
## Example of file to be run in batch mode on the cluster
## This one runs parallel tempering for the ising model,
## produces unbiased estimators until "TIME" is up
## with a prescribed k and m.
## The test function is the natural statistic of the lattice,
## and no history of chains is recorded (so memory requirement is low).

## The script takes one argument, called "igrid" and giving a number to the job,
## which is used to set the RNG seed and to create file names.

## Here are some examples of use of this script.

## 1) in the command line with R CMD BATCH
##  R CMD BATCH --no-save "--args 1" run.batch.ising.R

## 2) using GNU parallel
## parallel -j6 'R CMD BATCH --no-save "--args {1}" run.batch.ising.R out/meeting.job{1}.out'  ::: {1..10}
## which means, on 6 cores (-j6), run 10 jobs.

## 3) on Harvard Odyssey, using, which contains the following lines

# #!/bin/bash
# #SBATCH -J ising_rep                      # Job name
# #SBATCH -n 1                                    # Number of cores
# #SBATCH -N 1                                    # All cores on one machine
# #SBATCH -t 0-24:00                              # Runtime in D-HH:MM
# #SBATCH -p shared                               # Partition to submit to (general, shared, serial_requeue)
# #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000M                     # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)
# #SBATCH --mail-type=END                         # Type of email notification- BEGIN,END,FAIL,ALL
# #SBATCH       # Email
# #SBATCH --array=1-100                           # Requesting 100 jobs
# source
# module load R/3.4.2-fasrc01
# export R_LIBS_USER=$HOME/apps/R:$R_LIBS_USER
# input=run.batch.ising.R                                  #****** modify this line
# cd /n/home12/pjacob/                                     #****** modify this line
# srun R CMD BATCH --no-save "--args $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID" $input out/$input.$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.out     #****** modify this line

# time allocated to this script, in seconds
TIME <- 3600


ising_unbiased_estimator <- function(betas, proba_swapmove, k = 0, m = 1, max_iterations = Inf, totalduration = Inf){
  ptm <- proc.time()
  nchains  <- length(betas)
  ss_ <- c(-4,-2,0,2,4)
  probas_ <-  sapply(betas, function(beta) exp(ss_*beta) / (exp(ss_*beta) + exp(-ss_*beta)))
  # initialize
  chain_states1 <- ising_pt_rinit(nchains)
  chain_states2 <- ising_pt_rinit(nchains)
  sumstates1 <- unlist(lapply(chain_states1, unbiasedmcmc:::ising_sum_))
  sumstates2 <- unlist(lapply(chain_states2, unbiasedmcmc:::ising_sum_))
  # mcmcestimator computes the natural statistic for each chain
  mcmcestimator <- sumstates1
  if (k > 0){
    mcmcestimator <- rep(0, nchains)
  # move first chain
  iter <- 1
  res_single_kernel <- ising_pt_single_kernel(chain_states1, sumstates1, betas, probas_, proba_swapmove)
  chain_states1 <- res_single_kernel$chain_states
  sumstates1 <- res_single_kernel$sumstates
  # correction term computes the sum of min(1, (t - k + 1) / (m - k + 1)) * (h(X_{t+1}) - h(X_t)) for t=k,...,max(m, tau - 1)
  correction <- rep(0, nchains)
  if (k == 0){
    correction <- correction + min(1, (0 - k + 1)/(m - k + 1) )  * (sumstates1 - sumstates2)
  # accumulate mcmc estimator
  if (k <= 1 && m >= 1){
    mcmcestimator <- mcmcestimator + sumstates1
  # Check if time is up already
  elapsedtime <- as.numeric((proc.time() - ptm)[3])
  if (elapsedtime > totalduration){
    # time's up
    return(list(finished = FALSE, message = "interrupted because time's up"))
  # iterate
  meet <- FALSE
  finished <- FALSE
  meetingtime <- Inf
  # iter here is 1; at this point we have X_1,Y_0 and we are going to generate successively X_t,Y_{t-1} where iter = t
  while (!finished && iter < max_iterations){
    elapsedtime <- as.numeric((proc.time() - ptm)[3])
    if (elapsedtime > totalduration){
      # time's up
      return(list(finished = FALSE, message = "interrupted because time's up"))
    iter <- iter + 1
    if (meet){
      # only need to use single kernel after meeting
      res_ <- ising_pt_single_kernel(chain_states1, sumstates1, betas, probas_, proba_swapmove)
      chain_states1 <- res_$chain_states
      sumstates1 <- res_$sumstates
      chain_states2 <- chain_states1
      sumstates2 <- sumstates1
      # accumulate mcmc estimator
      if (k <= iter && iter <= m){
        mcmcestimator <- mcmcestimator + sumstates1

    } else {
      # use coupled kernel
      res_ <- ising_pt_coupled_kernel(chain_states1, chain_states2, sumstates1, sumstates2, betas, probas_, proba_swapmove)
      chain_states1 <- res_$chain_states1
      chain_states2 <- res_$chain_states2
      sumstates1 <- res_$sumstates1
      sumstates2 <- res_$sumstates2
      # check if meeting happens
      allequal <- all(sapply(1:nchains, function(i) all(chain_states1[[i]] == chain_states2[[i]])))
      if (allequal && !meet){
        # recording meeting time tau
        meet <- TRUE
        meetingtime <- iter
      if (k <= iter){
        # accumulate mcmc estimator
        if (iter <= m){
          mcmcestimator <- mcmcestimator + sumstates1
        # accumulate correction term
        correction <- correction + min(1, (iter-1 - k + 1)/(m - k + 1) ) * (sumstates1 - sumstates2)
    # stop after max(m, tau) steps
    if (iter >= max(meetingtime, m)){
      finished <- TRUE
  # compute unbiased estimator
  mcmcestimator <- mcmcestimator / (m - k + 1)
  uestimator <- mcmcestimator + correction
  return(list(mcmcestimator = mcmcestimator, correction = correction, uestimator = uestimator,
              meetingtime = meetingtime, iteration = iter, finished = finished))

# parallel RNG using L'Ecuyer et al (2002)
RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") # L'Ecuyer CMRG required for multiple streams

  print("one argument needed!")
  ##supply default values
  igrid <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(args)){
    # eval(parse(text=args[[i]]))
    igrid <- as.numeric(args[[1]])

cat("igrid:", igrid, "\n")

set.seed(1) # initial seed
for (i in 1:igrid){
  .Random.seed <- nextRNGStream(.Random.seed) # compute appropriate stream

# inverse temperatures of interest
nchains <- 16
betas <- seq(from = 0.3, to = 0.55, length.out = nchains)
proba_swapmove <- 0.01
k <- 1e5
m <- 2e5

## task to perform many times
task <- function(totalduration){
  res <- try(ising_unbiased_estimator(betas, proba_swapmove, k = k, m = m, max_iterations = Inf, totalduration = totalduration))
  if (inherits(res, "try-error")){
    res <- list(finished = FALSE)

starttime <- Sys.time()
last_start <- starttime
nsamples_ <- 0
durations_ <- c()
elapsedtime <- 0
timeleft <- TIME
results_ <- list()
while(elapsedtime < TIME){
  if (nsamples_ == 0){ # then produce a sample
    res <- task(Inf)
  } else { # then produce a sample if time permits
    res <- task(timeleft)
  # current wall clock time
  currentime <- Sys.time()
  # time elapsed since very beginning
  elapsedtime <- as.numeric(as.duration(ymd_hms(currentime) - ymd_hms(starttime)), "seconds")
  # time left
  timeleft <- TIME - elapsedtime
  # time elapsed since previous iteration of the loop
  duration_ <- as.numeric(as.duration(ymd_hms(currentime) - ymd_hms(last_start)), "seconds")
  last_start <- currentime
  if (res$finished){
    nsamples_ <- nsamples_ + 1
    results_[[nsamples_]] <- res
    durations_ <- c(durations_, duration_)
  save(results_, nsamples_, durations_, file = paste0("output/ising.N", nchains, ".k", k, ".m", m, ".ID", igrid, ".RData"))

# ptm_irep <- proc.time()
# last_start <- ptm_irep
# nsamples_ <- 0
# durations_ <- c()
# elapsedtime <- 0
# timeleft <- TIME
# results_ <- list()
# while(elapsedtime < TIME){
#   if (nsamples_ == 0){ # then produce a sample
#     ## TO CHANGE
#     res <- try(ising_unbiased_estimator(betas, proba_swapmove, k = k, m = m, max_iterations = Inf))
#     if (inherits(res, "try-error")) res <- list(finished = FALSE)
#   } else { # then produce a sample if time permits
#     ## TO CHANGE
#     res <- try(ising_unbiased_estimator(betas, proba_swapmove, k = k, m = m, max_iterations = Inf, totalduration = timeleft))
#     if (inherits(res, "try-error")) res <- list(finished = FALSE)
#   }
#   elapsedtime <- as.numeric((proc.time() - ptm_irep)[3])
#   timeleft <- TIME - elapsedtime
#   duration_ <- as.numeric((proc.time() - last_start)[3])
#   last_start <- proc.time()
#   if (res$finished){
#     nsamples_ <- nsamples_ + 1
#     results_[[nsamples_]] <- res
#     durations_ <- c(durations_, duration_)
#   }
#   save(results_, nsamples_, durations_, file = paste0("output/ising.N", nchains, ".k", k, ".m", m, ".ID", igrid, ".RData"))
# }
# durations_
# nsamples_
# sapply(results_, function(x) x$meetingtime)
pierrejacob/debiasedmcmc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 12:41 a.m.