
Defines functions pluck_depth gather_spc

Documented in gather_spc

#' @title Gather measurements of different spectra types, corresponding
#' x-axis values and metadata from nested list.
#' @description Gather spectra, corresponding x-axis values, and device and
#' measurement metadata from a nested list into a spectra tibble, so that one
#' row represents one spectral measurement. Spectra, x-axis values and metadata
#' are mapped from the individual list elements (named after file name including
#' the extension) and transformed into (list-)columns of a spectra tibble,
#' which is an extended data frame. For each measurement, spectral data and
#' metadata are combined into one row of the tidy data frame. In addition, the ID
#' columns `unique_id`, `file_id`, and `sample_id` are extracted from
#' `"metadata"` (data frame) list entries and returned as identifier columns of
#' the spectra tibble. List-columns facilitate keeping related data together in
#' a rectangular data structure. They can be manipulated easily during
#' subsequent transformations, for example using the standardized functions of
#' the simplerspec data processing pipeline.
#' @param data Recursive list named with filename (`file_id`) at first level
#' entries, where each element containing a sample measurement has nested
#' metadata (`"metadata"`), spectra types (see `spc_types`), corresponding
#' x-axis values (see section *"Details on spectra data checks and matching"*).
#' The `data` list is a structural convention to organize spectra and their
#' metadata. It follows for example the list structure returned from the Bruker
#' OPUS binary reader `simplerspec::read_opus_univ()`.
#' @param spc_types Character vector with the spectra types to be extracted
#' from `data` list and gathered into list-columns. The spectra type names need
#' to exactly follow the naming conventions, and the element names and contents
#' need to be present at the second list hierarchy of `data`. These values are
#' allowed:
#' * `"spc"` (default): final raw spectra after atmospheric compensation, if
#'   performed (named `AB` in Bruker OPUS software; results from referencing
#'   sample to reference single channel reflectance and transforming to
#'   absorbance).
#' * `"spc_nocomp"`: raw spectra without atmospheric correction
#' * `"sc_sm"`: Single channel reflectance spectra of the samples
#' * `"sc_rf"`: Single channel reflectance spectra of the reference (background
#'   spectra)
#' * `"ig_sm"`: Interferograms of the sample spectra (currently only spectra
#'   without x-axis list-columns are matched and returned)
#' * `"ig_rf"`: Interferograms of the reference spectra (currently only spectra
#'   without x-axis list-columns are matched and returned)
#' @usage gather_spc(data, spc_types = "spc")
#' @section Details on spectra data checks and matching:
#' `gather_spc()` checks whether these conditions are met for each measurement
#' in the list `data`:
#' 1. Make sure that the first level `data` elements are named (assumed to be
#' the file name the data originate from), and remove missing measurements with
#' an informative message.
#' 2. Remove any duplicated file names and raise a message if there are
#'    name duplicates at first level.
#' 3. Check whether `spc_types` inputs are supported (see argument `spc_types`)
#'    and present at the second level of the `data` list. If not, remove
#'    all data elements for incomplete spectral measurements.
#' 4. Match spectra types and possible corresponding x-axis types from
#'    a lookup list. For each selected spectrum type (left), at least one of
#'    the element names of the x-axis type (right) needs to be present for each
#'    measurement in the list `data`:
#'    * `"spc"`  : `"wavenumbers"`, `"wavelengths"`, or `"x_values"`
#'    * `"spc_nocomp"` : `"wavenumbers"`, `"wavelengths"`, or `"x_values"`
#'    * `"sc_sm"` : `"wavenumbers_sc_sm"`, `"wavelengths_sc_sm"`, or
#'      `"x_values_sc_sm"`
#'    * `"sc_rf"` : `"wavenumbers_sc_rf"`, `"wavelengths_sc_rf"`, or
#'      `"x_values_sc_rf"`
#' 5. Check if `"metadata"` elements are present and remove data elements for
#'    measurements with missing or incorrectly named metadata elements
#'    (message).
#' @return Spectra tibble (`spc_tbl` with classes `"tbl_df"`, `"tbl"`, and
#' `"data.frame"`) with the following (list-)columns:
#' * `"unique_id"`: Character vector with unique measurement identifier, likely
#'   a string with file names in combination with date and time (extracted from
#'   each `"metadata"` data frame column).
#' * `"file_id"` : Character vector with file name including the extension
#'   (extracted from each `"metadata"` data frame column).
#' * `"sample_id"`: Character vector with sample identifier. For Bruker OPUS
#'   binary files, this corresponds to the file name without the file extension
#'   in integer increments of sample replicate measurements.
#' * One or multiple of `"spc"`, `"spc_nocomp"`, `"sc_sm"`, or `"sc_rf"`:
#'   List(s) of data.table's containing spectra type(s).
#' * One or multiple of `"wavenumbers"`, `"wavelengths"`, `"x_values"`,
#'   `"wavenumbers_sc_sm"`, `"wavelengths_sc_sm"`, `"x_values_sc_sm"`,
#'   `"wavenumbers_sc_rf"`, `"wavelengths_sc_rf"`, or `"x_values_sc_rf"`:
#'   List(s) of numeric vectors with matched x-axis values (see *"Details on
#'   spectra data checks and matching"* below).
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @export
gather_spc <- function(data,
                       spc_types = "spc") {
  spc_types <- map(spc_types, rlang::sym)
  spc_types_chr <- map_chr(spc_types, rlang::quo_name)

  # Duplicate original data to refer to full `data` list in messages
  data_origin <- data

  ## Make sure first level `data` elements are named

  if (any(names(data) %in% "")) {
    which_missing <- which(names(data) %in% "")
    idx_nm_missing <- rlang::set_names(
      names(data)[which_missing], which_missing)
    message(paste0(length(which_missing), " `data` ",
      ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, "elements", "element"),
      ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, " have", " has"),
      " missing `file_id` names. ",
      ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, "These", "This"), "`data` list index",
      ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, " positions\n", " position\n"),
      ifelse(length(which_missing) > 1, "were", "was"),
      " therefore removed:\n\n",
      idx_nm_missing %>%
        purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = "  "),

    data <- data[-which_missing]

  ## Check whether any file names (`file_id`'s) are duplicated;
  ## remove and raise warning in case duplicated

  is_duplicated <- duplicated(names(data))
  idx_nm_duplicated <- rlang::set_names(names(data)[is_duplicated],
  if (any(is_duplicated)) {
    message(paste0(sum(is_duplicated), " `file_id` named ",
      ifelse(sum(is_duplicated) > 1, "elements", "element"), " of `data` ",
      ifelse(sum(is_duplicated) > 1, "are", "is"),
      " non-unique/duplicated\nand ",
      ifelse(sum(is_duplicated) > 1, "were", "was"), " therefore removed:\n\n",
      idx_nm_duplicated %>%
        purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = "  "),

    data <- data[-is_duplicated]

  ## Check whether `spc_types` are allowed and present at the second level of
  ## the nested list `data`

  spc_types_allowed <- c("spc", "spc_nocomp", "sc_sm", "sc_rf", "ig_sm",
  spc_types_present <- spc_types_chr %in% spc_types_allowed

  if (any(!spc_types_present)) {
    options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
    stop("The following spectrum types specified in `spc_types` are",
      " not supported:\n\n",
      paste(dQuote(spc_types_chr[!spc_types_present]), collapse = ", ")) }

  ## Collect names of spectrum types nested at second `file_id` `data` list
  ## level to check whether all specified `spc_types` are present in `data`;
  ## access sub-element names at that list level

  data_types_byfile <- purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = 1,
    ~ purrr::imap_chr(.x, ~ .y))
  spc_types_byfile_in <- map(data_types_byfile, ~ spc_types_chr %in% .x)

  if (any(map_lgl(spc_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)))) {
    which_rm <- map_lgl(spc_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)) %>% which()
    rm_origin <- names(data_origin[names(which_rm)])
    rm_origin_lgl <- names(data_origin) %in% rm_origin
    which_rm_origin <- rlang::set_names(rm_origin, which(rm_origin_lgl))

    message(paste0("Spectrum types (second list level names) specified in",
      " `spc_types` were not found\nwithin all first level elements ",
      " of list `data` or are NULL (spectra data by `file_id`).\n",
      "Therefore, all data elements for the corresponding",
      " list indices and `file_id`'s\nwere removed from `data`:\n\n",
      which_rm_origin %>%
        purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = "  "),

    data <- data[- which_rm]

  ## Extract the spectra of different types by plucking all types specified in
  ## `spc_types_chr` argment into separate first list level elements

  spc_mapped <- map(rlang::set_names(spc_types_chr),
    ~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))

  ## Match and extract the values for the x-axis types

  spc_type_x_axis <- list(
    "spc" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths", "x_values"),
    "spc_nocomp" = c("wavenumbers", "wavelengths", "x_values"),
    "sc_sm" = c("wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm", "x_values_sc_sm"),
    "sc_rf" = c("wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf", "x_values_sc_rf")

  lcols_x_values_matching <- purrr::flatten_chr(spc_type_x_axis[spc_types_chr])
  x_values_matching <- lcols_x_values_matching[lcols_x_values_matching
    %in% unique(purrr::flatten_chr(data_types_byfile))]

  # `data` has eventually been updated (removed `data` elements)
  data_types_byfile <- purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = 1,
    ~ purrr::imap_chr(.x, ~ .y))
  x_value_types_byfile_in <- map(data_types_byfile, ~ x_values_matching %in% .x)

  if (any(map_lgl(x_value_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)))) {
    which_rm <- map_lgl(x_value_types_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)) %>% which()
    rm_origin <- names(data_origin[names(which_rm)])
    rm_origin_lgl <- names(data_origin) %in% rm_origin
    which_rm_origin <- rlang::set_names(rm_origin, which(rm_origin_lgl))

    message(paste0("These x-axis types (second list level names)",
      " corresponding to \nspecified `spc_types` spectrum types were not",
      " found within\nall first level elements or are NULL",
      " (spectra data by `file_id`) of list `data`: \n\n",
      paste(dQuote(x_values_matching), collapse = ", ")), "\n\n",
      "Therefore, all data elements for the corresponding",
      " list indices\nand `file_id`'s were removed from `data`:\n\n",
      which_rm_origin %>%
        purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = "  "),

    data <- data[- which_rm]
    spc_mapped <- map(spc_mapped, ~ .x[- which_rm])

  x_values_mapped <- map(rlang::set_names(x_values_matching),
    ~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))

  ## Combine the mapped spectra and correspoding x-axis types, and order
  ## list before returning spectral tibble (`spc_tbl`)

  spc_x_axis_types_order <- c("spc", "wavenumbers", "wavelengths", "x_values",
    "sc_sm", "wavenumbers_sc_sm", "wavelengths_sc_sm", "x_values_sc_sm",
    "sc_rf", "wavenumbers_sc_rf", "wavelengths_sc_rf", "x_values_sc_rf",
    "ig_sm", "ig_rf")

  spc_x_values_mapped <- c(spc_mapped, x_values_mapped)
  spc_x_axis_types_matched <- spc_x_axis_types_order[spc_x_axis_types_order %in%
  spc_x_values_mapped <- spc_x_values_mapped[spc_x_axis_types_matched]

  ## Check if `metadata` elements are present for all list first level elements

  # `data` has eventually been updated (removed `data` elements)
  data_types_byfile <- purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = 1,
    ~ purrr::imap_chr(.x, ~ .y))
  metadata_byfile_in <- map(data_types_byfile, ~ "metadata" %in% .x)

  if (any(map_lgl(metadata_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)))) {
    which_rm <- map_lgl(metadata_byfile_in, ~ any(!.x)) %>% which()
    rm_origin <- names(data_origin[names(which_rm)])
    rm_origin_lgl <- names(data_origin) %in% rm_origin
    which_rm_origin <- rlang::set_names(rm_origin, which(rm_origin_lgl))

    message(paste0("`metadata` (second list level names) was not",
      " found within\n all first level elements (`metadata` by `file_id`)",
      " of list `data` or are NULL.\n\n",
    "Therefore, all data elements for the corresponding",
    " list indices\nand `file_id`'s were removed from `data`:\n\n",
    which_rm_origin %>%
      purrr::imap_chr(~ paste0(.y, " : ", .x)) %>% paste(collapse = "  "),

    data <- data[- which_rm]
    spc_x_values_mapped <- map(spc_x_values_mapped, ~ .x[- which_rm])

  ## Extract metadata list elements and combine into tibble

  metadata_mapped <- map(rlang::set_names(list("metadata")),
    ~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))
  metadata_df <- purrr::map_df(data, "metadata")
  id_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(
    metadata_df[c("unique_id", "file_id", "sample_id")]

  ## Column bind all tibbles of metadata id's, metadata, spectra, and
  ## x-axis type values; return on combined spectral tibble (`spc_tbl`)

  spc_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(spc_x_values_mapped)
  metadata_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(metadata_mapped)
  dplyr::bind_cols(list(id_tbl, metadata_tbl, spc_tbl))

# Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Pluck out single elements from a list hierarchy level (`.depth`)
# specified in `.string` based on element names; All elements with the specified
# name will be transposed into a single list named by the element name.
# `pluck_depth` can be combined with `purrr::map` to extract elements of
# different names at all list nodes at the specified level, using e.g.
# map(rlang::set_names(c("spc", "spc_nocomp")),
#   ~ pluck_depth(data = data, .depth = 1, .string = .x))

pluck_depth <- function(data, .depth = 1, .string = NULL) {
  purrr::modify_depth(data, .depth = .depth, ~ purrr::pluck(.x, .string))
philipp-baumann/simplerspec documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 12:13 p.m.