
Defines functions findIterations

#' findIterations
#' Collects paths to all coupled runs (iterations) in \code{modelpath} that
#' contain \code{runname}. For each entry in \code{runname} the paths are
#' sorted by the modification time of the respective fulldata.gdx
#' @param runname Scenarioname or vector of scenarionames.
#' @param modelpath Path or vector of paths where iterations are searched for.
#' @param latest Logical indicating if only the latest iteration of a runname
#' is returned.
#' @return A vector containing the paths to the iterations of coupled runs.
#' @author David Klein
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils tail
findIterations <- function(runname,modelpath=".",latest=FALSE) {
  gdx_path <- NULL
  for (run in runname) {
    cat("\nSearching for iterations of coupled scenario",run,": ")
    # collect all paths to fulldata.gdx that contain "-rem-" or "-mag-"
    gdx_path_per_run <- NULL
    for (p in modelpath) {
      #Using Sys.glob you can not avoid that the pattern "SSP2-ref-*/fulldata.gdx"  
      #finds both "SSP2-ref-rem-[1-8]" AND "SSP2-ref-T-rem-[1-8]". Because Sys.glob 
      #only handels wildcards but no regular expressions there is no way to tell 
      #Sys.glob that I should look for something like "SSP2-ref-(rem|mag)*/fulldata.gdx". 
      #Therefore, we have to append "-rem-" and "-mag-" to the search pattern and 
      # execute Sys.glob twice.
      pat_rem <- paste0(p,"/",run,"-rem-*/fulldata.gdx")
      pat_mag <- paste0(p,"/",run,"-mag-*/fulldata.gdx")
      pat <- c(pat_rem,pat_mag)
      tmp <- Sys.glob(pat)
      ind <- grep("-(rem|mag)-",tmp)
      gdx_path_per_run <- c(gdx_path_per_run,tmp[ind])
    # sort paths by modification date of fulldata.gdx
    tmp <- file.info(gdx_path_per_run)
    tmp <- tmp[with(tmp,order(mtime)),]
    tmp <- rownames(tmp) #take path
    if (latest) tmp <- tail(tmp,n=1)
    cat(length(tmp),"runs found.")
    gdx_path <- c(gdx_path,tmp)
  gdx_path <- sub("/fulldata.gdx","",gdx_path)
  cat("\nIn total",length(gdx_path),"runs found.\n")
pik-piam/lucode documentation built on June 10, 2020, 6:55 p.m.