
var_desc_isor <- 
  # Meta 
  list(name="t_id"             , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Unique identifier of a SO version by including country shorthand, date, and version counter."),
  list(name="t_date"           , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Date of the SO version - equals to (according to availability) enactment, promulgation, acceptance."),
  list(name="t_dplus"          , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Version counter that is zero under normal circumstances but might be higher if more than one version got enacted on the same date."),
  list(name="t_country"        , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Country shorthand (as used internal). In case of Swiss two separate shorthands exist because there SO are spread among two bodies."),
  list(name="country"          , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Name of the country."),
  list(name="ctr"              , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Country shorthand adhering to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3"),
  list(name="t_daccept"        , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Date on which the SO were accepted, voted upon, decided upon, ... ."),
  list(name="t_dpromul"        , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Date on which the SO were promulgated - made public, printed, published, ... ."),
  list(name="t_denact"         , from="texts", group="01 meta", description="Date on which the SO were enacted - came into force / took effect."),
  list(name="t_date_lag"       , from="texts, derived", group="01 meta", description="Date on which the previous SO was enacted - came into force / took effect."),
  list(name="t_date_lead"      , from="texts, derived", group="01 meta", description="Date on which the following SO will be enacted - came into force / took effect."),
  list(name="t_snc_lst_ref"    , from="texts, derived", group="01 meta", description="Time in days between the last and the current SO."),
  list(name="t_to_nxt_ref"     , from="texts, derived", group="01 meta", description="Time in days between the following and the current SO."),
  # DB
  list(name="int_dupdate_texts", from="db", group="02 db", description="Date at which the 'texts' table of the database was last updated."),
  list(name="int_id_texts"     , from="db", group="02 db", description="Database internal enumeration of SO - this might change at any time. Do **not** use this as an id variable."),
  list(name="db_version"       , from="db", group="02 db", description="Version of the database which was used to create the data set. On every change the version number goes up by 0.01 - there is no distinction between major and minor version."),
  list(name="db_lastupdate"    , from="db", group="02 db", description="Date at which the database was last updated."),
  # Length
  list(name="lns_all"          , from="textlines",              group="03 length", description="Number of lines - also known as sub paragraphs - within a particular SO."),
  list(name="wds_raw_all"      , from="textlines",              group="03 length", description="Number of words within a particular SO."),
  list(name="wds_clean_all"    , from="textlines",              group="03 length", description="Number of words within a particular SO after having striped away enumerations like, a), b), ..., 1., 2., ... I, II, ... and so forth."),
  list(name="lns_rel"          , from="textlines",              group="03 length", description="Number of lines that contain relevant content - e.g. no blank lines, no headlines, no appendices."),
  list(name="wds_raw_rel"      , from="textlines",              group="03 length", description="Number of words that are not from irrelevant lines - e.g. no blank lines, no headlines, no appendices."),
  list(name="wds_clean_rel"    , from="textlines",              group="03 length", description="Number of words that are not from irrelevant lines - e.g. no blank lines, no headlines, no appendices - after having striped away enumerations like, a), b), ..., 1., 2., ... I, II, ... and so forth."),

  # Wordiness
  list(name="lang"                     , from="own research / EU documents",   group="035 wordiness", description="Language in which SO are written."),
  list(name="wdns"                     , from="own research / EU documents",   group="035 wordiness", description="The wordiness of a language. Different languages have different wordiness, meaning that they need different amounts of words to express the same concept, sentence, regulation, ... . The variable gives the factor of wordiness compared to English based on the translations of EU documents. These are available in English but also in all other EU languages. Languages that need more words than English have values above 1, languages that need less have values below 1."),
  list(name="wdns_corr"                , from="own research / EU documents",   group="035 wordiness", description="Wordiness correction factor which can be used to transform word counts into English equivalent word counts by multiplying the word count with the value of this variable."),
  list(name="wds_clean_rel_wdns_corr"  , from="own research / EU documents",   group="035 wordiness", description="The variable `wds_clean_rel` corrected by its wordiness to English equivalent word counts. See `wds_clean_rel` and `wdns_corr`."),
  # Change / MinMaj
  list(name="lns_mdf"          , from="textlines",              group="04 change", description="Number of lines that were modified - i.e. changed but not deleted or inserted."),
  list(name="wds_mdf"          , from="textlines",              group="04 change", description="Number of words modified - i.e. changed but not deleted or inserted."),
  list(name="pro_maj_mdf"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines modified that were coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_min_mdf"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines modified that were coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_non_mdf"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines modified that were coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_maj_mdf"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words modified that were coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_min_mdf"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words modified that were coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_non_mdf"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words modified that were coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  # Change / MinMaj
  list(name="wds_ins"          , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="04 change", description="Number of words that were inserted into SO."),
  list(name="lns_ins"          , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="04 change", description="Number of lines that were inserted into SO."),
  list(name="pro_maj_ins"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines inserted that were coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_min_ins"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines inserted that were coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_non_ins"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines inserted that were coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_maj_ins"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words inserted that were coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_min_ins"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words inserted that were coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_non_ins"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words inserted that were coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  # Change / MinMaj
  list(name="wds_del"          , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="04 change", description="Number of words that were deleted from old SO."),
  list(name="lns_del"          , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="04 change", description="Number of lines that were deleted from old SO."),
  list(name="pro_maj_del"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines deleted that were coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_min_del"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines deleted that were coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_non_del"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines deleted that were coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_maj_del"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words deleted that were coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_min_del"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words deleted that were coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_non_del"  , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words deleted that were coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  # Change / MinMaj
  list(name="pro_maj"          , from="linelinkage",            group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_min"          , from="linelinkage",            group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="pro_non"          , from="linelinkage",            group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of lines coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_maj"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words coded as majority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_min"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words coded as minority friendly."),
  list(name="wds_pro_non"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="05 minority/majority", description="Number of words coded as neither majority nor minority friendly."),
  # Change / MinMaj
  list(name="lns_chg"          , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="04 change", description="Number of lines that were changed from the old SO to the current - i.e. the sum of insertions, deletions and modifikations."),
  list(name="wds_chg"          , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="04 change", description="Number of words that were changed from the old SO to the current - i.e. the sum of insertions, deletions and modifikations."),
  # Raw Corpus Coding / LNS
  list(name="lns_corp_8"       , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 8    \n\n 8   General Rules Regarding Formation and Legislative Session; Discontinuity"),
  list(name="lns_corp_9"       , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 9    \n\n 9   Final Provisions"),
  list(name="lns_corp_10"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 10   \n\n 10  Miscellaneous (cannot be coded otherwise)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_21"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 21   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 21 constitutional change and amendment"),
  list(name="lns_corp_22"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 22   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 22 financial laws (money bills) and budgeting "),
  list(name="lns_corp_23"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 23   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 23 foreign policy"),
  list(name="lns_corp_25"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 25   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 25 general rules on elections in parliament (if not coded as election of government (31), or election of specific officials (411; 421; 441; 6211; 6221; 632))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_26"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 26   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 26 further special decision procedures (leading to a decision, e.g. resolution, or leading to a decree/act/bylaw (not mere debate or question time) but cannot be coded as regular law-making nor special decision procedures (21 - 24) )"),
  list(name="lns_corp_27"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 27   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 27 procedures concerning laws that are hierarchically situated between regular laws and constitutional laws (above regular laws; e.g. organic laws in Spain)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_28"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 28   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 28 emergency legislation"),
  list(name="lns_corp_29"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 29   \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 29 relationship to sub-national level (law-making, rights of participation of sub-national level)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_31"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of lines with corpus code 31   \n\n 3 Relationship to Government \n\n 31 election of government / mandatory investiture vote; entry into office"),
  list(name="lns_corp_32"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of lines with corpus code 32   \n\n 3 Relationship to Government \n\n 32 vote of no confidence / government resignation"),
  list(name="lns_corp_33"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of lines with corpus code 33   \n\n 3 Relationship to Government \n\n 33 vote of confidence"),
  list(name="lns_corp_34"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of lines with corpus code 34   \n\n 3 Relationship to Government \n\n 34 instructions to government, involvement of members of government in parliamentary activities (rights to compel witnesses [usually right of parliament against members of government], right to speak [usually members of government's right], request of information about state of execution of decisions of parliament)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_43"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 43   \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 43 second chamber (if not coded as law-making (142))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_45"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 45   \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 45 constitutional courts"),
  list(name="lns_corp_51"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of lines with corpus code 51   \n\n 5 Generating Publicity \n\n 51 general rules regarding debate (e.g. time allotted for speaking, proportional representation of parties during debate, closure of debate) "),
  list(name="lns_corp_52"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of lines with corpus code 52   \n\n 5 Generating Publicity \n\n 52 debates outside of law-making (e.g. topical hours ...)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_53"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of lines with corpus code 53   \n\n 5 Generating Publicity \n\n 53 question rights"),
  list(name="lns_corp_54"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of lines with corpus code 54   \n\n 5 Generating Publicity \n\n 54 petitions and petition committee"),
  list(name="lns_corp_55"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of lines with corpus code 55   \n\n 5 Generating Publicity \n\n 55 relationship to media and citizens (e.g. parliamentary TV, accreditation of journalists, publicity of meetings, admissibility of visitors); regulation of matters of confidentiality "),
  list(name="lns_corp_56"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of lines with corpus code 56   \n\n 5 Generating Publicity \n\n 56 protocols and parliamentary documents; forwarding of documents and decisions to other bodies "),
  list(name="lns_corp_66"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 66   \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 66 opposition"),
  list(name="lns_corp_67"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 67   \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 67 special bodies for emergency situations"),
  list(name="lns_corp_68"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 68   \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 68 parliamentary administration"),
  list(name="lns_corp_71"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 71   \n\n 7 Change and Interpretation of the Standing Orders \n\n 71 rules regarding changing the standing orders"),
  list(name="lns_corp_72"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 72   \n\n 7 Change and Interpretation of the Standing Orders \n\n 72 rules regarding interpretation of and deviation from standing orders"),
  list(name="lns_corp_73"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 73   \n\n 7 Change and Interpretation of the Standing Orders \n\n 73 debate about standing orders and motions regarding the standing orders"),
  list(name="lns_corp_111"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 111  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 11 Bills and motions \n\n 111 types of bills and motions; printing and distribution of bills and motions to MPs"),
  list(name="lns_corp_112"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 112  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 11 Bills and motions \n\n 112 right to initiate bills and motions "),
  list(name="lns_corp_113"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 113  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 11 Bills and motions \n\n 113 restrictions and deadlines (if not assignable to more specific category, e.g. code 121; 32; 134)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_114"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 114  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 11 Bills and motions \n\n 114 legislative planning (concerns the whole term- general schedule)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_121"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 121  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 12 Treatment of Bills and motions in the plenary \n\n 121 debate in the plenary"),
  list(name="lns_corp_122"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 122  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 12 Treatment of Bills and motions in the plenary \n\n 122 right of amendment in the plenary "),
  list(name="lns_corp_123"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 123  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 12 Treatment of Bills and motions in the plenary \n\n 123 subject of vote, rules of vote (including quorum), voting technology in the plenary"),
  list(name="lns_corp_124"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 124  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 12 Treatment of Bills and motions in the plenary \n\n 124 the plenary as Committee of the Whole House"),
  list(name="lns_corp_125"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 125  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 12 Treatment of Bills and motions in the plenary \n\n 125 referral to committee, withdrawal from committee"),
  list(name="lns_corp_131"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 131  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 13 Treatment of bills and motions in committee \n\n 131 debate in committee (including hearing)  "),
  list(name="lns_corp_132"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 132  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 13 Treatment of bills and motions in committee \n\n 132 amendment rights in committee "),
  list(name="lns_corp_133"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 133  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 13 Treatment of bills and motions in committee \n\n 133 subject of vote, rules of vote (including quorum), voting technology in committee "),
  list(name="lns_corp_134"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 134  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 13 Treatment of bills and motions in committee \n\n 134 report to the plenary "),
  list(name="lns_corp_141"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 141  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 14 Post-parliamentary stage \n\n 141 veto right of government actors and head of state (any case when government actors can oppose themselves to the decisions of parliament) "),
  list(name="lns_corp_142"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 142  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 14 Post-parliamentary stage \n\n 142 referral to second chamber, conciliation committee, and renewed decision after intervention  "),
  list(name="lns_corp_143"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 143  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 14 Post-parliamentary stage \n\n 143 	direct democratic procedures following the legislative stage  "),
  list(name="lns_corp_144"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 144  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 14 Post-parliamentary stage \n\n 144 promulgation and enactment	 "),
  list(name="lns_corp_145"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 145  \n\n 1 Law-Making \n\n 14 Post-parliamentary stage \n\n 145 referral to the constitutional court/supreme court "),
  list(name="lns_corp_241"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 241  \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 24 EU \n\n 241 treatment of EU-bills and motions"),
  list(name="lns_corp_242"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 242  \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 24 EU \n\n 242 EU-committee: election and resignation "),
  list(name="lns_corp_243"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 243  \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 24 EU \n\n 243 instructions to the government concerning EU decisions"),
  list(name="lns_corp_244"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of lines with corpus code 244  \n\n 2 Special Decision Procedures other than Regular Law-Making \n\n 24 EU \n\n 244 further rights of participation in EU matters (e.g. debates about EU topics not based on EU bills and motions, reaction to violations of subsidiary principle) "),
  list(name="lns_corp_411"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 411  \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 41 parliamentary support bodies (e.g. general accounting office, ombudsman, ...) \n\n 411 election and resignation"),
  list(name="lns_corp_412"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 412  \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 41 parliamentary support bodies (e.g. general accounting office, ombudsman, ...) \n\n 412 competences and resources of external offices/institutions; relations to parliament (e.g. reports, questions, ...)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_421"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 421  \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 42 head of state \n\n 421 election and resignation"),
  list(name="lns_corp_422"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 422  \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 42 head of state \n\n 422 relation to parliament (if not coded as law-making (141, 144))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_441"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 441  \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 44 constitutional courts \n\n 441 election and resignation"),
  list(name="lns_corp_442"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of lines with corpus code 442  \n\n 4 Relationship to External Offices/Institutions apart from the Government \n\n 44 constitutional courts \n\n 442 relation to parliament (if not coded as law-making (145))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_611"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 611  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 61 plenary \n\n 611 agenda setting and removal of items from the agenda (general rules which are not specifically regulated under 114)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_612"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 612  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 61 plenary \n\n 612 chairing of meetings and measures to uphold order"),
  list(name="lns_corp_613"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 613  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 61 plenary \n\n 613 sitting times"),
  list(name="lns_corp_631"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 631  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 631 general regulations regarding types of committees"),
  list(name="lns_corp_632"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 632  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 632 membership and committee jurisdiction (area of influence-control e.g. finance, economy, agriculture...)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_633"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 633  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 633 formal organizational units of committee (e.g. chair of committee, sub-committees, staff)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_634"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 634  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 634 agenda and procedures (details on how decisions are taken) within committees (if not coded as law-making (13))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_636"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 636  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 636 investigative competencies of regular committees (NOT committees of inquiry (637))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_637"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 637  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 637 committee of inquiry "),
  list(name="lns_corp_638"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 638  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 638 enquete commission"),
  list(name="lns_corp_639"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 639  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 13; 24; 54; 55; 72)) \n\n 639 other special committees which are not explicitly referenced in this coding manual  (e.g. oversight committees in Switzerland)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_641"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 641  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 64 parliamentary party groups \n\n 641 formation of parliamentary party groups"),
  list(name="lns_corp_642"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 642  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 64 parliamentary party groups \n\n 642 rights and obligations of parliamentary party groups (if not coded more specifically as e.g. 112; 51; 52; 53)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_643"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 643  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 64 parliamentary party groups \n\n 643 financial and staff resources"),
  list(name="lns_corp_651"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 651  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 65 individual members of parliament \n\n 651 election, entry into office, resignation, incompatibilities, legal status, immunity, indemnity"),
  list(name="lns_corp_652"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 652  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 65 individual members of parliament \n\n 652 rights and obligations of individual members of parliament (if not coded more specifically as e.g. 112; 51; 52; 53)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_653"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 653  \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 65 individual members of parliament \n\n 653 salary, financial and staff resources"),
  list(name="lns_corp_999"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                 , description="Number of lines with corpus code 999  \n\n 999 Footnotes and Titles Without Relevant Content"),
  list(name="lns_corp_6211"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 6211 \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 62 parliamentary presiding bodies \n\n 621 president of parliament, vice presidents, secretaries and clerks \n\n 6211 election, resignation and internal decision rules"),
  list(name="lns_corp_6212"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 6212 \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 62 parliamentary presiding bodies \n\n 621 president of parliament, vice presidents, secretaries and clerks \n\n 6212 responsibilities (if not coded as more specific category  (e.g. 612))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_6221"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 6221 \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 62 parliamentary presiding bodies \n\n 622 council of elders or similar coordination body \n\n 6221 composition, election, resignation, internal decision rules"),
  list(name="lns_corp_6222"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 6222 \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 62 parliamentary presiding bodies \n\n 622 council of elders or similar coordination body \n\n 6222 responsibilities (if not coded as more specific category (e.g. 612))"),
  list(name="lns_corp_6351"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 6351 \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees \n\n 635 relations to other bodies \n\n 6351 relation to plenary (if not coded as 124; 134; 34)"),
  list(name="lns_corp_6352"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of lines with corpus code 6352 \n\n 6 Internal Organization of parliament \n\n 63 committees \n\n 635 relations to other bodies \n\n 6352 relation to other committees"),
  # Raw Corpus Coding / WDS
  list(name="wds_corp_8"       , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 8    - see lns_corp_8    for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_9"       , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 9    - see lns_corp_9    for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_10"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 10   - see lns_corp_10   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_21"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 21   - see lns_corp_21   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_22"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 22   - see lns_corp_22   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_23"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 23   - see lns_corp_23   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_25"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 25   - see lns_corp_25   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_26"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 26   - see lns_corp_26   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_27"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 27   - see lns_corp_27   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_28"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 28   - see lns_corp_28   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_29"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 29   - see lns_corp_29   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_31"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of words with corpus code 31   - see lns_corp_31   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_32"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of words with corpus code 32   - see lns_corp_32   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_33"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of words with corpus code 33   - see lns_corp_33   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_34"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 3 relationship to government " , description="Number of words with corpus code 34   - see lns_corp_34   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_43"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 43   - see lns_corp_43   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_45"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 45   - see lns_corp_45   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_51"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of words with corpus code 51   - see lns_corp_51   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_52"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of words with corpus code 52   - see lns_corp_52   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_53"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of words with corpus code 53   - see lns_corp_53   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_54"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of words with corpus code 54   - see lns_corp_54   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_55"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of words with corpus code 55   - see lns_corp_55   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_56"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 5 publicity"                   , description="Number of words with corpus code 56   - see lns_corp_56   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_66"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 66   - see lns_corp_66   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_67"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 67   - see lns_corp_67   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_68"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 68   - see lns_corp_68   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_71"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 71   - see lns_corp_71   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_72"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 72   - see lns_corp_72   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_73"      , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 73   - see lns_corp_73   for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_111"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 111  - see lns_corp_111  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_112"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 112  - see lns_corp_112  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_113"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 113  - see lns_corp_113  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_114"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 114  - see lns_corp_114  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_121"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 121  - see lns_corp_121  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_122"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 122  - see lns_corp_122  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_123"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 123  - see lns_corp_123  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_124"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 124  - see lns_corp_124  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_125"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 125  - see lns_corp_125  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_131"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 131  - see lns_corp_131  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_132"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 132  - see lns_corp_132  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_133"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 133  - see lns_corp_133  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_134"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 134  - see lns_corp_134  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_141"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 141  - see lns_corp_141  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_142"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 142  - see lns_corp_142  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_143"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 143  - see lns_corp_143  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_144"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 144  - see lns_corp_144  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_145"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 1 law making"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 145  - see lns_corp_145  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_241"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 241  - see lns_corp_241  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_242"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 242  - see lns_corp_242  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_243"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 243  - see lns_corp_243  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_244"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 2 special decision procedures" , description="Number of words with corpus code 244  - see lns_corp_244  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_411"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 411  - see lns_corp_411  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_412"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 412  - see lns_corp_412  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_421"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 421  - see lns_corp_421  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_422"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 422  - see lns_corp_422  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_441"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 441  - see lns_corp_441  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_442"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 4 relationship to others"      , description="Number of words with corpus code 442  - see lns_corp_442  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_611"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 611  - see lns_corp_611  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_612"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 612  - see lns_corp_612  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_613"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 613  - see lns_corp_613  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_631"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 631  - see lns_corp_631  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_632"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 632  - see lns_corp_632  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_633"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 633  - see lns_corp_633  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_634"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 634  - see lns_corp_634  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_636"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 636  - see lns_corp_636  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_637"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 637  - see lns_corp_637  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_638"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 638  - see lns_corp_638  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_639"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 639  - see lns_corp_639  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_641"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 641  - see lns_corp_641  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_642"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 642  - see lns_corp_642  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_643"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 643  - see lns_corp_643  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_651"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 651  - see lns_corp_651  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_652"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 652  - see lns_corp_652  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_653"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 653  - see lns_corp_653  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_999"     , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 7 to 999"                      , description="Number of words with corpus code 999  - see lns_corp_999  for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_6211"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 6211 - see lns_corp_6211 for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_6212"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 6212 - see lns_corp_6212 for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_6221"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 6221 - see lns_corp_6221 for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_6222"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 6222 - see lns_corp_6222 for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_6351"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 6351 - see lns_corp_6351 for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_6352"    , from="textlines", group="07 raw corpus codes - 6 committees"                  , description="Number of words with corpus code 6352 - see lns_corp_6352 for more information."),

# Corpus Coding Changes / LNS and WDS
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_8"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 8    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_8    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_9"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 9    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_9    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_10"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 10   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_10   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_21"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 21   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_21   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_22"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 22   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_22   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_23"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 23   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_23   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_25"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 25   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_25   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_26"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 26   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_26   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_27"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 27   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_27   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_28"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 28   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_28   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_29"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 29   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_29   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_31"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 31   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_31   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_32"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 32   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_32   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_33"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 33   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_33   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_34"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 34   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_34   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_43"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 43   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_43   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_45"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 45   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_45   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_51"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 51   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_51   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_52"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 52   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_52   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_53"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 53   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_53   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_54"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 54   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_54   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_55"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 55   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_55   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_56"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 56   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_56   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_66"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 66   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_66   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_67"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 67   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_67   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_68"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 68   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_68   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_71"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 71   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_71   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_72"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 72   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_72   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_73"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 73   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_73   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_111"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 111  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_111  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_112"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 112  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_112  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_113"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 113  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_113  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_114"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 114  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_114  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_121"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 121  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_121  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_122"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 122  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_122  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_123"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 123  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_123  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_124"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 124  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_124  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_125"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 125  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_125  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_131"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 131  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_131  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_132"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 132  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_132  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_133"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 133  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_133  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_134"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 134  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_134  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_141"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 141  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_141  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_142"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 142  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_142  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_143"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 143  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_143  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_144"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 144  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_144  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_145"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 145  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_145  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_241"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 241  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_241  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_242"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 242  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_242  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_243"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 243  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_243  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_244"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 244  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_244  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_411"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 411  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_411  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_412"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 412  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_412  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_421"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 421  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_421  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_422"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 422  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_422  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_441"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 441  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_441  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_442"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 442  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_442  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_611"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 611  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_611  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_612"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 612  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_612  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_613"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 613  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_613  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_631"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 631  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_631  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_632"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 632  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_632  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_633"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 633  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_633  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_634"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 634  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_634  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_636"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 636  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_636  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_637"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 637  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_637  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_638"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 638  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_638  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_639"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 639  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_639  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_641"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 641  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_641  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_642"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 642  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_642  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_643"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 643  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_643  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_651"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 651  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_651  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_652"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 652  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_652  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_653"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 653  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_653  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_999"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 999  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_999  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_6211"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6211 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6211 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_6212"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6212 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6212 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_6221"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6221 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6221 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_6222"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6222 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6222 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_6351"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6351 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6351 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_mdf_6352"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6352 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6352 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_8"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 8    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_8    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_9"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 9    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_9    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_10"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 10   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_10   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_21"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 21   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_21   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_22"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 22   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_22   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_23"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 23   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_23   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_25"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 25   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_25   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_26"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 26   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_26   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_27"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 27   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_27   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_28"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 28   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_28   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_29"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 29   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_29   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_31"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 31   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_31   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_32"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 32   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_32   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_33"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 33   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_33   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_34"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 34   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_34   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_43"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 43   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_43   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_45"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 45   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_45   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_51"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 51   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_51   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_52"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 52   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_52   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_53"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 53   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_53   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_54"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 54   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_54   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_55"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 55   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_55   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_56"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 56   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_56   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_66"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 66   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_66   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_67"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 67   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_67   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_68"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 68   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_68   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_71"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 71   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_71   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_72"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 72   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_72   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_73"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 73   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_73   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_111"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 111  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_111  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_112"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 112  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_112  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_113"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 113  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_113  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_114"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 114  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_114  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_121"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 121  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_121  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_122"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 122  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_122  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_123"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 123  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_123  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_124"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 124  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_124  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_125"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 125  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_125  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_131"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 131  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_131  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_132"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 132  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_132  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_133"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 133  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_133  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_134"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 134  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_134  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_141"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 141  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_141  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_142"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 142  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_142  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_143"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 143  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_143  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_144"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 144  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_144  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_145"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 145  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_145  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_241"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 241  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_241  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_242"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 242  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_242  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_243"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 243  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_243  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_244"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 244  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_244  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_411"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 411  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_411  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_412"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 412  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_412  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_421"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 421  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_421  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_422"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 422  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_422  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_441"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 441  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_441  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_442"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 442  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_442  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_611"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 611  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_611  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_612"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 612  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_612  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_613"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 613  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_613  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_631"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 631  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_631  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_632"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 632  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_632  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_633"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 633  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_633  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_634"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 634  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_634  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_636"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 636  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_636  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_637"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 637  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_637  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_638"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 638  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_638  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_639"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 639  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_639  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_641"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 641  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_641  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_642"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 642  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_642  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_643"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 643  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_643  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_651"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 651  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_651  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_652"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 652  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_652  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_653"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 653  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_653  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_999"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 999  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_999  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_6211"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6211 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6211 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_6212"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6212 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6212 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_6221"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6221 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6221 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_6222"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6222 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6222 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_6351"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6351 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6351 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_ins_6352"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6352 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6352 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_8"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 8    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_8    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_9"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 9    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_9    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_10"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 10   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_10   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_21"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 21   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_21   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_22"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 22   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_22   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_23"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 23   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_23   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_25"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 25   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_25   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_26"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 26   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_26   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_27"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 27   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_27   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_28"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 28   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_28   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_29"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 29   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_29   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_31"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 31   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_31   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_32"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 32   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_32   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_33"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 33   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_33   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_34"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 34   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_34   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_43"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 43   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_43   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_45"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 45   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_45   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_51"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 51   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_51   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_52"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 52   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_52   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_53"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 53   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_53   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_54"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 54   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_54   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_55"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 55   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_55   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_56"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 56   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_56   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_66"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 66   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_66   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_67"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 67   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_67   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_68"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 68   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_68   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_71"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 71   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_71   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_72"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 72   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_72   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_73"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 73   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_73   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_111"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 111  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_111  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_112"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 112  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_112  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_113"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 113  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_113  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_114"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 114  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_114  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_121"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 121  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_121  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_122"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 122  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_122  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_123"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 123  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_123  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_124"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 124  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_124  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_125"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 125  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_125  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_131"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 131  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_131  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_132"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 132  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_132  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_133"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 133  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_133  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_134"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 134  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_134  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_141"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 141  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_141  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_142"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 142  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_142  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_143"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 143  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_143  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_144"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 144  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_144  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_145"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 145  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_145  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_241"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 241  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_241  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_242"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 242  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_242  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_243"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 243  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_243  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_244"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 244  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_244  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_411"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 411  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_411  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_412"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 412  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_412  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_421"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 421  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_421  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_422"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 422  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_422  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_441"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 441  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_441  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_442"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 442  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_442  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_611"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 611  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_611  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_612"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 612  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_612  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_613"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 613  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_613  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_631"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 631  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_631  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_632"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 632  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_632  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_633"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 633  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_633  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_634"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 634  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_634  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_636"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 636  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_636  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_637"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 637  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_637  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_638"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 638  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_638  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_639"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 639  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_639  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_641"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 641  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_641  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_642"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 642  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_642  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_643"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 643  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_643  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_651"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 651  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_651  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_652"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 652  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_652  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_653"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 653  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_653  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_999"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 999  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_999  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_6211"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6211 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6211 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_6212"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6212 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6212 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_6221"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6221 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6221 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_6222"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6222 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6222 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_6351"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6351 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6351 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="wds_corp_del_6352"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of words with corpus code 6352 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6352 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_8"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 8    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_8    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_9"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 9    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_9    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_10"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 10   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_10   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_21"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 21   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_21   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_22"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 22   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_22   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_23"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 23   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_23   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_25"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 25   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_25   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_26"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 26   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_26   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_27"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 27   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_27   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_28"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 28   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_28   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_29"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 29   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_29   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_31"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 31   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_31   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_32"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 32   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_32   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_33"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 33   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_33   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_34"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 34   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_34   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_43"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 43   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_43   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_45"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 45   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_45   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_51"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 51   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_51   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_52"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 52   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_52   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_53"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 53   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_53   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_54"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 54   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_54   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_55"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 55   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_55   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_56"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 56   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_56   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_66"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 66   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_66   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_67"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 67   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_67   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_68"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 68   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_68   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_71"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 71   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_71   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_72"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 72   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_72   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_73"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 73   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_73   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_111"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 111  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_111  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_112"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 112  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_112  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_113"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 113  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_113  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_114"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 114  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_114  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_121"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 121  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_121  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_122"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 122  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_122  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_123"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 123  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_123  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_124"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 124  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_124  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_125"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 125  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_125  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_131"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 131  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_131  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_132"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 132  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_132  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_133"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 133  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_133  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_134"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 134  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_134  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_141"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 141  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_141  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_142"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 142  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_142  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_143"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 143  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_143  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_144"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 144  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_144  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_145"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 145  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_145  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_241"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 241  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_241  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_242"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 242  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_242  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_243"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 243  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_243  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_244"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 244  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_244  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_411"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 411  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_411  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_412"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 412  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_412  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_421"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 421  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_421  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_422"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 422  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_422  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_441"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 441  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_441  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_442"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 442  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_442  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_611"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 611  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_611  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_612"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 612  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_612  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_613"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 613  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_613  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_631"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 631  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_631  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_632"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 632  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_632  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_633"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 633  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_633  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_634"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 634  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_634  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_636"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 636  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_636  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_637"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 637  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_637  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_638"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 638  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_638  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_639"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 639  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_639  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_641"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 641  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_641  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_642"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 642  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_642  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_643"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 643  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_643  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_651"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 651  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_651  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_652"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 652  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_652  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_653"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 653  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_653  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_999"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 999  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_999  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_6211"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6211 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6211 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_6212"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6212 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6212 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_6221"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6221 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6221 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_6222"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6222 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6222 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_6351"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6351 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6351 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_mdf_6352"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6352 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6352 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_8"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 8    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_8    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_9"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 9    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_9    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_10"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 10   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_10   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_21"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 21   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_21   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_22"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 22   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_22   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_23"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 23   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_23   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_25"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 25   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_25   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_26"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 26   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_26   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_27"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 27   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_27   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_28"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 28   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_28   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_29"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 29   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_29   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_31"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 31   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_31   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_32"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 32   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_32   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_33"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 33   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_33   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_34"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 34   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_34   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_43"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 43   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_43   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_45"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 45   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_45   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_51"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 51   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_51   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_52"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 52   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_52   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_53"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 53   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_53   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_54"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 54   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_54   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_55"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 55   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_55   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_56"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 56   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_56   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_66"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 66   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_66   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_67"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 67   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_67   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_68"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 68   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_68   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_71"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 71   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_71   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_72"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 72   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_72   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_73"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 73   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_73   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_111"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 111  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_111  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_112"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 112  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_112  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_113"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 113  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_113  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_114"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 114  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_114  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_121"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 121  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_121  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_122"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 122  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_122  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_123"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 123  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_123  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_124"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 124  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_124  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_125"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 125  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_125  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_131"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 131  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_131  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_132"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 132  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_132  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_133"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 133  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_133  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_134"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 134  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_134  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_141"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 141  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_141  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_142"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 142  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_142  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_143"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 143  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_143  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_144"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 144  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_144  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_145"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 145  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_145  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_241"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 241  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_241  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_242"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 242  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_242  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_243"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 243  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_243  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_244"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 244  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_244  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_411"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 411  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_411  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_412"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 412  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_412  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_421"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 421  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_421  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_422"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 422  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_422  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_441"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 441  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_441  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_442"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 442  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_442  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_611"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 611  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_611  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_612"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 612  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_612  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_613"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 613  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_613  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_631"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 631  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_631  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_632"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 632  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_632  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_633"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 633  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_633  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_634"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 634  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_634  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_636"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 636  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_636  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_637"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 637  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_637  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_638"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 638  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_638  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_639"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 639  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_639  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_641"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 641  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_641  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_642"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 642  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_642  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_643"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 643  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_643  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_651"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 651  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_651  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_652"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 652  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_652  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_653"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 653  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_653  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_999"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 999  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_999  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_6211"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6211 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6211 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_6212"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6212 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6212 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_6221"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6221 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6221 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_6222"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6222 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6222 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_6351"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6351 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6351 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_ins_6352"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6352 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6352 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_8"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 8    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_8    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_9"       , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 9    which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_9    also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_10"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 10   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_10   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_21"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 21   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_21   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_22"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 22   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_22   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_23"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 23   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_23   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_25"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 25   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_25   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_26"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 26   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_26   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_27"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 27   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_27   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_28"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 28   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_28   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_29"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 29   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_29   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_31"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 31   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_31   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_32"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 32   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_32   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_33"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 33   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_33   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_34"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 34   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_34   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_43"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 43   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_43   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_45"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 45   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_45   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_51"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 51   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_51   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_52"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 52   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_52   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_53"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 53   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_53   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_54"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 54   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_54   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_55"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 55   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_55   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_56"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 56   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_56   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_66"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 66   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_66   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_67"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 67   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_67   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_68"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 68   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_68   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_71"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 71   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_71   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_72"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 72   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_72   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_73"      , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 73   which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_73   also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_111"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 111  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_111  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_112"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 112  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_112  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_113"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 113  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_113  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_114"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 114  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_114  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_121"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 121  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_121  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_122"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 122  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_122  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_123"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 123  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_123  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_124"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 124  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_124  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_125"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 125  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_125  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_131"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 131  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_131  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_132"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 132  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_132  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_133"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 133  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_133  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_134"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 134  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_134  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_141"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 141  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_141  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_142"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 142  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_142  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_143"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 143  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_143  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_144"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 144  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_144  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_145"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 145  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_145  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_241"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 241  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_241  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_242"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 242  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_242  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_243"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 243  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_243  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_244"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 244  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_244  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_411"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 411  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_411  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_412"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 412  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_412  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_421"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 421  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_421  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_422"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 422  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_422  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_441"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 441  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_441  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_442"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 442  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_442  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_611"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 611  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_611  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_612"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 612  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_612  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_613"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 613  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_613  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_631"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 631  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_631  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_632"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 632  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_632  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_633"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 633  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_633  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_634"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 634  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_634  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_636"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 636  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_636  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_637"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 637  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_637  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_638"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 638  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_638  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_639"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 639  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_639  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_641"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 641  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_641  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_642"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 642  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_642  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_643"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 643  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_643  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_651"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 651  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_651  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_652"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 652  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_652  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_653"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 653  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_653  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_999"     , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 999  which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_999  also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_6211"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6211 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6211 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_6212"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6212 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6212 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_6221"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6221 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6221 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_6222"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6222 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6222 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_6351"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6351 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6351 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  list(name="lns_corp_del_6352"    , from="textlines, linelinkage", group="10 corpus code changes", description="Number of lines with corpus code 6352 which have changed from last version to this - see lns_corp_6352 also wds_mdf for more information."),
  # Aggregated Corpus Coding / topic / LNS
  list(name="lns_corp_top_1"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 1  - lawmaking               \n\n codes: 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 131, 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 "),
  list(name="lns_corp_top_2"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 2  - special decision rules \n\n codes: 21, 22, 23, 241, 242, 243, 244, 26, 27, 28, 29, 67, 71, 72, 73"),
  list(name="lns_corp_top_3"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 3  - elections               \n\n codes: 25, 31, 32, 33, 411, 421, 441 "),
  list(name="lns_corp_top_4"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 4  - government control      \n\n codes: 412, 53, 54, 636, 637, 66 "),
  list(name="lns_corp_top_5"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 5  - puplicity               \n\n codes: 121, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 611, 612, 613 "),
  list(name="lns_corp_top_66"   , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 66 - not used for aggregation\n\n codes: 34, 422, 43, 442, 45, 6211, 6212, 6221, 6222, 631, 632, 633, 634, 6351, 6352, 638, 639, 641, 642, 643, 651, 652, 653, 68, 8, 9, 10, 999"),
  list(name="lns_corp_top_77"   , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 77 - not relevant \n\n codes: 999"),
  # Aggregated Corpus Coding / topic / WDS
  list(name="wds_corp_top_1"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 1 - lawmaking               \n\n codes: 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 131, 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 "),
  list(name="wds_corp_top_2"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 2 - special decision rules \n\n codes: 21, 22, 23, 241, 242, 243, 244, 26, 27, 28, 29, 67, 71, 72, 73"),
  list(name="wds_corp_top_3"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 3 - elections               \n\n codes: 25, 31, 32, 33, 411, 421, 441 "),
  list(name="wds_corp_top_4"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 4 - government control      \n\n codes: 412, 53, 54, 636, 637, 66 "),
  list(name="wds_corp_top_5"    , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 5 - puplicity               \n\n codes: 121, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 611, 612, 613 "),
  list(name="wds_corp_top_66"   , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 66 - not used for aggregation\n\n codes: 34, 422, 43, 442, 45, 6211, 6212, 6221, 6222, 631, 632, 633, 634, 6351, 6352, 638, 639, 641, 642, 643, 651, 652, 653, 68, 8, 9, 10"),
  list(name="wds_corp_top_77"   , from="textlines", group="08 aggregated corpus codes - topics", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 77 - not relevant \n\n codes: 999"),
  # Aggregated Corpus Coding / actors / LNS
  list(name="lns_corp_act_1"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 1  - MPs             \n\n codes: 111,651,652,653"),
  list(name="lns_corp_act_2"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 2  - PPGs            \n\n codes: 641,642,643"),
  list(name="lns_corp_act_3"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 3  - committees      \n\n codes: 125, 131, 132, 133, 134, 242, 54, 631, 632, 633, 634, 6351, 6352, 636, 637, 638, 639"),
  list(name="lns_corp_act_4"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 4  - governing body  \n\n codes: 612, 6211, 6212, 6221, 6222"),
  list(name="lns_corp_act_66"   , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 66 - not used for aggregation\n\n codes: 112, 123, 22, 55, 8, 56, 34, 113, 611, 121, 122, 51, 73, 21, 142, 32, 26, 71, 25, 53, 143, 23, 10, 9, 68, 412, 52, 411, 145, 43, 241, 243, 244, 72, 114, 613, 29, 124, 33, 31, 27, 28, 141, 442, 66, 441, 45, 422, 421, 144"),
  list(name="lns_corp_act_77"   , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of lines with aggregated corpus code 77 - not relevant \n\n codes: 999"),
  # Aggregated Corpus Coding / actors / WDS
  list(name="wds_corp_act_1"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 1  - MPs             \n\n codes: 111,651,652,653"),
  list(name="wds_corp_act_2"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 2  - PPGs            \n\n codes: 641,642,643"),
  list(name="wds_corp_act_3"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 3  - committees      \n\n codes: 125, 131, 132, 133, 134, 242, 54, 631, 632, 633, 634, 6351, 6352, 636, 637, 638, 639"),
  list(name="wds_corp_act_4"    , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 4  - governing body  \n\n codes: 612, 6211, 6212, 6221, 6222"),
  list(name="wds_corp_act_66"   , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 66 - not used for aggregation\n\n codes: 112, 123, 22, 55, 8, 56, 34, 113, 611, 121, 122, 51, 73, 21, 142, 32, 26, 71, 25, 53, 143, 23, 10, 9, 68, 412, 52, 411, 145, 43, 241, 243, 244, 72, 114, 613, 29, 124, 33, 31, 27, 28, 141, 442, 66, 441, 45, 422, 421, 144"),
  list(name="wds_corp_act_77"   , from="textlines", group="09 aggregated corpus codes - actors", description="Number of words with aggregated corpus code 77 - not relevant \n\n codes: 999"),
  # External Variables and Extensions
  list(name="tsb_agc"            , from="Tsebelis ",                             group="11 external variables and extensions", description="Tsebelis original 2002, page 182 government control of the legislative agenda measure. See ext_tsb_agc1 for further description."),
  list(name="ext_tsb_agc1"       , from="Tsebelis ",                             group="11 external variables and extensions", 
    "This variable is based on *George Tsebelis (2002): Veto Players: How Political Institutions Work, Princeton* table 7.3 at page 182 and 
    measures government control of the legislative agenda. 
The cross section values found in the table were assigned to those SO versions that were enacted in 1985 (when the agenda control measure was gathered).
To extrapolate the measure over time it was: 
1) multiplied by the number of words for those 1985 versions, 
2) the change in majority prone and minority prone words was added (majority words as positives, minority words as negatives)
3) these text lengths were again divided by the lengths of the 1985 versions.

Because it is unclear which numeric relation the agenda control measure and the change of pro majority / pro minority words might hold 
(one would need a second time point to determine that), the variable exists in three variations: ext_tsb_agc1, ext_tsb_agc2 and ext_tsb_agc4.
The numbers indicate by which factor the change in majority/minority friendly words was multiplied to give it an higher impact (1, 2, 4) thus increasing the variance
of the agenda control extrapolation. 
  list(name="ext_tsb_agc2"       , from="Tsebelis ",                             group="11 external variables and extensions", description="See ext_tsb_agc1."),
  list(name="ext_tsb_agc4"       , from="Tsebelis ",                             group="11 external variables and extensions", description="See ext_tsb_agc1."),
  list(name="pro_minmaj_qual"        , from="textlines, linelinkage, manual coding", group="11 external variables and extensions", 
    description="Whether or not the reform in general was pro majority (1), pro minority (-1) or neither (0), 
the decision was made by comparing the number of sub-paragraphs/lines changed in each direction.
If there was no change in favor of majority but changes in favor of minority it was considered minority friendly and vice versa.
If changes in both directions took place there the differences in the SO texts were cosidered. 

Find below the coding of all non-trivial cases ... $$ diff = pro\\_maj - pro\\_min $$ $$ ratio\\_pro = (pro\\_maj - pro\\_min) / (pro\\_maj + pro\\_min) $$ $$ ratio\\_all = (pro\\_maj - pro\\_min) / (pro\\_maj + pro\\_min + pro\\_none) $$ 
|t_id               | pro_maj| pro_min| pro_non| pro_minmaj_qual| diff| ratio_pro| ratio_all|
|`FRA_1994-03-12.0` |      29|       1|     134|               1|   28|      0.93|      0.17|
|`LUX_2003-11-27.0` |      14|       1|      88|               1|   13|      0.87|      0.13|
|`ITA_1983-11-30.0` |      13|       1|      26|               1|   12|      0.86|      0.30|
|`DEN_1976-10-05.0` |      12|       1|      21|               1|   11|      0.85|      0.32|
|`NED_1947-07-08.0` |       8|       1|      22|               1|    7|      0.78|      0.23|
|`BEL_1985-04-25.0` |       8|       1|     157|               1|    7|      0.78|      0.04|
|`NED_1994-05-17.0` |      21|       3|     347|               1|   18|      0.75|      0.05|
|`LUX_2000-07-01.0` |      24|       4|     150|               1|   20|      0.71|      0.11|
|`DEN_1981-06-01.0` |       9|       2|      54|               1|    7|      0.64|      0.11|
|`SWE_2007-01-01.1` |       4|       1|      16|               1|    3|      0.60|      0.14|
|`SWE_1949-04-06.0` |      10|       3|      53|              -1|    7|      0.54|      0.11|
|`LUX_2007-03-15.0` |       6|       2|      43|               1|    4|      0.50|      0.08|
|`LUX_2010-07-15.0` |       3|       1|       6|               0|    2|      0.50|      0.20|
|`ITA_1982-01-12.0` |       3|       1|       9|               0|    2|      0.50|      0.15|
|`SWE_1998-10-01.0` |       3|       1|      23|               1|    2|      0.50|      0.07|
|`NED_1986-06-24.0` |       3|       1|      53|               1|    2|      0.50|      0.04|
|`NOR_2009-10-01.4` |       3|       1|      96|               1|    2|      0.50|      0.02|
|`ITA_1986-09-01.2` |      11|       5|      16|               1|    6|      0.38|      0.19|
|`GER_1952-01-01.0` |      12|       6|     208|              -1|    6|      0.33|      0.03|
|`ESP_1982-03-06.0` |       8|       4|     705|              -1|    4|      0.33|      0.01|
|`SWE_2003-07-01.0` |       8|       4|     476|               1|    4|      0.33|      0.01|
|`UK_2005-10-10.0 ` |       6|       3|      29|               1|    3|      0.33|      0.08|
|`POR_1984-03-16.0` |       6|       3|      83|              -1|    3|      0.33|      0.03|
|`BEL_2003-10-12.0` |       6|       3|     111|               1|    3|      0.33|      0.02|
|`DEN_1959-04-29.0` |       4|       2|      14|               1|    2|      0.33|      0.10|
|`ITA_1982-01-29.0` |       2|       1|       5|               1|    1|      0.33|      0.12|
|`GER_1986-12-18.0` |       2|       1|      31|               1|    1|      0.33|      0.03|
|`NED_1953-07-09.0` |       2|       1|      35|              -1|    1|      0.33|      0.03|
|`BEL_1990-07-12.0` |       2|       1|      68|               1|    1|      0.33|      0.01|
|`IRE_2010-12-02.0` |       2|       1|     135|              -1|    1|      0.33|      0.01|
|`NED_1966-07-12.0` |      14|       8|     432|               1|    6|      0.27|      0.01|
|`BEL_1962-02-08.0` |      12|       7|     383|               1|    5|      0.26|      0.01|
|`DEN_1997-05-27.0` |       5|       3|      69|               0|    2|      0.25|      0.03|
|`SWE_1974-02-28.0` |       8|       5|     381|               1|    3|      0.23|      0.01|
|`SWE_1996-01-01.0` |       9|       6|      10|               0|    3|      0.20|      0.12|
|`BEL_1998-10-13.0` |       6|       4|     313|               1|    2|      0.20|      0.01|
|`NED_2006-06-29.0` |       3|       2|      21|              -1|    1|      0.20|      0.04|
|`AUT_1986-09-01.0` |       3|       2|      34|              -1|    1|      0.20|      0.03|
|`BEL_1995-06-08.0` |       3|       2|      71|              -1|    1|      0.20|      0.01|
|`AUT_1996-10-15.0` |      32|      23|      90|               1|    9|      0.16|      0.06|
|`DEN_2004-01-01.0` |       4|       3|      31|               1|    1|      0.14|      0.03|
|`SWE_1995-01-01.1` |       4|       3|      60|               1|    1|      0.14|      0.01|
|`DEN_1966-01-01.0` |      10|       8|      69|               0|    2|      0.11|      0.02|
|`DEN_1989-05-12.0` |       5|       4|      48|               1|    1|      0.11|      0.02|
|`LUX_1991-01-01.0` |      44|      40|     271|              -1|    4|      0.05|      0.01|
|`AUT_1993-09-15.0` |      12|      12|      52|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`BEL_1973-04-26.0` |       1|       1|      11|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`BEL_1982-10-26.0` |       1|       1|      13|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`BEL_2005-05-19.0` |       1|       1|       6|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`DEN_1969-10-07.0` |       2|       2|      20|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`DEN_1986-12-17.0` |       1|       1|       6|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`DEN_2004-12-16.0` |       1|       1|      20|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`GER_1972-10-19.0` |       1|       1|      17|              -1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`IRE_1996-10-15.0` |       2|       2|     181|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`ITA_1983-12-14.0` |       1|       1|       9|              -1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`LUX_1998-03-01.0` |       3|       3|      10|              -1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`NED_1952-04-01.0` |       2|       2|      14|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`NED_1956-05-03.0` |       2|       2|      12|              -1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`NOR_1989-10-02.0` |       3|       3|      60|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`NOR_1996-10-01.0` |       2|       2|      15|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`SWE_1988-09-01.0` |       2|       2|      12|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`SWE_1993-01-01.0` |       1|       1|      16|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`SWE_2009-12-01.0` |       1|       1|      23|               0|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`UK_1991-01-29.0 ` |       1|       1|       4|               1|    0|      0.00|      0.00|
|`SWE_1971-01-01.0` |       3|       4|     180|              -1|   -1|     -0.14|     -0.01|
|`DEN_1972-10-03.0` |       3|       4|      48|               0|   -1|     -0.14|     -0.02|
|`AUT_1989-01-01.0` |      25|      34|     156|              -1|   -9|     -0.15|     -0.04|
|`GER_1970-05-22.0` |       2|       3|      46|              -1|   -1|     -0.20|     -0.02|
|`NED_2004-03-31.0` |       2|       3|      39|              -1|   -1|     -0.20|     -0.02|
|`DEN_2007-06-01.0` |       2|       3|      16|              -1|   -1|     -0.20|     -0.05|
|`BEL_1993-10-27.0` |       3|       5|      87|              -1|   -2|     -0.25|     -0.02|
|`AUT_1975-10-01.0` |      24|      40|     316|              -1|  -16|     -0.25|     -0.04|
|`FRA_1969-11-30.0` |       9|      16|     151|              -1|   -7|     -0.28|     -0.04|
|`POR_2003-01-17.0` |       1|       2|     443|              -1|   -1|     -0.33|      0.00|
|`IRE_1997-11-13.0` |       1|       2|     161|              -1|   -1|     -0.33|     -0.01|
|`FRA_1995-11-11.0` |       1|       2|      53|              -1|   -1|     -0.33|     -0.02|
|`DEN_1971-10-05.0` |       1|       2|      17|               0|   -1|     -0.33|     -0.05|
|`ITA_1971-04-30.0` |       7|      15|     539|              -1|   -8|     -0.36|     -0.01|
|`ITA_1998-01-01.0` |       3|       7|      92|              -1|   -4|     -0.40|     -0.04|
|`POR_1985-03-06.0` |       2|       5|     821|              -1|   -3|     -0.43|      0.00|
|`BEL_1987-01-28.0` |       2|       5|     102|              -1|   -3|     -0.43|     -0.03|
|`DEN_1999-05-25.0` |       2|       5|      34|              -1|   -3|     -0.43|     -0.07|
|`DEN_1953-12-17.0` |      10|      27|     118|              -1|  -17|     -0.46|     -0.11|
|`SWE_1996-02-01.0` |       3|       9|      18|              -1|   -6|     -0.50|     -0.20|
|`AUT_1961-09-01.0` |       4|      13|      95|              -1|   -9|     -0.53|     -0.08|
|`DEN_1947-10-07.0` |       2|       7|      88|              -1|   -5|     -0.56|     -0.05|
|`AUT_1998-01-01.0` |       1|       4|      78|              -1|   -3|     -0.60|     -0.04|
|`ITA_1982-01-16.0` |       1|       6|       3|              -1|   -5|     -0.71|     -0.50|
|`FRA_2009-06-25.0` |       4|      34|     385|              -1|  -30|     -0.79|     -0.07|
|`GER_1980-10-01.0` |       1|       9|     253|              -1|   -8|     -0.80|     -0.03|

  list(name="pro_minmaj_auto1" , from="textlines, linelinkage, manual coding", group="11 external variables and extensions",  description="Whether or not the reform in general was pro majority (1), pro minority (-1) or neither (0), the decision was made autoamitcally by comparing the number of words changed in each direction."),
  list(name="pro_minmaj_auto2" , from="textlines, linelinkage, manual coding", group="11 external variables and extensions",  description="Whether or not the reform in general was pro majority (1), pro minority (-1) or neither (0), the decision was made autoamitcally by comparing the number of lines changed in each direction."),
  list(name="erd_cab_id" , from="European Representative Democracy", group="11 external variables and extensions",  description="")

var_desc_isor <-
var_desc_isor <- 
    name  = unlist(var_desc_isor$name),
    from  = unlist(var_desc_isor$from),
    group = unlist(var_desc_isor$group), 
    desc  = unlist(var_desc_isor$description)

save(var_desc_isor, file="var_desc_isor.Rdata")
petermeissner/idep documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:53 a.m.