
Defines functions calcFAOCrop_aggr

## to do's:
# base function on FAOharm
# best way to replace NAs. currently only NAs in weight are replaces, which leads to many NAs in results
# check whether globally summed values agree with global values in dataset
# due to severeral aggregations: once sectoral, once regional there will be a strong propagation of NAs that are then replaced by 0 and cannot be seen
# fibre crops are currently missing any aggregation: update that in the aggregation matrix

## wishlist for toolAggregate:
# no propagation of NAs

## new version is based on FAOharm

#' Calculate FAO Crop aggregated
#' Provides the FAOSTAT Production Crops data aggregated to magpie kcr.
#' @return FAO land data and corresponding weights as a list of two MAgPIE
#' objects
#' @author Ulrich Kreidenweis
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcOutput}}, \code{\link{readFAO}},
#' \code{\link{convertFAO}}, \code{\link{readSource}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' a <- calcOutput("FAOCrop_aggr")
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom magclass fulldim getNames<-

calcFAOCrop_aggr <- function() {
## read in the files
CropPrim <- readSource("FAO", "Crop")
Fodder <- readSource("FAO", "Fodder")
data <- toolFAOcombine(CropPrim, Fodder)

if (any( grepl("+ (Total)",getNames(data, fulldim=T)[[1]], fixed = TRUE))) {
  data <- data[,,"+ (Total)", pmatch=T, invert=T]

aggregation <- toolGetMapping("FAOitems.csv", type = "sectoral", where="mappingfolder")

data[is.na(data)] <- 0

FAO_out <- toolAggregate(data, rel=aggregation, from="ProductionItem", to="k", dim=3.1, partrel = TRUE)

if(any(fulldim(FAO_out)[[2]][[3]]=="")) {
  if (sum(FAO_out[,,""]) == 0) {
    FAO_out <- FAO_out[,,"", invert=T]
  } else  {
    vcat(1,'Aggregation created entries without name (""), but containing information. This should not be the case.')

if(any(getNames(FAO_out)=="remaining.production")) {
  remain_prod <- mean( dimSums(FAO_out[,,"remaining.production"], dim=1)/dimSums(dimSums(FAO_out[,,"production"], dim=3), dim=1) )
  if (remain_prod > 0.02) vcat(1,"Aggregation created a 'remaining' category. Production is", round(remain_prod,digits = 3)*100, "% of total \n")
if(any(getNames(FAO_out)=="remaining.area_harvested")) {
  remain_area <- mean( dimSums(FAO_out[,,"remaining.area_harvested"], dim=1)/dimSums(dimSums(FAO_out[,,"area_harvested"], dim=3), dim=1) )
  if (remain_area > 0.02) vcat(1,"Aggregation created a 'remaining' category. The area harvested is", round(remain_area,digits = 3)*100, "% of total \n")

## recalculate the Yields where production and area information is available
cat("Yields from Crop_aggr should be used with caution.")
yieldelement <- intersect(getNames(FAO_out[,,"production"], fulldim=T)[[1]],getNames(FAO_out[,,"area_harvested"], fulldim=T)[[1]])
Yields <- FAO_out[,,paste(yieldelement,sep=".","production")]/FAO_out[,,paste(yieldelement,sep=".","area_harvested")]
Yields <- collapseNames(Yields)
getNames(Yields) <- paste(getNames(Yields), sep=".", "Yield_(t/ha)")
FAO_out <- mbind(FAO_out, Yields)

## area as weight for Yields
weight <- FAO_out
weight[,,] <- 0
weight[,,"Yield_(t/ha)"] <- FAO_out[,,"area_harvested"]
# weight[is.na(weight)] <- 0
# maybe set weight for yields to 0 whereever production, area or yield is 0, to avoid that not existing yield information is influencing results

  return(list(x=FAO_out,weight=weight, unit="if not specified differently in the dimension name in tonnes, area harvested in ha", description="FAO Crop Production information aggregated to magpie categories"))

# ### Problem:
# ##in cases where:
# #Area x
# #Production NA
# #Yield will be NA
# #Weight will be x
# # if Yield NA is set to 0, the resulting Yield is to low
# # if non of the NAs is replace, this will result in NAs for Production and Yield, while value of the remaining regions would be better
# # if NA in weight is replaced by 0 nothing changes, because Production and Yield will be NA
# test <- FAO_out[c("DEU","BRA"), 2000, "tece"]
# test["DEU",2000,"tece.production"] <- 0/0 # set one production to NA
# test["DEU",2000,"tece.Yield_(Hg/Ha)"] <- 0/0 # this will result in NA value in Yield
# test
# weight <- test
# weight[,,] <- 0
# weight[,,"Yield_(Hg/Ha)"] <- test[,,"Area_harvested_(Ha)"]
# weight
# # weight[is.na(weight)] <- 0
# # weight
# #test[is.na(test)] <- 0
# toolAggregate(test, rel="D:/moinputdata/regionmapping_test.csv", weight=weight)
# ## in cases where:
# #Area NA
# #Production x
# #Yield will be NA
# #Weight will be NA
# # if no NA is replaced, then function won't work, because of NAs in weight
# # if all NAs in weight are replaced, then area is NA, while Yield has the value of the not NA country: STRANGE!?
# test <- FAO_out[c("DEU","BRA"), 2000, "tece"]
# test["DEU",2000,"tece.Area_harvested_(Ha)"] <- 0/0 # if one area is NA
# test["DEU",2000,"tece.Yield_(Hg/Ha)"] <- 0/0 # this will result in NA for yield
# test
# weight <- test
# weight[,,] <- 0
# weight[,,"Yield_(Hg/Ha)"] <- test[,,"Area_harvested_(Ha)"]
# weight
# # weight[is.na(weight)] <- 0
# # weight
# ##
# toolAggregate(test, rel="D:/moinputdata/regionmapping_test.csv", weight=weight)
# test
# # => don't set Yield NAs to 0
# # => set weight NAs to 0
pik-piam/moinput documentation built on June 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m.