
#TODO: Remove:

#' Removes ambiguous letters from a sequence by replacing them with a randomly
#' selected letter they represent
#' Move character swaps to strings in base R because it is faster
#' @param seq_dat The sequence in which to remove the ambiguity characters
#' @export
randomize_ambig <- function(seq_dat){
  if (class(seq_dat) == 'DNAString'){
    seq_dat <- DNAStringSet(seq_dat)
  ambig_char <- IUPAC_CODE_MAP[!(names(IUPAC_CODE_MAP) %in% c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'))]
  for (j in 1:length(seq_dat)){
    curr_seq <- strsplit(as.character(seq_dat[j]), '')[[1]]
    new_seq <- curr_seq
    for (i in 1:length(curr_seq)){
      curr_char <- curr_seq[i]
      if (!(curr_char %in% c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T', '-'))){
        n_options <- nchar(ambig_char[curr_char])
        sample_indx <- sample(1:n_options, 1)
        new_let <- substr(ambig_char[curr_char], sample_indx, sample_indx)
        new_seq[i] <- new_let
    seq_dat[j] <- DNAStringSet(paste(new_seq,sep='',collapse=''))

simTestSeq <- function(n_unmut_hypermut, n_mut_hypermut,
                       n_unmut_control, n_mut_control,
                       shuffle = FALSE, n=1){
  unmut_hypermut <- '--GRD--'
  mut_hypermut <- '--ARD--'

  unmut_control1 <- '--GYN--'
  unmut_control2 <- '--GRC--'
  mut_control1 <- '--AYN--'
  mut_control2 <- '--ARC--'
  # hack the patterns to allow testing in the presence of LANL's
  # implementations of the D and N patterns
  # This should allow perfect prediction of the LANL results??? I hope
  #   Note that this assumes that LANL measures evolution from
  #   reference to query: G in reference becomes A in query
  unmut_hypermut <- '--GAT--'
  mut_hypermut <- '--AAT--'

  unmut_control1 <- '--GYY--'
  unmut_control2 <- '--GRC--'
  mut_control1 <- '--AYY--'
  mut_control2 <- '--ARC--'

  unmut_control <- unmut_control1
  mut_control <- mut_control1
  all_frags <- c(
    rep(unmut_hypermut, n_unmut_hypermut),
    rep(mut_hypermut, n_mut_hypermut),
    rep(unmut_control, n_unmut_control),
    rep(mut_control, n_mut_control))
  if (shuffle) {all_frags <- all_frags[sample(1:length(all_frags), length(all_frags))]}
  all_seq <- DNAStringSet(NULL)
  for (i in 1:n){
    sim_seq <- DNAString(paste(all_frags, sep = '', collapse = ''))
    sim_seq <- randomize_ambig(sim_seq)
    names(sim_seq) <- paste('ref_seq', n_unmut_hypermut, 'uhm',
                            n_mut_hypermut, 'mhm',
                            n_unmut_control, 'ucm',
                            n_mut_control, 'mcm',
                            'seqnum', sprintf("%03d", i), sep = '_')
    all_seq <- c(all_seq, sim_seq)

copyAndHyperMutate <- function(seq_dat, n_new_hypermut, n_new_controlmut){
  stopifnot(length(seq_dat) == 1)
  seq_dat <- as.character(seq_dat)
  if (n_new_hypermut > 0){
    for (i in 1:n_new_hypermut){
      seq_dat <- sub("--G([AG][AGT])", "--A\\1", seq_dat)
  if (n_new_controlmut > 0){
    for (i in 1:n_new_controlmut){
      seq_dat <- sub("--G(([CT][ACGT])|([AG]C))", "--A\\1", seq_dat)
  seq_dat <- DNAStringSet(seq_dat)
  names(seq_dat) <- paste('seq_+', n_new_hypermut, 'hm_+', n_new_controlmut, 'cm', sep = '')

 n_unmut_hypermut <- 10
 n_mut_hypermut <- 10
 n_unmut_control <- 10
 n_mut_control <- 10
 ref_seq <- simTestSeq(20,15,10,5)
 test_file1 <- DNAStringSet(c(
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 0, 0),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 4, 4),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 1, 1),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 8, 8),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 9, 9),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 4, 0),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 1, 0),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 8, 0),
 copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 9, 0)
 writeXStringSet(test_file1, '/tmp/hack_the_patterns_2.fasta', width=20000)
# ref_seq <- simTestSeq(1,1,1,1)
# test_file_1111 <- DNAStringSet(c(
# ref_seq,
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 0, 0),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 1, 0),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 0, 1),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 1, 1),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 2, 2)
# ))
# writeXStringSet(test_file_1111, '/tmp/test_file_1111.fasta', width=20000)
# ref_seq <- simTestSeq(2,2,2,2)
# test_file_4x2 <- DNAStringSet(c(
# ref_seq,
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 0, 0),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 1, 0),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 0, 1),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 1, 1),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 2, 0),
# copyAndHyperMutate(ref_seq, 2, 2)
# ))
# writeXStringSet(test_file_4x2, '/tmp/test_file_4x2.fasta', width=20000)
philliplab/hypermutR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 2:51 p.m.