#' Create tgz archive from directory
#' Creates a tgz from all files in a directory
#' @param dir directory from which the tar file should be generated
#' @param tarfile name of the archive the data should be written to (tgz file)
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # copy dummymodel to temporary directory and compress it
#' file.copy(system.file("dummymodel",package="gms"),tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)
#' model <- paste0(tempdir(),"/dummymodel")
#' archive <- paste0(tempdir(),"/dummymodel.tgz")
#' tardir(model,archive)
tardir <- function(dir=".",tarfile="data.tgz") {
targetdir <- normalizePath(dirname(tarfile))
cwd <- getwd()
trash <- system(paste0("tar -czf \"",targetdir,"/",basename(tarfile),"\" *"), intern = TRUE)
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