
#' autostereogram
#' @param Depth map representing the 3D shape. Possible values are:  a) Numeric matrix where lements with large value appear closer. b) Character containing path to greyscale .bmp .jpg or .png picture. The whiter a pixel is, the closer it appears.
#' @param pattern Optional. Path to a picture (.bmp .jpg or .png) representing the pattern used to create the autostereogram. If not provided, a random dot autostereogram is generated.
#' @param repetitions Optional. Number of times the pattern should be repeated horizontally. Default is round(width(
#' @return cimg image
#' @export
autostereogram <- function (, pattern, repetitions) {
  # Define constants  ####
  u <- 1/3 # Ratio depth of 3d object / depth of space
  D <- 30 # depth of space

  # Create Depth Map ####
  if (typeof( == "character"){
    map <- # import picture as matrix
  } else if(is.matrix({
    if(typeof( != "double"){
      stop("If is a matrix, its type should be 'double'")
    map <-
    # normalize to [0,1]
    map <- map - min(map)
    map <- map / max(map)
    } else {
    stop(" should be a character or a matrix")
  map.width <- ncol(map)
  map.height <- nrow(map)

    repetitions <- max(round(map.width/100),2)

  E <- round(map.width/repetitions*4)

  # Define functions to compute the x value of a point projected on the image plane for right and left eye
  project.r <- function(x, z) x - (x - (E + map.width)/2)*(D - z*u*D)/(2*D - z*u*D)
  project.l <- function(x, z) x - (x - (map.width-E)/2) * (D-z*u*D)/(2*D - z*u*D)
  s <- function(z) E*(1-z*u)/(2-z*u)

  # Expand
  d <- round(s(0)) # width to add on image's sides
  C <- d + 2*map.width
  D <- 2*d + 2*map.width
  map.redim <- matrix(nrow = map.height, ncol = 2*map.width+2*d) # Resized new matrix

  map.redim[, 1:(d-1)] <- 0

  for(i in d:(C-1) ){
    j <- round(((i-d+1)+0.1)/2)
    map.redim[,i] <- map[,j]

  map.redim[, C:(D-1)] <- 0

  map <- map.redim

  # update dimensions
  map.width <- ncol(map)
  map.height <- nrow(map)

  # Import/generate pattern ####
  if (!missing(pattern)){
    pattern <- load.image(pattern)
    pattern <- resize(pattern, round(E/2), round(height(pattern)*E/(2*width(pattern))))
  } else {  # generate random pattern
    pattern <- array(data=NA, dim=c(nrow=map.height, ncol=E/2, 1, 4))
    pattern[,,1,] <- round(runif(E/2*map.height)) #[c(1:8283)] # random black and white pixels
    pattern[,,1,4] <- 1

  dim.pixel <- length(pattern[1,1,1,]) <- length(pattern[,1,1,1]) <- length(pattern[1, ,1,1])

  # array that will store final image
  image <- array(data=NA, dim=c(map.height, map.width, dim.pixel))

  for(i in 1:map.height){ # Scan each line
    x.far <- 1:map.width # X values in remote plane
    map.line <- map[i,] # Extract map values of current line
    x.left.all <- round(project.l(x.far, map.line)) # Compute X values corresponding to map for left eye
    x.right.all <-round(project.r(x.far, map.line)) # Compute X values corresponding to map for right eye

    while(sum([i,,1])) > 0){ # Continues as long as there are NA pixel values
      x.first <- which([i,,1]))[1] # Find first undefined pixel
      x.image <- x.first

      if(sum(x.left.all==x.image, na.rm = T) > 0 | sum(x.right.all==x.image, na.rm = T) > 0){ # Check that both eyes are in image domain
        pattern.y <- (i - 1) %% + 1
        pattern.x <- (x.first - 1) %% + 1
        col <- pattern[pattern.x, pattern.y,1, ] # Find RGB values of pattern's pixel corresponding to current position

        while(!{  # Check that both eyes are in image domain

          image[i, x.image, ] <- col
          x.right <- x.image + round(s(map.line[which(x.left.all == x.image)[1]]))
          if(! image[i, x.right, ] <- col # Check if pixel is still in domain

          x.image <- x.right # Switch to next pixel
      }else{ # At least one eye is outside of domain
        image[i, x.image, ] <- rep(0, dim.pixel)
  # Cut out empty borders
  image <- I
  image.lowdims <- rowSums(image, dims = 2)
  cut <- rowSums(image_lowdims, dims = 1)>0
  image <- image[cut,,]
  # rotate image
  image <- aperm(image, perm=c(2,1,3))

  # convert to cimg
  cimage <- array(NA, dim=c(dim(image)[1:2], 1, dim(image)[3]))
  cimage[,,1,] <- image
  cimage <- cimg(cimage)

# Testing ####
# generate surface to plot
x <- seq(-2.5, 2.5, 0.02)
y <- seq(-2.5, 2.5, 0.05) <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(x), ncol=length(y))
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
  for(j in 1:length(y)) {[i,j] <-  (1/(2*pi)) * exp( -((x[i])^2 + (y[j])^2)/2 )

# create and display autostereogram
gaussian <- autostereogram(, repetitions = 7)
plot(gaussian, axes=F)
pierrecattin/Rstereo documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:13 a.m.