theta")
# t2 <- data.frame(t2)
# groups <- unique(t2$group_id)
# table(temp$group_id)
# temp <- read.csv(paste0("/Users/", machine, "/Dropbox/Academic/Projects/CA/Data/serversql_0908_2016/chat_time_series.csv"))
# head(temp)
# gg <- table(temp$user_id)
# gg[gg%in%groups]
# temp2 <- temp[temp$user_id%in%t2$member_id, ]
# names(temp2)[1] <- "pairs"
# for(i in 1:nrow(t2)) { temp2$pairs[temp2$user_id == t2$member_id[i]] <- t2$pairs[i] }
# head(temp2)
# write.csv(temp2, "AI_chats.csv")
# table(temp2$pairs)
# temp2$pair
# table(temp2$group_id)

# Set up data ------------------------------------
  # drop  032, 075, 095, 097 based on DIF analysis
  # drop  092 because of administration problem
 drop_items <- c("032", "075", "095", "097", "092")
# Load Calibration data
calib <- read.csv("calibration_2016.csv", check.names = F)
calib <- calib[-grep(paste0(drop_items, collapse = "|"), names(calib))]

# Calibrate items
calib_ltm <- ltm(calib[,-1] ~ z1)
parms <- coef(calib_ltm) %>% data.frame
names(parms) <- c("beta", "alpha")
write.csv(parms, "calibration_parms.csv")
peterhalpin/cirt documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:50 a.m.