Man pages for phylotastic/datelife
Scientific Data on Time of Lineage Divergence for Your Taxa

birds_and_catsA multiPhylo object with trees resulting from a datelife...
build_grove_listBuild grove list
build_grove_matrixFind the grove for a group of chronograms and build a matrix.
check_conflicting_calibrationsCheck for conflicting calibrations.
check_ott_inputCheck input for usage in other 'datelife' functions
choose_clusterChoose an ultrametric phylo object from...
classification_paths_from_taxonomyGets classification paths for a vector of taxa
clean_ott_chronogramClean up some issues with Open Tree of Life chronograms For...
clean_taxon_info_childrenIdentify, extract and clean taxonomic children names from a...
clean_tnrsEliminates unmatched (NAs) and invalid taxa from a...
cluster_patristicmatrixCluster a patristic matrix into a tree with various methods.
congruify_and_checkCongruify and Check.
congruify_and_mrca_multiPhyloCongruify nodes of a tree topology to nodes from a source...
congruify_and_mrca_phyloCongruify nodes of a tree topology to nodes from a source...
contributor_cacheInformation on contributors, authors, study ids and clades...
datelife_authors_tabulateReturn the relevant authors for a set of studies.
datelife_result_medianGet a median summary chronogram from a 'datelifeResult'...
datelife_result_median_matrixCompute a median matrix of a 'datelifeResult' object.
datelife_result_MRCAGet a numeric vector of MRCAs from a 'datelifeResult' object....
datelife_result_sdm_matrixGo from a 'datelifeResult' object to a Super Distance Matrix...
datelife_result_sdm_phyloReconstruct a supertree from a 'datelifeResult' object using...
datelife_result_study_indexFind the index of relevant studies in a cached chronogram...
datelife_result_variance_matrixCompute a variance matrix of a 'datelifeResult' object.
datelife_searchGet scientific, peer-reviewed information on time of lineage...
datelife_useGenerate one or multiple chronograms for a set of given taxon...
datelife_use_datelifequeryGenerate one or multiple chronograms for a set of taxon names...
date_with_pbdbDate with Paleobiology Database and paleotree.
dot-get_ott_lineageGet the lineage of a set of taxa. '.get_ott_lineage' uses...
extract_calibrations_dateliferesultUse congruification to extract secondary calibrations from a...
extract_calibrations_phyloUse congruification to extract secondary calibrations from a...
extract_ott_idsExtract numeric OTT ids from a character vector that combines...
felid_gdr_phylo_alldatelifeSummary of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae...
felid_sdmSDM tree of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
filter_for_groveFilter a 'datelifeResult' object to find the largest grove.
force_ultrametricForce a non-ultrametric 'phylo' object to be ultrametric with...
get_all_calibrationsGet secondary calibrations from a chronogram database for a...
get_all_descendant_speciesQuickly get all species belonging to a taxon from the Open...
get_best_groveGet grove from a 'datelifeResult' object that can be...
get_biggest_multiphyloGet the tree with the most tips from a multiPhylo object: the...
get_bold_dataGet genetic data from the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) for...
get_calibrations_datelifequerySearch and extract available secondary calibrations for taxon...
get_calibrations_vectorSearch and extract secondary calibrations for a given...
get_dated_otol_induced_subtreeGet a dated OpenTree induced synthetic subtree from a set of...
get_datelife_resultGet a patristic matrix of time of lineage divergence data for...
get_datelife_result_datelifequeryGet a list of patristic matrices from a given 'datelifeQuery'...
get_fossil_rangeGet the ages for a taxon from PBDB
get_goodmatricesGet indices of good matrices to apply Super Distance Matrix...
get_mrbayes_node_constraintsMakes a block of node constraints and node calibrations for a...
get_opentree_chronogramsGet all chronograms from Open Tree of Life database using...
get_opentree_chronograms_slowGet all chronograms from Open Tree of Life database
get_opentree_speciesGet all species belonging to a taxon from the Open Tree of...
get_otol_synthetic_treeGet an Open Tree of Life synthetic subtree of a set of given...
get_ott_childrenUse this instead of 'rotl::tol_subtree()' when taxa are not...
get_ott_cladeGet the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifiers (OTT ids) and...
get_ott_lineageGet the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifier (OTT id) and...
get_subset_array_dispatchFigure out which subset function to use.
get_taxon_summaryGet a taxon summary of a 'datelifeResult' object.
get_tnrs_namesProcess a character vector of taxon names with TNRS
get_valid_childrenExtract valid children from given taxonomic name(s) or Open...
input_processProcess a phylo object or a character string to determine if...
is_datelife_queryCheck if input is a 'datelifeQuery' object
is_datelife_result_emptyCheck if we obtained an empty search with the given taxon...
is_good_chronogramCheck if a tree is a valid chronogram.
is_n_overlapFunction for computing n-overlap for two vectors of names...
make_all_associationsFind all authors and where they have deposited their trees
make_bladj_treeUse the BLADJ algorithm to get a chronogram from a tree...
make_bold_otol_treeUse genetic data from the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) to...
make_contributor_cacheCreate a cache from Open Tree of Life
make_datelife_queryGo from taxon names to a 'datelifeQuery' object
make_datelife_query2Go from taxon names to a 'datelifeQuery' object
make_mrbayes_runfileMake a mrBayes run block file with a constraint topology and...
make_mrbayes_treeTake a constraint tree and use mrBayes to get node ages and...
make_otol_associationsAssociate Open Tree of Life authors with studies
make_overlap_tableCreate an overlap table
make_sdmMake a Super Distance Matrix (SDM) from a list of good...
make_treebase_associationsAssociate TreeBase authors with studies
make_treebase_cacheCreate a cache from TreeBase
map_nodes_ottAdd Open Tree of Life Taxonomy to tree nodes.
match_all_calibrationsMatch calibrations to nodes of a given tree
matrices_to_tableGo from a list of patristic distance matrix to a table of...
matrix_to_tableGo from a patristic distance matrix to a node ages table
message_multiphyloMessage for a 'multiPhylo' input
missing_taxa_checkChecks that missing_taxa argument is ok to be used by...
mrca_calibrationsIdentify nodes of a tree topology that are most recent common...
opentree_chronogramsChronogram database
patristic_matrix_array_congruify'patristic_matrix_array_congruify' is used for...
patristic_matrix_array_phylo_congruifyCongruify a patristic matrix array from a given 'phylo'...
patristic_matrix_array_splitSplit a patristic matrix array Used inside:...
patristic_matrix_array_subsetSubset a patristic matrix array
patristic_matrix_array_subset_bothAre all desired taxa in the patristic matrix array?
patristic_matrix_list_to_arrayConvert list of patristic matrices to a 3D array.
patristic_matrix_MRCAGet time of MRCA from patristic matrix. Used in...
patristic_matrix_name_order_testTest the name order of a patristic matrix so that row and...
patristic_matrix_name_reorderReorder a matrix so that row and column labels are in...
patristic_matrix_padFill in empty cells in a patristic matrix for missing taxa.
patristic_matrix_taxa_all_matchingAre all desired taxa in the patristic matrix?
patristic_matrix_to_newickConvert patristic matrix to a newick string. Used inside:...
patristic_matrix_to_phyloConvert a patristic matrix to a 'phylo' object.
patristic_matrix_unpadFunction to remove missing taxa from a 'datelifeResult'...
phylo_checkChecks if 'phy' is a 'phylo' object and/or a chronogram.
phylo_congruifyCongruify a reference tree and a target tree given as 'phylo'...
phylo_generate_uncertaintyGenerate uncertainty in branch lengths using a lognormal.
phylo_get_node_numbersGets node numbers from any phylogeny
phylo_get_subset_arrayGet a subset array from a 'phylo' object
phylo_get_subset_array_congruifyGet a congruified subset array from a 'phylo' object
phylo_has_brlenCheck if a tree has branch lengths
phylo_prune_missing_taxaPrune missing taxa from a 'phylo' object Used inside...
phylo_subset_bothSubset a reference and a target tree given as 'phylo'...
phylo_tiplabel_space_to_underscoreConvert spaces to underscores in trees.
phylo_tiplabel_underscore_to_spaceConvert underscores to spaces in trees.
phylo_to_patristic_matrixGet a patristic matrix from a 'phylo' object.
pick_grovePick a grove in the case of multiple groves in a set of...
plant_bold_otol_treeSome plants chronogram
problemsProblematic chronograms from Open Tree of Life.
recover_mrcaottGet an mrcaott tag from an OpenTree induced synthetic tree...
relevant_curators_tabulateReturn the relevant curators for a set of studies.
results_list_processTake results_list and process it.
runCore function to generate results
run_mrbayesRuns MrBayes from R
sample_treesSample trees from a file containing multiple trees. Usually...
some_ants_datelife_resultdatelifeResult object of some ants
subset2_searchA list with datelifeQuery and datelifeResult objects from a...
subset2_taxaLong list of >2.7k virus, bacteria, plant and animal taxon...
summarize_congruifiedCalibrationsGet summary statistics of ages in a 'congruifiedCalibrations'...
summarize_datelife_resultSummarize a 'datelifeResult' object.
summarize_fossil_rangeSummarize taxon age from PBDB to just a single min and max...
summarize_summary_matrixGets all ages per taxon pair from a distance matrix Internal...
summary.datelifeResultSummarize a 'datelifeResult' object.
summary.matchedCalibrationsSummarize a 'matchedCalibrations' object...
summary_matrix_to_phyloGo from a summary matrix to an ultrametric 'phylo' object.
summary_matrix_to_phylo_allGet minimum, median, mean, midpoint, and maximum summary...
summary_patristic_matrix_arraySummarize patristic matrix array (by default, median). Used...
threebirds_dr'datelifeResult' object of three birds "Rhea americana",...
tnrs_matchTaxon name resolution service (tnrs) applied to a vector of...
tree_add_datesAdd missing taxa to a dated tree and fabricate node ages for...
tree_add_nodelabelsAdds labels to nodes with no assigned label
tree_add_outgroupFunction to add an outgroup to any phylogeny, in phylo or...
treebase_cacheInformation on contributors, authors, study ids and clades...
tree_checkChecks if a tree is a phylo class object otherwise it uses...
tree_fix_brlenTake a tree with branch lengths and fix negative or zero...
tree_from_taxonomyGets a taxonomic tree from a vector of taxa
tree_get_node_dataGet node numbers, node names, descendant tip numbers and...
tree_get_singleton_outgroupIdentify the presence of a single lineage outgroup in a...
tree_node_tipsTo get tip numbers descending from any given node of a tree
update_all_cachedUpdate all data files as data objects for the package
update_datelife_cacheCreate an updated OpenTree chronograms database object
use_all_calibrationsDate a given tree topology using a given set of congruified...
use_calibrationsDate a given tree topology using a combined set of given...
use_calibrations_bladjUse calibrations to date a topology with the BLADJ algorithm.
use_calibrations_bladj.matchedCalibrationsUse calibrations to date a topology with the BLADJ algorithm.
use_calibrations_eachDate a given tree topology by using a given list of...
use_calibrations_pathd8Date a tree with secondary calibrations using PATHd8
use_calibrations_treePLDate a tree with initial branch lengths with treePL.
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.