
Defines functions `add_text` `add_label` `set_par_mercury`

#' @title Plotting utilities
#' @description
#' Set 'neat' graphical parameters suitable for publication, and also
#'     label panels on multi-panel figures.
#' @param panels number of panels (e.g., 1,2,4,9) to plot.
#' @param CEX character expansion factor (default = 1).
#' @param x numeric, \emph{relative} horizontal position
#' @param y numeric, \emph{relative} vertical position
#' @param labels character vector of text to plot
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[graphics]{par}}
#' @return
#' `set_par` sets graphical parameters, and `set_par_mercury` does so
#'     in a retro style; `add_label` adds a panel label to upper
#'     margin; `add_text` adds text to the plotting area.
#' @examples
#' # standard usage
#' N  <- 99
#' op <- set_par()
#' plot(1:N, 1:N+rnorm(N,0,5), ylim=c(0,2*N), xlab='x', ylab='f(x)')
#' add_text(.1, .9, '+item1')
#' add_text(.5, .5, '+item2')
#' par(op)
#' # is today 1963 ??
#' x <- runif(99)
#' y <- sin(6 * pi * x) + rnorm(99, sd=0.1)
#' \dontrun{op <- set_par_mercury()}
#' plot(x, y, cex=0.7, asp=0.25, ylab='f(x)')
#' add_text(.1, .9, 'SINUSOIDAL', cex=0.9)
#' add_label('A')
#' # Project Mercury space missions
#' #  see: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41526-018-0040-5/tables/3
#' d <- strsplit(c(
#'         'MR-3	5/5/1961	0.2577778	0.08444444	0	A.B. Shepard',
#'         'MR-4	7/21/1961	0.2602778	0.08333333	0	V.I. Grissom',
#'         'MA-6	2/20/1962	4.923056	4.633333	3	J.H. Glenn',
#'         'MA-7	5/24/1962	4.934722	4.65	3	M.S. Carpenter',
#'         'MA-8	10/3/1962	9.219722	8.939444	6	W.M. Schirra',
#'         'MA-9	5/15/1963	34.33028	34.05833	22	L.G. Cooper'), "\t")
#' d <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, d), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' dimnames(d)[[2]] <- c('mission','date','duration',
#'                       'weightless_hr','orbits','pilot')
#' d$date <- as.Date(d$date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
#' \dontrun{op <- set_par_mercury(3, cex.axis=0.9, mar=c(4,4,2,1))}
#' plot(d$date, d$orbits, ylim=c(-0.1,25), ylab='Earth orbits',
#'      xlab='Date', cex=0.7)
#' plot(d$date, d$duration, ylim=c(-0.1,35),  ylab='Duration (h)',
#'      xlab='Date', cex=0.7)
#' plot(d$date, d$weightless_hr, ylim=c(-0.1,35),
#'      ylab='Duration weightless (h)', xlab='Date', cex=0.7)
#' mtext('Project Mercury missions', side=3, line=2, cex=1.5, at=-3900)
#' @export
#' @rdname utils_plot
`set_par` <- function (panels = NULL, CEX=1.0, ...) {
        z  <- list(...)
        nm <- names(z)  # NULL if no additional arguments given
        `f` <- function(x, val) { if (!(x %in% nm)) z[[x]] <<- val }
        f('pch', 16)
        f('mar', c(4, 4, 1, 0.5))
        f('oma', c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
        f('bty', 'L')
        f('pty', 's')
        f('las', 1)
        f('mgp', c(2, 0.4, 0))
        f('tcl', -0.2)
        if(!is.null(panels)) {
                `auto_rowcol` <- function(n = panels) {
                        if (n <= 3)
                                c(1, n)
                        else if (n <= 6)
                                c(2, (n + 1)%/%2)
                        else if (n <= 12)
                                c(3, (n + 2)%/%3)
                        else c(ceiling(n/(nr <- ceiling(sqrt(n)))), nr)
                mfrow <- auto_rowcol()
                f('mfrow', mfrow)
                if (panels > 4) panels <- 4
                       `4` = f('cex.lab', 1.2),
                       `3` = { f('cex.axis', 1.2); f('cex.lab', 1.4) },
                       `2` = f('cex.axis', 0.85),
                       `1` = f('cex.axis', 0.85))
        if (length(names(z)) > 1) z <- z[order(names(z))]
        invisible(par(z)) # set parameters, while keeping defaults
#' @export
#' @rdname utils_plot
`set_par_mercury` <- function(panels=NULL, CEX=1.0, ...) {
        # if font not installed, then revert to `set_par()`
        # extrafont::loadfonts('win', quiet=TRUE)
        tryCatch({extrafont::loadfonts("pdf", quiet = TRUE)})
        tryCatch({extrafont::loadfonts("postscript", quiet = TRUE)})
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                tryCatch({extrafont::loadfonts("win", quiet = TRUE)})
        if (!('Routed Gothic' %in% extrafont::fonttable()$FamilyName)) {
                a <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
                do.call(ecole::set_par, a)
                warning('\nMust import/install/register the font from:\n
          ...trying `ecole::set_par()` instead...')
        # if font is successfully installed, then proceed
        z  <- list(...)
        nm <- names(z)  # NULL if no additional arguments given
        `f` <- function(x, val) { if (!(x %in% nm)) z[[x]] <<- val }
        f('cex.axis', CEX*1)
        f('cex.lab',  CEX*1.3)
        f('cex.main', CEX*1.3)
        f('pch', 16)
        f('mar', c(3, 3, 1, 0.5))
        f('oma', c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
        f('family', 'Routed Gothic')
        f('bty', 'L')
        f('pty', 's')
        f('las', 1)
        f('mgp', c(CEX+0.5, 0.2, 0))
        f('tcl', 0.2)
        if(!is.null(panels)) {
                `auto_rowcol` <- function(n = panels) {
                        if (n <= 3)
                                c(1, n)
                        else if (n <= 6)
                                c(2, (n + 1)%/%2)
                        else if (n <= 12)
                                c(3, (n + 2)%/%3)
                        else c(ceiling(n/(nr <- ceiling(sqrt(n)))),nr)
                f('mfrow', auto_rowcol())
                if (panels > 4) panels <- 4
                       `4` = f('cex.lab',  CEX*1.4),
                       `3` = {f('cex.axis', 1.0); f('cex.lab', 1.4)},
                       `2` = f('cex.axis',  CEX*0.9),
                       `1` = f('cex.axis',  CEX*0.9))
                # TODO: mgp should also vary with number of panels...
        if (length(names(z)) > 1) z <- z[order(names(z))]
        invisible(par(z)) # set parameters, while keeping defaults
#' @export
#' @rdname utils_plot
`add_label` <- function(labels, ...){
        mtext(text=labels, side=3, adj=0, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname utils_plot
`add_text` <- function(x, y, labels, ...){
        text(x=graphics::grconvertX(x, from='npc', to='user'),
             y=graphics::grconvertY(y, from='npc', to='user'),
             labels=labels, adj=0, ...)
phytomosaic/ecole documentation built on Jan. 2, 2022, 11:24 p.m.