
#' Initialize Population
#' Initialize the spatial distribution of the fish population
#' @param ctl List of control parameters from make_ctl function, description of arguments in 
#' make_ctl function
#' @param nfish Number of fish, use this to generate matrices for both species

#' @examples 
#' Uniformly distribute fish
#' control <- make_ctl()
#' initialize_population(ctl = control)

#' Distribute fish in upper right quadrant only
#' control <- make_ctl(distribute = 'area', area = 'upperright')
#' initialize_population(ctl = control)
#' Patchily distribute fish
#' control <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy')
#' initialize_population(ctl = control)
#' @export

initialize_population <- function(ctl, nfish){
  nfish_orig <- nfish
  numrow <- ctl$numrow
  numcol <- ctl$numcol
  # nfish <- ctl$nfish
  distribute <- ctl$distribute
  maxfish <- ctl$maxfish
  percent <- ctl$percent
  # seed <- ctl$seed
  area <- ctl$area

  #initial check
  # if(distribute %in% c('area', 'patchy', 'uniform', 'hs', 'beta') == FALSE){
  #   stop('specify distribute as area, patchy, uniform, or hotspot')
  # } 

  #Create matrix of zeroes
  # fishArea <- matrix(0, nrow = numrow, ncol = numcol, byrow = FALSE)
  # #Create data frame with matrix indices of interest
  # samp.df <- expand.grid(1:numrow, 1:numcol) #rows and columns are set depending on arguments
  # names(samp.df) <- c('x', 'y')

  #Set Seed, should apply to all downstream sampling function
  # set.seed(ctl$seed)
  # Uniformly populate matrix, work on this
  # if(distribute == 'uniform'){
  #   #Modify number of fish that are allocated to each cell
  #   nfish.uni <- nfish - (nfish %% nrow(samp.df)) #number of fish for uniform allocation
  #   nfish <- nfish - nfish.uni
  # }
  #Patchily Distributed Fish
  # if(distribute == 'patchy'){
  #   #Maybe specify percentage of things to pick ultimately??
  #   possible.picks <- expand.grid(1:numrow, 1:numcol)
  #   nsamps <- percent * nrow(possible.picks)

  #   samp.df <- possible.picks[sample(1:nrow(possible.picks), size = nsamps), ] 
  # }
  # if(distribute == 'patchy' & ctl$numrow == 1 & ctl$numrow == 1){
  #   samp.df <- possible.picks
  # }  
  #If distribution is area specific
  # if(distribute == 'area'){
  #   #Adjust rows and columns depending on specified area
  #   if(area == 'upperleft'){
  #     rows <- 1:(numrow / 2)
  #     columns <- 1:(numcol / 2)
  #   }
  #   if(area == 'upperright'){
  #     rows <- 1:(numrow / 2)
  #     columns <- (1 + (numcol / 2)):numcol
  #   }
  #   if(area == 'lowerleft'){
  #     rows <- (1 + (numrow / 2)):numrow
  #     columns <- 1:(numcol / 2)
  #   }
  #   if(area == 'lowerright'){
  #     rows <- (1 + (numrow / 2)):numrow
  #     columns <- ((1 + numcol / 2)):numcol
  #   }

  #   if(area == 'lowerhalf'){
  #     rows <- (1 + numrow / 2):numrow
  #     columns <- 1:numcol
  #   }

  #   if(area == 'upperhalf'){
  #     rows <- 1:(numrow / 2)
  #     columns <- 1:numcol
  #   }

  #   if(area == 'righthalf'){
  #     rows <- 1:numrow
  #     columns <- (1 + numcol / 2):numcol
  #   }

  #   if(area == 'lefthalf'){
  #     rows <- 1:numrow
  #     columns <- 1:(numcol / 2)
  #   }
  #   #Create specific samp.df for area case
  #   samp.df <- expand.grid(rows, columns)
  #   names(samp.df) <- c('x', 'y')
  # }

  #Now sample fish
  # samp.vec <- vector(length = nfish)
  # counter <- 1
  # #While loop generates samples
  # while(nfish > 0){
  #   samp <- sample(1:maxfish, 1) #Maximum number of fish allowed per sample
  #   if(samp >= nfish) samp <- nfish #prevents nfish from being exceeded
  #   samp.vec[counter] <- samp #store value in counter
  #   nfish <- nfish - samp #update nfish
  #   counter <- counter + 1 #update counter
  # }

  # #Ensure that the length of sample vec is a multiple of number of rows in samp.df
  # samp.vec <- c(samp.vec, rep(0, length(samp.vec) %% nrow(samp.df)))
  # samp.mat <- matrix(samp.vec, nrow = nrow(samp.df), byrow = FALSE)
  # samp.df$fish <- rowSums(samp.mat)

  # #Add uniform # of fish to each cell
  # if(distribute == 'uniform'){
  #   samp.df$fish <- samp.df$fish + nfish.uni / nrow(samp.df)
  # }
  # #assign to fishing area
  # for(ii in 1:nrow(samp.df)){
  #   fishArea[samp.df[ii, 1], samp.df[ii, 2]] <- samp.df[ii, 3]
  # }  

  #Beta distributed fish distribution
  if(distribute == 'beta'){
    #reset seed for beta function
    #Fill in matrix of fish
    bsamps <- rbeta(ctl$numrow * ctl$numcol, shape1 = ctl$shapes[1], shape2 = ctl$shapes[2])
    bsamps <- bsamps / sum(bsamps)
    bfish <- nfish_orig * bsamps
    bfish <- round(bfish)

    #Make sure bfish == nfish_orig
    diff_fish <- sum(bfish) - nfish_orig

    #Remove fish
    if(diff_fish > 0){
      inds <- which(bfish != 0)
      rm_ind <- sample(inds, size = diff_fish)
      bfish[rm_ind] <- bfish[rm_ind] - 1

    #Add fish
    if(diff_fish < 0){
      inds <- which(bfish != 0)
      rm_ind <- sample(inds, size = abs(diff_fish))
      bfish[rm_ind] <- bfish[rm_ind] + 1

    if(sum(bfish) != nfish_orig) browser()

    #Export file
    fishArea <- matrix(bfish, nrow = ctl$numrow, ncol = ctl$numcol, byrow = FALSE)


  #Hotspot distribution
  # if(distribute == 'hs'){    
  #   #intialize values of interest
  #   nnfish <- sum(fishArea)
  #   hs <- ctl$hs_loc
  #   hs$unq <- paste(hs$x, hs$y)

  #   probs <- melt(fishArea)
  #   names(probs) <- c('x', 'y', 'prob')
  #   probs$prob <- 0
  #   probs$unq <- paste(probs$x, probs$y)
  #   hs_scope <- ctl$hs_scope
  #   delta <- ctl$delta

  #   if(hs_scope == 0){
  #     probs[which(probs$unq %in% hs$unq), "prob"] <- 1 / nrow(hs)    
  #   } 

  #   if(hs_scope == 1){
  #     #Define proportions for each hot spot
  #     nlocs <- nrow(hs)
  #     #Calculate proportions
  #     xx <- 1 / (nlocs * (1 + 8 / delta))
  #     yy <- xx / delta
  #     #define highest dist proportions
  #     probs[which(probs$unq %in% hs$unq), 'prob'] <- xx
  #     #define lower proportions
  #     for(nn in 1:nlocs){
  #       xxx <- hs[nn, 'x']
  #       yyy <- hs[nn, 'y']
  #       row_range <- (xxx - hs_scope): (xxx + hs_scope)
  #       row_range <- row_range[row_range %in% unique(probs$x)] #If there's a border case maybe?
  #       col_range <- (yyy - hs_scope):(yyy + hs_scope)
  #       col_range <- col_range[col_range %in% unique(probs$y)] # for border cases
  #       #indices of things to change
  #       change_inds <- which(probs$x %in% row_range & probs$y %in% col_range)
  #       change_inds <- change_inds[-which(probs[change_inds, 'unq'] %in% paste(xxx, yyy))]
  #       probs[change_inds, 'prob'] <- probs[change_inds, 'prob'] + yy
  #     }
  #   }    

  #   probs$unq <- NULL
  #   probs <- matrix(probs$prob, nrow = ctl$numrow, ncol = ctl$numcol, byrow = FALSE )
  #   fishArea <- probs * nfish_orig
  # }

peterkuriyama/hlsimulator documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:51 a.m.