
#' Tries to guess the wavelengths from a stringr
#' This simple wrapper around str_extract simply tries to pull out
#' digits contained in a chain of characters.
#' @param x a character or a vector of characters
#' @return ta character or a vector of characters containing he digits
#' that have been extracted from x.
#' @author Pierre Roudier \email{pierre.roudier@@gmail.com}
#' @import plyr stringr
.guessWl <- function(x){
  # simply returns the wavelengths from a string
  as.numeric(laply(.data=str_extract_all(x, "\\d"), .fun=paste, collapse=""))

#' Tries to find the columns of the spectra from the spectral range
#' This function tries to guess the location of the columns corresponding
#' to each wavelength given by a numeric vector, based on the column
#' names. This is mainly a workaround the fact that R is usually putting
#' a "X" in front of column names that are numbers.
#' @param data a \code{data.frame} object
#' @param wl a numeric or character vector containing the values of the
#' wavelengths to look for.
#' @return the index in data of the column corrresponding to the wavelengths
#' given in wl.
#' @author Pierre Roudier \email{pierre.roudier@@gmail.com}
#' @import plyr stringr
.findSpectraCols <- function(data, wl, ...){

  # for each colname, we check if a part of it is in the spectral range
  # first implementation - simple test
  ind_col_spectra <- which(names(data) %in% as.character(wl))

  # if that did not succeed, we bite the bullet and
  # try to extract wl from the colnames
  if (length(ind_col_spectra) == 0) {
    # more tricky - looking for X350, etc:
    nm <- .guessWl(names(data))
    ind_col_spectra <- which(nm %in% wl)
  if (length(ind_col_spectra) == 0)
    stop('No columns found.')


## setters for Spectra objects

if (!isGeneric('wl<-'))
  setGeneric('wl<-', function(object, value)

setReplaceMethod("wl", "data.frame",
  function(object, value) {

    # value as to be a numeric vector
    if (is(value, 'numeric')) {
      # finding which cols contrain the spectra
      ind_nir <- .findSpectraCols(data=object, wl=value, .progress='text')
      nir <- object[, ind_nir, drop=FALSE]

      res <- Spectra(wl=as.numeric(value), nir=as.matrix(nir))

      # If there are some columns left, we use them to initiate a SpectraDataFrame object
      if (ncol(nir) < ncol(object)) {
	data <- object[, -ind_nir, drop=FALSE]
	data(res) <- data
      stop('Bad initialisation, please provide wavelengths as a numeric vector.')

#` Replacing the wavelength range of a Spectra object. Handle with care!
setReplaceMethod("wl", "Spectra",
  function(object, value) {

    # value as to be a numeric vector
    if (is(value, 'numeric')) {

      # if the same number of wl is provided, we simply change the content of
      # the @wl slot of the object
      if (length(value) == length(object)){
	res <- object
	res@wl <- value

      # if the number of wl provided is smaller than the number of wavelengths
      # in the @wl slot, it is interpreted as a reduction of the object to a certain
      # set of wavelengths
      else if (length(value) < length(object)) {
	ind.wl <- which(wl(d) %in% value)
	nir <- spectra(object)[, ind.wl, drop=FALSE]
	res <- Spectra(id = id(object), wl = value, nir = nir, units = units(object))
	if ("data" %in% slotNames(object))
	  res <- SpectraDataFrame(res, data = data(object))

	stop('More wavelengths that the object originally has.')
      stop('Please provide wavelengths as a numeric vector.')


#' Parsing of the formula interface to spectra<-
#' spectra(df) <- id ~ attr1 + attr2 ~ ...
#' spectra(df) <- id ~ ... ~ 350:2500
#' spectra(df) <- id ~ ...
#' spectra(df) <- ~ ...
#' Inspired from Hadley Wickham's parse_formula
#' https://github.com/hadley/reshape/blob/master/R/formula.r
#' @param formula a formula fot the spectra()<- setter
#' @param object a data.frame
#' @return returns a list of column names for the id slot,
#' the data slot and the nir slot of teh Spectra* object
#' @author Pierre Roudier \url{pierre.roudier@@gmail.com}
#' @import stringr plyr
.parse_formula <- function(formula, object){
  formula <- str_c(deparse(formula, 500), collapse="")

  elements <- str_split(formula, fixed("~"))[[1]]
  length_elements <- aaply(elements, 1, str_length)
  elements <- elements[which(length_elements > 0)]

  formula <- lapply(str_split(elements, "[+*]"), str_trim)
  n_elements <- length(formula)

  # ... : all the columns that havent been used in the formula
  # : : sequence of integers, like 350:2500
  # :n: : sequence of numbers, emulates seq(x,y, by=n), like 350:n:2500

  # if used the ":"  placeholder
  if (str_detect(formula[[length(formula)]], ":")) { # allowed only on the right hand element of the formula
    nir_seq <- aaply(unlist(str_split(formula[[length(formula)]], "[:]")), 1, as.numeric)

    # if this is a sequence of wl with by=1
    if (length(nir_seq) == 2)
      nir_wl <- seq(nir_seq[1], nir_seq[2], by=1)
    # if this is a sequence of wl with by!=1
    else if (length(nir_seq) == 3)
      nir_wl <- seq(nir_seq[1], nir_seq[3], by=nir_seq[2])
    # if there's more than two ":" placeholders
      stop("Bad formula.")

    # finding the corresponding col names
    cols_nir  <- names(object)[.findSpectraCols(data=object, wl=nir_wl)]
    # replacing the placeholder by the actual col names
    formula[[length(formula)]] <- cols_nir

  all_vars <- unlist(formula)

  # if used the "..." placeholder
  if (any(all_vars == "...")) {
    remainder <- setdiff(names(object), c(all_vars, 'id')) # setting id as a reserved name for id columns

    replace.remainder <- function(x) {
      if (any(x == "..."))
	c(x[x != "..."], remainder)
      else x
    formula <- lapply(formula, replace.remainder)

  if (n_elements == 1) { # case spectra(df) <- ~ ...
    cols_id <- NULL
    cols_data <- NULL
    cols_nir <- formula[[1]]
  else if (n_elements == 2) {# case spectra(df) <- id ~ .
    cols_id <- formula[[1]]
    cols_data <- NULL
    cols_nir <- formula[[2]]
  else if (n_elements == 3) {# spectra(df) <- id ~ attr1 + attr2 ~ .
    cols_id <- formula[[1]]
    cols_data <- formula[[2]]
    cols_nir <- formula[[3]]
    stop('wrong formula.')

  list(id=cols_id, data=cols_data, nir=cols_nir)

## setting the spectra of a Spectra* object
## - if applied to a data.frame --> we create a Spectra* object
## - if applied to a Spectra* --> we change its @nir slot
if (!isGeneric('spectra<-'))
  setGeneric('spectra<-', function(object, value)

## for a data.frame
setReplaceMethod("spectra", "data.frame",
  function(object, value) {

    # if given a formula
    if (is(value, 'formula')) {
      # parsing the formula to retrieve the different slots (id, data, nir)
      ind.vars <- lapply(.parse_formula(value, object), function(x) which(names(object) %in% x))

      if (length(ind.vars$nir) == 0)
        ind.vars$nir <- .findSpectraCols(object, .parse_formula(value, object)$nir)

      nir <- object[, ind.vars$nir, drop = FALSE]
      if (length(ind.vars$id) == 0)
        ids <- as.character(NA)
        ids <- object[, ind.vars$id, drop = FALSE]

      wl <- .guessWl(names(nir))
      res <- Spectra(id=ids, wl=wl, nir=nir)

      cat("Wavelength range: ")
      cat(min(wl(res), na.rm=TRUE), " to ", max(wl(res), na.rm = TRUE)," ", units(res), "\n", sep="")
      cat("Spectral resolution: ", resolution(wl(res)) , " ",  units(res), "\n", sep="")

      if (length(ind.vars$data != 0))
        res <- SpectraDataFrame(res, data=object[, ind.vars$data, drop = FALSE])

    # if given a numeric vector (interpreted as the index of the cols)
    # eg spectra(df) <- 11:2161
    else if (is(value, 'numeric')) {
      nir <- object[, value, drop = FALSE]
      wl <- .guessWl(names(nir))
      res <- Spectra(wl=wl, nir=nir)

      # if there's some cols left, we create a SpectraDataFrame
      if (length(value) < ncol(object)) {
        data <- object[, setdiff(1:ncol(object), value), drop = FALSE]
        res <- SpectraDataFrame(res, data=data)

    # if given a character vector (interpreted as the names of the cols)
    # eg spectra(df) <- c('X450', 'X451', 'X452')
    else if (is(value, 'character')) {
      ind.nir <- which(names(object) %in% value)
      nir <- object[, ind.nir, drop = FALSE]

      wl <- .guessWl(names(nir))
      res <- Spectra(wl=wl, nir=nir)

      # if there's some cols left, we create a SpectraDataFrame
      if (length(value) < ncol(object)) {
        data <- object[, setdiff(1:ncol(object), ind.nir), drop = FALSE]
        res <- SpectraDataFrame(res, data=data)

      stop('Wrong Spectra initialisation.')


## for a Spectra* object
setReplaceMethod("spectra", "Spectra",
  function(object, value) {
    if (is(value, 'matrix')) {

      # this method should not allow to change the number of samples in the colection
      if (nrow(value) != nrow(spectra(object)))
	stop("Dimensions of the matrix do not match the number of spectra in the Spectra object.")

      # matrix of same dimensions is given
      if (ncol(value) == ncol(spectra(object))) {
	object@nir <- value
      # matrix of different number of columns is given
      else {
	object@nir <- value
	object@wl <- as.numeric(colnames(value))
      stop(paste("You can't set the spectra of a Spectra* object by an object of class ", class(value), ". It has to be a matrix.", sep=""))

## id

if (!isGeneric('id<-'))
  setGeneric('id<-', function(object, value)

setReplaceMethod("id", "Spectra",
  function(object, value) {
    if (length(value) != nrow(object))
      stop("length of the new ID does not match the length of the object")
    if (!is.character(value))
      value <- as.character(value)
    object@id <- value

setReplaceMethod("id", "SpectraDataFrame",
  function(object, value) {
    if (is(value, 'formula')){
      # the id needs to be unique!
      if (length(all.vars(value)) == 1) {
	mf <- model.frame(formula=value, data=object)
	# assigning the id slot
	object@id <- as.character(mf[, 1])
	# removing the id col from the data slot
	object@data <- object@data[, -which(names(object@data) == names(mf))]
	# if nothing left in the data slot, back to a Spectra object!
	if (ncol(object@data) == 0)
	  object <- Spectra(wl=object@wl, nir=object@nir, id=object@id, units=object@units)
	stop('wrong id initialisation: id must be unique.')
      if (inherits(value, 'numeric')) {
	if (length(value) != length(object))
	  stop("length of the new ID does not match the length of the object")
	if (!is.character(value))
	  value <- as.character(value)
	object@id <- value
      else {
	object@id <- as.character(value)
pierreroudier/specstore documentation built on May 25, 2019, 6:09 a.m.