
Defines functions nnetBuild

Documented in nnetBuild

#' S4 class definition for a neural network
#' @slot train_input
#' @slot train_outcome
#' @slot levels
#' @slot n_layers
#' @slot n_units
#' @slot penalty
#' @slot cost
#' @slot lambda
#' @slot fitted_params
#' @slot info
  Class = "nnePtR",
  slots = list(
    input = "matrix",
    outcome = "factor",
    levels = "character",
    n_layers = "numeric",
    n_units = "numeric",
    penalty = "numeric",
    cost = "numeric",
    fitted_params = "list",
    info = "list")

#' Constructor for nnePtR
#' @param train_input data frame or matrix of input features
#' @param train_outcome vector of outcome. should be a factor
#' @param nLayers number of hidden layers
#' @param nUnits number of units in hidden layers. Constant across each hidden layer.
#' @param lambda penalty term
#' @param seed seed for initialising network
#' @param iters number of iterations (passed to optim)
#' @param optim_method opitimisation method (passed to optim)
#' @param trace should report from optim be produced?
#' @import methods
#' @export
nnetBuild <- function(train_input, train_outcome, nLayers = 1, nUnits = 25,
                      lambda = 0.01, seed = 1234,
                      iters = 100, optim_method = "L-BFGS-B", trace = FALSE) {

  train_input <- data.matrix(train_input)
  outcome_copy <- train_outcome
  train_outcome <- as.numeric(train_outcome)

  # Seed is mainly for reprodicibility with tests...
  seed_tmp <- seed
  count <- 1
  repeat {
    templates <- nnetTrainSetup_c(train_input,
                                  seed = seed_tmp)

    # we define bp from the closure
    # now all we need to do is pass unrolled Thetas
    # as templates are cached in the enclosing environment
    bp <- backProp(Thetas = templates$thetas_temp,
                   a = templates$a_temp,
                   lambda = lambda,
                   outcome = templates$outcome_Mat)

    # we want to split the backProp function so that
    # we can cache, as gr requires the same forward
    # propogation as fn
    f2 <- splitfn(bp)

    # initial params for optim
    unrollThetas <- unrollParams_c(templates$thetas_temp)

    # optimise parameters
    params <- failwith(NULL, optim)(unrollThetas,
                                   fn = f2$fn,
                                   gr = f2$gr,
                                   method = optim_method,
                                   hessian = FALSE,
                                   control = list(maxit = iters,
                                                  trace = trace))
    # continue if optimisation successful
    if(!is.null(params)) {
      seed_tmp <- seed

    # If optimisation fails change seed- params will be
    # initialised differently
    seed_tmp <- seed_tmp + 1
    if(count > 5 ) stop("Optimisation failed. Perhaps increase penalty?")
    count <- count + 1

  # final parameters
  Thetas_final <- rollParams_c(params$par, nLayers, templates$thetas_temp)

  return(new(Class = "nnePtR",
             input = train_input,
             outcome = outcome_copy,
             levels = levels(outcome_copy),
             n_layers = nLayers,
             n_units = nUnits,
             penalty = lambda,
             cost = params$value,
             fitted_params = Thetas_final,
             info = list(method = optim_method,
                         max_iterations = iters,
                         convergence = params$convergence))

#' Initializor to catch input errors
#' @param .Object object of class nnePtR
#' @param input matrix of inputs. Dimensions are (n training samples x n features)
#' @param outcome factor variable for outcome
#' @param levels character vector of levels of outcome
#' @param n_layers number of hidden layers in the network
#' @param n_units number of units in the hidden layers
#' @param penalty penalty term (weight decay)
#' @param cost final cost obtained through optimisation
#' @param fitted_params list of matrices holding the fitted parameters
#' @param info list containing infomation from optimisation
  signature = "nnePtR",
  definition = function(.Object, input, outcome, levels,
                        n_layers, n_units, penalty,
                        cost, fitted_params, info) {

    if(nrow(input) != length(outcome)) stop("input and outcome do not match")
    if(n_layers < 1) stop("there must be at least 1 hidden layer")
    if(!class(outcome) == "factor") stop("outcome must be a factor variable")
    if(!class(input) == "matrix") stop("input must be a matrix variable")
    if(sum(is.na(input)) >= 1) stop("missing values in input")
    if(info$convergence > 1) print("it is advised to investigate convergence of optimisation")

    .Object@input <- input
    .Object@outcome <- outcome
    .Object@levels <- levels
    .Object@n_layers <- n_layers
    .Object@n_units <- n_units
    .Object@penalty <- penalty
    .Object@cost <- cost
    .Object@fitted_params <- fitted_params
    .Object@info <- info
philipmgoddard/nnePtR documentation built on May 25, 2019, 5:04 a.m.