
Defines functions makeNetCDF_file

Documented in makeNetCDF_file

#' Build netCDF files of the Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) national gridded climate data.
#' \code{makeNetCDF_file} builds two netCDF files containing Australian climate data.
#' makeNetCDF_file creates two netCDF files of daily climate data.
#' @details
#' One of the netCDF files contains precipitation, minimum
#' daily temperature, maximum daily temperature and vappour pressure. It should span from 1/1/1900 to today
#' and requires ~20GB of hard-drive space (using default compression). The second netCDF file contains the solar radiation and started from 1/1/1990 and be ~24GB and
#' spatial gaps are infilled using a 3x3 moving average repeated 3 times. To minimise the runtime
#' in extracting data, both files should be stored locally and not on a network drive. Also, building
#' the files requires installation of 7zip.
#' The climate data is sourced from the  Bureau of Meteorology Australian Water Availability Project
#' (\url{http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/awap/}.  For details see Jones et al. (2009).
#' The output from this function is required for all data extraction functions within this package and must
#' be ran prior.
#' The function can be used to build netCDF files from stratch or to update existng netCDF files previously
#' derived from this function. To not build or update a variable, set its respective URL to \code{NA}.
#' @param ncdfFilename is a file path (as string) and name to the netCDF file. The default file name and path is \code{file.path(getwd(),'AWAP.nc')}.
#' @param ncdfSolarFilename is the file path (as string) and name to the netCDF file. The default namefile and path \code{file.path(getwd(),'AWAP_solar.nc')}.
#' @param updateFrom is a date string specifying the start date for the AWAP data. If
#' \code{ncdfFilename} and \code{ncdfSolarFilename} are specified and exist, then the netCDF grids will be
#'  updated with new data from \code{updateFrom}. To update the files from the end of the last day in the file
#'  set \code{updateFrom=NA}. The default is \code{"1900-1-1"}.
#' @param updateTo is a date string specifying the end date for the AWAP data. If
#'  \code{ncdfFilename} and \code{ncdfSolarFilename} are specified and exist, then the netCDF grids will be
#'  updated with new data to \code{updateFrom}. The default is yesterday's date as YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param workingFolder is the file path (as string) in which to download the AWAP grid files. The default is \code{getwd()}.
#' @param keepFiles is a logical scalar to keep the downloaded AWAP grid files. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param compressionLevel is the netCDF compression level between 1 (low) and 9 (high), and \code{NA} for no compression.
#' Note, data extracion runtime may slightly increase with the level of compression. The default is \code{5}.
#' @param urlPrecip URL to the folder containing the AWAP daily precipittaion grids. The default is from \code{getURLs()$precip}.
#' @param urlTmin URL to the folder containing the AWAP daily minimum temperature grids. The default is from \code{getURLs()$Tmin}.
#' @param urlTmax URL to the folder containing the AWAP daily maximum temperature grids. The default is from \code{getURLs()$Tmax}.
#' @param urlVprp URL to the folder containing the AWAP daily vapour pressure grids. The default is from \code{getURLs()$vprp}.
#' @param urlSolarrad URL to the folder containing the AWAP daily solar radiation grids. The default is from \code{getURLs()$solarrad}.
#' @return
#' A list variable containing the full file name to the AWAP data and the AWAP solar data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{extractCatchmentData}} for extracting catchment daily average and variance data.
#' @references
#' David A. Jones, William Wang and Robert Fawcett, (2009), High-quality spatial climate data-sets for Australia,
#' Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 58 , p233-248.
#' @examples
#' # The example shows how to build the netCDF data cubes.
#' # For an additional example see \url{https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/blob/master/README.md}
#' #---------------------------------------
#' # Set dates for building netCDFs and extracting data from 15 to 5 days ago.
#' startDate = as.Date(Sys.Date()-15,"%Y-%m-%d")
#' endDate = as.Date(Sys.Date()-5,"%Y-%m-%d")
#' # Set names for netCDF files (in the system temp. directory).
#' ncdfFilename = tempfile(fileext='.nc')
#' ncdfSolarFilename = tempfile(fileext='.nc')
#' \donttest{
#' # Build netCDF grids for all data but only over the defined time period.
#' file.names = makeNetCDF_file(ncdfFilename=ncdfFilename,
#'              ncdfSolarFilename=ncdfSolarFilename,
#'              updateFrom=startDate, updateTo=endDate)
#' # Now, to demonstrate updating the netCDF grids to one day ago, rerun with
#' # the same file names but \code{updateFrom=NA}.
#' file.names = makeNetCDF_file(ncdfFilename=ncdfFilename,
#'              ncdfSolarFilename=ncdfSolarFilename,
#'              updateFrom=NA)
#' }
#' @export
makeNetCDF_file <- function(
  updateFrom = as.Date("1900-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"),
  updateTo  = as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d"),
  compressionLevel = 5,
  urlPrecip = getURLs()$precip,
  urlTmin = getURLs()$Tmin,
  urlTmax = getURLs()$Tmax,
  urlVprp = getURLs()$vprp,
  urlSolarrad = getURLs()$solarrad)  {

  # To Update HTML documentationm:
  # devtools::document()
  # NOTE, to build pdf manual. For Windows install: install.packages("tinytex"):
  # path <- find.package("AWAPer")
  # system(paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),"CMD", "Rd2pdf", shQuote(path)))

  # Check that the ncdf files
  doUpdate = F;
  doUpdate_solar = F;
  if (file.exists(ncdfFilename) && file.exists(ncdfSolarFilename)) {
    doUpdate = TRUE
    doUpdate_solar = TRUE;
    message('Starting to update both netCDF files.')
  } else if (file.exists(ncdfFilename) && !file.exists(ncdfSolarFilename)) {
    message('Starting to update the main climate data netCDF file and will build the solar radiation netcdf file.')
  } else if (!file.exists(ncdfFilename) && file.exists(ncdfSolarFilename)) {
    message('Starting to update the solar radiation netcdf file and will build the main climate data netcdf file.')
    doUpdate_solar = TRUE;
  } else {
    message('Starting to build both netCDF files.')

  # Assess if the main climate data netCDF grid need building/updating
  doMainCDF = TRUE
  if (is.na(urlPrecip) && is.na(urlTmin) && is.na(urlTmax) && is.na(urlVprp)) {
    doMainCDF = FALSE;
    warning('The main climate data netCDF file will not be built or updated.')

  # Check the compresion level is NA or an integer b/w 1 and 9
  if (is.numeric(compressionLevel)) {
    if (compressionLevel<1 || compressionLevel>9) {
      stop('compressionLevel input must be NA or an integer between 1 and 9')
  } else if (!is.na(compressionLevel))  {
    stop('compressionLevel input must be NA or an integer between 1 and 9')

  # Increase maximum file download time from 60 sec to 300 sec.
  # This is following the requat from Em. Prof. Brian Ripley on 9/12/2020.
  options(timeout = max(300, getOption("timeout")))

  # Test the AWAP downloading
  filedate_str = '20000101'
  haveGridGeometry = FALSE;
  haveGridGeometry_solar = FALSE;
  if (doMainCDF) {
    if (!is.na(urlPrecip)) {
      message('... Testing downloading of AWAP precip. grid')
      destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlPrecip, 'precip.', workingFolder, filedate_str)

      # Get the grid geometry of the non solar data
      message('... Getting grid gemoetry from file.')
      headerData <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('precip.', workingFolder, filedate_str, remove.file=T)
      nCols  <- headerData$nCols
      nRows  <- headerData$nRows
      SWLong <- headerData$SWLong
      SWLat  <- headerData$SWLat
      DPixel <- headerData$DPixel
      nodata <- headerData$nodata
      haveGridGeometry = TRUE;

    # Test the AWAP downloading
    if (!is.na(urlTmin)) {
      message('... Testing downloading of AWAP tmin grid')
      destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlTmin, 'tmin.', workingFolder, filedate_str)

      # Get grid geometry if not available from precip
      if (is.na(urlPrecip)) {
        # Get the grid geometry of the non solar data
        message('... Getting grid gemoetry from file.')
        headerData <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('tmin.', workingFolder, filedate_str, remove.file=F)
        nCols  <- headerData$nCols
        nRows  <- headerData$nRows
        SWLong <- headerData$SWLong
        SWLat  <- headerData$SWLat
        DPixel <- headerData$DPixel
        nodata <- headerData$nodata
        haveGridGeometry = TRUE;


    # Test the AWAP downloading
    if (!is.na(urlTmax)) {
      message('... Testing downloading of AWAP tmax grid')
      destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlTmax, 'tmax.', workingFolder, filedate_str)

      # Get grid geometry if not available from precip
      if (is.na(urlPrecip)) {
        # Get the grid geometry of the non solar data
        message('... Getting grid gemoetry from file.')
        headerData <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('tmax', workingFolder, filedate_str, remove.file=F)
        nCols  <- headerData$nCols
        nRows  <- headerData$nRows
        SWLong <- headerData$SWLong
        SWLat  <- headerData$SWLat
        DPixel <- headerData$DPixel
        nodata <- headerData$nodata
        haveGridGeometry = TRUE;


    # Test the AWAP downloading
    if (!is.na(urlVprp)) {
      message('... Testing downloading of AWAP vapour pressure grid')
      destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlVprp, 'vprp.', workingFolder, filedate_str)

      # Get grid geometry if not available from precip
      if (is.na(urlPrecip)) {
        # Get the grid geometry of the non solar data
        message('... Getting grid gemoetry from file.')
        headerData <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('vprp', workingFolder, filedate_str, remove.file=F)
        nCols  <- headerData$nCols
        nRows  <- headerData$nRows
        SWLong <- headerData$SWLong
        SWLat  <- headerData$SWLat
        DPixel <- headerData$DPixel
        nodata <- headerData$nodata
        haveGridGeometry = TRUE;


  # Test the AWAP solar downloading
  if (!is.na(urlSolarrad)) {
    message('... Testing downloading of AWAP solar grid')
    destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlSolarrad, 'solarrad.', workingFolder, filedate_str)

    # Get the grid geometry of the non solar data
    message('... Getting grid gemoetry from file.')
    headerData <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('solarrad.', workingFolder, filedate_str, remove.file=T)
    nCols_solar  <- headerData$nCols
    nRows_solar  <- headerData$nRows
    SWLong_solar <- headerData$SWLong
    SWLat_solar  <- headerData$SWLat
    DPixel_solar <- headerData$DPixel
    nodata_solar <- headerData$nodata
    haveGridGeometry_solar = TRUE;

  # Create net CDF files
  if (doMainCDF) {

    if (!doUpdate) {

      message('... Building AWAP netcdf file.')

      # Convert and check input timedates
      if (is.na(updateFrom) || nchar(updateFrom)==0) {
        updateFrom = as.Date("1900-01-01","%Y-%m-%d")
      } else if (is.character(updateFrom))
        updateFrom = as.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d');
      if (is.na(updateTo) || nchar(updateTo)==0) {
        updateTo = as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d")
      } else if (is.character(updateTo)) {
        updateTo = as.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d');
      } else if (class(updateTo)=="Date") {
          updateTo = min(c(as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d"),updateTo));
      if (updateFrom >= updateTo)
        stop('The update dates are invalid. updateFrom must be prior to updateTo')

      # Set data time points
      timepoints = seq( as.Date("1900-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"), by="day", to=updateTo)

      # Get x and y vectors (dimensions)
      Longvector = seq(SWLong, by=DPixel,length.out = nCols)
      Latvector = seq(SWLat, by=DPixel,length.out = nRows)

      # define dimensions
      londim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("Long","degrees",vals=Longvector)
      latdim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("Lat","degrees",vals=Latvector)
      timedim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("time","days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0 -0:00",unlim=T, vals=0:(length(timepoints)-1), calendar='standard')

      # define variables
      fillvalue <- NA
      dlname <- "min daily temperature"
      tmin_def <- ncdf4::ncvar_def("tmin","deg_C",list(londim,latdim,timedim),fillvalue,dlname,prec="single", compression=compressionLevel)
      dlname <- "min daily temperature"
      tmax_def <- ncdf4::ncvar_def("tmax","deg_C",list(londim,latdim,timedim),fillvalue,dlname,prec="single", compression=compressionLevel)
      dlname <- "vapour pressure"
      vprp_def <- ncdf4::ncvar_def("vprp","hPa",list(londim,latdim,timedim),fillvalue,dlname,prec="single", compression=compressionLevel)
      dlname <- "precipitation"
      precip_def <- ncdf4::ncvar_def("precip","mm",list(londim,latdim,timedim),fillvalue,dlname,prec="single", compression=compressionLevel)

      # Filter vars to only those needed
      allVariables = list(tmin_def,tmax_def,vprp_def,precip_def)
      filt = rep(F, length(allVariables))
      if (!is.na(urlTmin))
        filt[1] = T
      if (!is.na(urlTmax))
        filt[2] = T
      if (!is.na(urlVprp))
        filt[3] = T
      if (!is.na(urlPrecip))
        filt[4] = T
      allVariables = allVariables[filt]

      # create netCDF file and put arrays
      ncout <- ncdf4::nc_create(filename=ncdfFilename,vars=allVariables,force_v4=T)

      # put additional attributes into dimension and data variables

      # add global attributes
      ncdf4::ncatt_put(ncout,0,"title","BoM AWAP daily climate data")
      ncdf4::ncatt_put(ncout,0,"institution","Data: BoM, R Code: Tim J. Peterson and Conrad Wasko")
      # history <- paste("R Code: Tim J. Peterson and Conrad Wasko", date(), sep=", ")

      # Get netcdf time points
      timePoints_netCDF <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncout, "time")

      # Convert netCDF time points to date
      tunits <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(ncout, "time", "units")
      tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
      tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
      tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
      tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
      tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
      timePoints_R = chron::chron(timePoints_netCDF, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear));

    } else {
      # open netcdf file
      ncout <- ncdf4::nc_open(ncdfFilename, write=T)

      # Get netcdf time points
      timePoints_netCDF <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncout, "time")

      # Convert netCDF time points to date
      tunits <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(ncout, "time", "units")
      tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
      tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
      tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
      tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
      tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
      timePoints_R = chron::chron(timePoints_netCDF, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear));

      # Set updateFrom to the end of the netCDF file if updateFrom is NA or ''.
      if (is.na(updateFrom)) {
        updateFrom = max(as.Date(timePoints_R));
      } else if (is.character(updateFrom)) {
        if (nchar(updateFrom)>0) {
          updateFrom = min(c(max(as.Date(timePoints_R)),as.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d')));
        } else {
          updateFrom = max(as.Date(timePoints_R));
      } else {
        if (updateFrom == as.Date("1900-01-01","%Y-%m-%d")) {
          doQuit <- readline(prompt="Warning: netCDF grids exist and are to be updated from 1/1/1900. Do you want to continue (Y/N)? : ")
          if (doQuit=='N' | doQuit=='n') {
            message('Now quitting. Note, to update the data form the last day in the netCDF files, set updateFrom=NA')

      # Set updateTo to the min of the input data and now.
      if (is.na(updateTo)) {
        updateTo = as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d")
      } else if (is.character(updateTo)) {
        if (nchar(updateTo)>0) {
          updateTo = min(c(as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d"),as.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d')));
        } else {
          updateTo = as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d")
      } else if (class(updateTo)=="Date") {
        updateTo = min(c(as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d"),updateTo));

    # Check input dates
    if (updateFrom >= updateTo)
      stop('The update dates are invalid. updateFrom must be prior to updateTo')

    timepoints2Update = seq( as.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'), by="day", to=as.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d'))

    if (length(timepoints2Update)==0)
        stop('The dates to update produce a zero vector of dates of zero length. Check the inputs dates are as YYYY-MM-DD')

    message(paste('... NetCDF data will be  extracted from ',format.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'),' to ', format.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d')));

    # Start Filling the netCDF grid.
    message('... Starting to add data AWAP netcdf file.')
    for (date in 1:length(timepoints2Update)){

      # Get datestring for input filenames
      datestring<-format(timepoints2Update[date], "%Y%m%d")
      message(paste('Working on grid time point:', format(timepoints2Update[date], "%Y-%m-%d")))

      # Find index to the date to update within the net CDF grid
      ind = as.integer(difftime(timepoints2Update[date], as.Date("1900-1-1",'%Y-%m-%d'),units = "days" ))+1

      # Update timePoints_netCDF time vector
      timePoints_netCDF[ind] = ind-1;

      # Download data
      if (!is.na(urlPrecip)) {

        destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlPrecip, 'precip.', workingFolder, datestring)
        destFile_precip <- destFile$file.name
        didFail_precip <- destFile$didFail

      if (!is.na(urlTmin)) {
        destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlTmin, 'tmin.', workingFolder, datestring)
        destFile_tmin <- destFile$file.name
        didFail_tmin <- destFile$didFail

      if (!is.na(urlTmax)) {
        destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlTmax, 'tmax.', workingFolder, datestring)
        destFile_tmax <- destFile$file.name
        didFail_tmax <- destFile$didFail

      if (!is.na(urlVprp)) {
        destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlVprp, 'vprp.', workingFolder, datestring)
        destFile_vprp <- destFile$file.name
        didFail_vprp <- destFile$didFail

      # Get precip grid and add to Net CDF grid
      if (!is.na(urlPrecip) && file.exists(destFile_precip) && didFail_precip==0) {
        # Re-extra header data in case the NODATA number chnages with time (resolving https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/issues/19)
        headerData.tmp <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('precip.', workingFolder, datestring, remove.file=F)

        AWAPgrid <- AWAPer::readin.ASCII.file(destFile_precip, nRows, noData=headerData.tmp$nodata)
        ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncout, "precip", AWAPgrid, start=c(1, 1, ind), count=c(nCols, nRows, 1), verbose=F )
      if (!is.na(urlPrecip) && file.exists(destFile_precip) && !keepFiles)

      # Get tmin grid and add to Net CDF grid
      if (!is.na(urlTmin) && file.exists(destFile_tmin) && didFail_tmin==0) {
        # Re-extra header data in case the NODATA number chnages with time (resolving https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/issues/19)
        headerData.tmp <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('tmin.', workingFolder, datestring, remove.file=F)

        AWAPgrid <- AWAPer::readin.ASCII.file(destFile_tmin, nRows, noData=headerData.tmp$nodata)
        ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncout, "tmin", AWAPgrid, start=c(1, 1, ind), count=c(nCols, nRows, 1), verbose=F )
      if (!is.na(urlTmin) && file.exists(destFile_tmin) && !keepFiles)

      # Get tmax grid and add to Net CDF grid
      if (!is.na(urlTmax) && file.exists(destFile_tmax) && didFail_tmax==0) {
        # Re-extra header data in case the NODATA number chnages with time (resolving https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/issues/19)
        headerData.tmp <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('tmax.', workingFolder, datestring, remove.file=F)

        AWAPgrid <- AWAPer::readin.ASCII.file(destFile_tmax, nRows, noData=headerData.tmp$nodata)
        ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncout, "tmax", AWAPgrid, start=c(1, 1, ind), count=c(nCols, nRows, 1), verbose=F )
      if (!is.na(urlTmax) && file.exists(destFile_tmax) && !keepFiles)

      # Get vapour pr grid and add to Net CDF grid
      if (!is.na(urlVprp) && file.exists(destFile_vprp) && didFail_vprp==0) {
        # Re-extra header data in case the NODATA number chnages with time (resolving https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/issues/19)
        headerData.tmp <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('vprp.', workingFolder, datestring, remove.file=F)

        AWAPgrid <- AWAPer::readin.ASCII.file(destFile_vprp, nRows, noData=headerData.tmp$nodata)
        ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncout, "vprp", AWAPgrid, start=c(1, 1, ind), count=c(nCols, nRows, 1), verbose=F )
      if (!is.na(urlVprp) && file.exists(destFile_vprp) && !keepFiles)

      # Flush data to the netcdf file to avoid losses if code crashed.
      if (date %% 365 == 0) {
        message(paste('Syncing 365 days of data to netCDF file. The time point to be synched is:', format(timepoints2Update[date], "%Y-%m-%d")))


    # Updtate netCDF time variable
    ncdf4::ncvar_put(ncout, "time",timePoints_netCDF)

    # close the file, writing data to disk


  if (!haveGridGeometry_solar)
    warning('Note, the solar radiation data netCDF file will not be built or updated.')

  # Create net CDF files
  if (haveGridGeometry_solar) {

    # Set data time points
    timepoints = seq( as.Date("1990-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"), by="day", to=as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d"))

    if (!doUpdate_solar) {

      Longvector = seq(SWLong_solar, by=DPixel_solar,length.out = nCols_solar)
      Latvector = seq(SWLat_solar, by=DPixel_solar,length.out = nRows_solar)

      # define dimensions
      londim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("Long","degrees",vals=Longvector)
      latdim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("Lat","degrees",vals=Latvector)
      timedim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("time","days since 1990-01-01 00:00:00.0 -0:00",unlim=T, vals=0:(length(timepoints)-1), calendar='standard')

      # define variables
      fillvalue <- NA
      dlname <- "Solar radiation"
      solar_def <- ncdf4::ncvar_def("solarrad","MJ/m^2",list(londim,latdim,timedim),fillvalue,dlname,prec="single", compression=compressionLevel)

      # create netCDF file and put arrays
      ncout <- ncdf4::nc_create(ncdfSolarFilename,list(solar_def),force_v4=T)

      # put additional attributes into dimension and data variables

      # put additional attributes into dimension and data variables

      # add global attributes
      ncdf4::ncatt_put(ncout,0,"title","BoM AWAP daily solar data")
      ncdf4::ncatt_put(ncout,0,"institution","Data: BoM, R Code: Tim J. Peterson and Conrad Wasko")
      #history <- paste("R Code: T.J. Peterson", date(), sep=", ")

      # Get netcdf time points
      timePoints_netCDF <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncout, "time")

      # Convert netCDF time points to date
      tunits <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(ncout, "time", "units")
      tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
      tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
      tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
      tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
      tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
      timePoints_R = chron::chron(timePoints_netCDF, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear));

      timepoints2Update = seq( as.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'), by="day", to=as.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d'))

    } else {

      # open netcdf file
      ncout <- ncdf4::nc_open(ncdfSolarFilename, write=T)

      # Get netcdf time points
      timePoints_netCDF <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncout, "time")

      # Convert netCDF time points to date
      tunits <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(ncout, "time", "units")
      tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
      tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
      tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
      tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
      tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
      timePoints_R = chron::chron(timePoints_netCDF, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear));

      # Set updateFrom to the min of the end of the netCDF file and updateFrom
      if (is.character(updateFrom)) {
        if (nchar(updateFrom)>0) {
          updateFrom = min(c(max(as.Date(timePoints_R)), as.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d')));
        } else {
          updateFrom = max(as.Date(timePoints_R));
      } else {
        if (is.na(updateFrom)) {
          updateFrom = max(as.Date(timePoints_R));


      # Set updateTo to the end of the netCDF file if updateTo is NA or ''.
      if (is.character(updateTo)) {
        if (nchar(updateTo)>0) {
          updateTo = min(c(as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d"), as.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d')));
        } else {
          updateTo = as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d")
      } else {
        if (is.na(updateTo)) {
          updateTo = as.Date(Sys.Date()-1,"%Y-%m-%d")


    # Check input dates
    if (updateFrom >= updateTo)
      stop('The update dates are invalid. updateFrom must be prior to updateTo')

    timepoints2Update = seq( as.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'), by="day", to=as.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d'))

    if (length(timepoints2Update)==0)
      stop('The dates to update produce a zero vector of dates of zero length. Check the inputs dates are as YYYY-MM-DD')

    message(paste('... NetCDF Solar data will be  extracted from ',format.Date(updateFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'),' to ', format.Date(updateTo,'%Y-%m-%d')));

    # Start Filling the netCDF grid.
    message('... Starting to add data AWAP Solar netcdf file.')

    # Start Filling the netCDF grid.
    for (date in 1:length(timepoints2Update)){

      # Get datestring for input filenames
      datestring<-format(timepoints2Update[date], "%Y%m%d")
      message(paste('Working on solar grid time point:', format(timepoints2Update[date], "%Y-%m-%d")))

      # Find index to the date to update within the net CDF grid
      ind = as.integer(difftime(timepoints2Update[date], as.Date("1990-1-1",'%Y-%m-%d'),units = "days" ))+1

      # Update timePoints_netCDF time vector
      timePoints_netCDF[ind] = ind-1;

      # Download the file
      if (!is.na(urlSolarrad)) {
        destFile <- AWAPer::download.ASCII.file(urlSolarrad, 'solarrad.', workingFolder, datestring)
        destFile_solarrad <- destFile$file.name
        didFail <- destFile$didFail

      # Get vapour pr grid and add to Net CDF grid
      if (file.exists(destFile_solarrad) && didFail==0) {
        # Re-extra header data in case the NODATA number chnages with time (resolving https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/issues/19)
        headerData.tmp <- AWAPer::get.ASCII.file.header('solarrad.', workingFolder, datestring, remove.file=F)

        # Import file
        AWAPgrid <- AWAPer::readin.ASCII.file(destFile_solarrad, nRows_solar, noData=headerData.tmp$nodata)

        # Infill NA values of grid by taking the local average and convert back to matrix.
        AWAPgrid <- raster::raster(AWAPgrid)
        AWAPgrid <- raster::focal(AWAPgrid, w=matrix(1,3,3), fun=mean, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE)
        AWAPgrid <- raster::focal(AWAPgrid, w=matrix(1,3,3), fun=mean, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE)
        AWAPgrid <- raster::focal(AWAPgrid, w=matrix(1,3,3), fun=mean, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE)
        AWAPgrid = raster::as.matrix(AWAPgrid);

        # Add to ncdf
        ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncout, "solarrad", AWAPgrid, start=c(1, 1, ind), count=c(nCols_solar, nRows_solar, 1), verbose=F )

      if (file.exists(destFile_solarrad)  && !keepFiles)

      # Flush data to the netcdf file to avoid losses if code crashed.
      if (date %% 365 == 0) {
        message(paste('Syncing 365 days of data to netCDF file. The time point to be synched is:', format(timepoints2Update[date], "%Y-%m-%d")))


    # Updtate netCDF time variable
    ncdf4::ncvar_put(ncout, "time",timePoints_netCDF)

    # close the file, writing data to disk

  message('Data construction FINISHED..')
  return(list(ncdfFilename=ncdfFilename, ncdfSolarFilename = ncdfSolarFilename))

peterson-tim-j/AWAPer documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 9:15 a.m.