context("singleGAMSfile test")
test_that("GAMS file merge is working", {
tmpfile <- tempfile()
expect_silent(singleGAMSfile(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"), output = tmpfile))
expect_identical(readLines(tmpfile), readLines(system.file("extdata/full.gms", package = "gms")))
test_that("Embedding R scripts into GAMS files is working", {
tmpfile <- tempfile()
expect_silent(singleGAMSfile(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"), output = tmpfile, embedRScripts = TRUE))
expect_identical(readLines(tmpfile), readLines(system.file("extdata/full_embed.gms", package = "gms")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.