get_ott_lineage: Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifier (OTT id) and...

View source: R/opentree_taxonomy.R

get_ott_lineageR Documentation

Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifier (OTT id) and name of all lineages from one or more input taxa.


Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifier (OTT id) and name of all lineages from one or more input taxa.


get_ott_lineage(input = NULL, ott_ids = NULL)



Optional. A character vector of names or a datelifeQuery object.


If not NULL, it takes this argument and ignores input. A numeric vector of ott ids obtained with rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info() or rotl::tnrs_match_names() or tnrs_match().


A list of named numeric vectors of ott ids from input and all the clades it belongs to.


## Not run:  # This is a flag for package development. You are welcome to run the example.

taxa <- c("Homo", "Bacillus anthracis", "Apis", "Salvia")
lin <- get_ott_lineage(taxa)

# Look up an unknown OTT id:
get_ott_lineage(ott_id = 454749)

## End(Not run) # end dontrun

phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.