
Defines functions convertECLIPSE

#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_ min_rank select_ mutate_
#' @importFrom quitte as.quitte

convertECLIPSE <- function(x,subtype) {
  # Parameter definitions
  # TODO: Switch to EDGAR data
  p_dagg_year <- 2005
  p_dagg_pop  <- "pop_SSP2"
  p_dagg_map  <- "regionmappingGAINS.csv"
  # Initialisation
  # Local functions
  closest                 <- function(xv, xv2, fun.ties = min, place = "all"){
    if (!(place %in% c("all", "above", "below"))) stop('place must be in c("all", "above", "below")')
    # returns the row number within the group (if the vectors are grouped)
    # of the closest xv value, where xv2 is not NA
    result = NULL
    if (length(xv[!is.na(xv2)]) ==1){ #case there is only one non NA in the group
      result = which(!is.na(xv2))
    }else if (length(xv[!is.na(xv2)]) ==0){ #case there is no non NA in the group
      stop("no xv2 with non NA value in the group considered")
      for (i in 1: length(xv)){
        sv = xv[i]  #value of xv for this line
        xvj = xv[-i]  #subvector of xv excluding the line considered
        xv2j = xv2[-i]  #subvector of xv2 excluding the line considered
        xvjNAbar = xvj[!(is.na(xv2j))] 
        xv2jNAbar = xv2j[!(is.na(xv2j))] 
        if (place == "below") resulti = which(xvjNAbar==max(xvjNAbar[(xvjNAbar<= max(sv,min(xvjNAbar)))])) #returns the closest rank in the subset of xvjNAbar below the value sv, if there are only values above, it takes the first value of the xvjNAbar
        if (place == "above") resulti = which(xvjNAbar==min(xvjNAbar[(xvjNAbar>= min(sv,max(xvjNAbar)))])) #returns the closest rank in the subset of xvjNAbar above the value sv, if there are only values above, it takes the first value of the xvjNAbar
        if (place == "all")   {
          resultiNB = fun.ties(xvjNAbar[which(abs(xvjNAbar-sv)==min(abs(xvjNAbar-sv)))]) # gives the value that is the closest to sv, if ties, it takes the min by default.
          resulti = which(xvjNAbar == resultiNB)# gives the line in xvjNAbar where the xv value is equal to resultiNB, 
          resulti = which(xvjNAbar == resultiNB & xv2jNAbar ==  fun.ties(xv2jNAbar[resulti])) #if there are ties, then takes the min (by default) of xv2
        if (length(resulti) >1) stop("cases where both xv and xv2 are similar in non NA cases") 
        resulti = which(xvj == xvjNAbar[resulti] & xvj %in% xvjNAbar & xv2j == xv2jNAbar[resulti] ) # returns the corresponding row number in xvj
        if (resulti >= i) resulti = resulti +1 #returns the corresponding row number in xv
        result[i] = resulti
  fill_Zeros_between      <- function(mdata){
    # for regions where not everything is 0, take the non 0 value closest in time or the mean of the two closest
    # For instance "End_Use_Residential_Coal" is Null in the US in 2010, but not in 2005 or 2020
    keepNames <- getSets(mdata)[3:length(getSets(mdata))]
    tmp = mdata %>%
    tmp <- tmp[,colSums(is.na(tmp))<nrow(tmp)]
    grp_cols <- setdiff(colnames(tmp), c("value", "period"))
    # Convert character vector to list of symbols
    dots <- lapply(grp_cols, as.symbol)
    output = tmp  %>%
      as.quitte %>%
      # mutate(period = as.integer(format(period,"%Y"))) %>%
      mutate_(value = ~ifelse(value == 0,NA,value)) %>% 
      #group_by(region, sector,variable,scenario) %>%
      group_by_(.dots = dots) %>%
      mutate_(rank = ~min_rank(period),
             value = ~ifelse((all(is.na(value)) | !any(is.na(value)) | !is.na(value)),
                            ifelse(rank < min(rank[!is.na(value)]), value[rank == min(rank[!is.na(value)])],
                                   # ifelse(rank > max(rank[!is.na(value)]), value[rank == max(rank[!is.na(value)])],
                                   ifelse(rank > max(rank[!is.na(value)]), 0,
                                          (value[closest(period, value, place = "above")] +
                                             value[closest(period, value, place = "below")]) /2  ))),
             value = ~ifelse(is.na(value),0,value)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select_(~-rank) %>%
      as.data.frame() %>% 
    output <- output[c(setdiff(colnames(output),c(keepNames,"value")),keepNames,"value")] #ensure that the order of the names is the same as in mdata
  # Check errors
  if (is.null(subtype) | ! subtype %in% c('activities.aggregated', 'activities.extended', 'emissions.aggregated', 'emissions.extended', 'shipping.emi', 'shipping.ef')) 
    stop("Please provide one of the following subtypes: 'activities.aggregated', 'activities.extended', 'emissions.aggregated', 'emissions.extended', 'shipping.emi' or 'shipping.ef'")
  # For now, this is useless as the processing for activities and emissions is the same
  if (subtype == "activities.aggregated" || subtype == "activities.extended") {
    #-- Data checks ------------------------
    x <- fill_Zeros_between(x)
    #-- Regional downscaling ---------------
    if (downscaling) {
      m <- toolMappingFile("regional", p_dagg_map)
      # Get GAINS regional mapping
      map <- read.csv2(m)
      map <- map[!(map$RegionCode == "" | map$CountryCode == "ANT"), c(2,3)]
      map <- map %>%  
        mutate_(RegionCode = ~gsub("\\ \\+", "\\+", gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", gsub("[0-9]", "", RegionCode))))
      map$CountryCode <- factor(map$CountryCode)
      map$RegionCode  <- factor(map$RegionCode)
      #TODO: Use EDGAR data as weight
      w <- calcOutput("Population",aggregate=FALSE)[levels(map$CountryCode), p_dagg_year, p_dagg_pop]
      x <- toolAggregate(x[,,], map, weight=w)
      # fill all missing countries with 0 (add Antarctica)
      x <- toolCountryFill(x,fill=0)
  if (subtype == "emissions.aggregated" || subtype == "emissions.extended") {
    #-- Data checks ------------------------
    x <- fill_Zeros_between(x)
    #-- Regional downscaling ---------------
    if (downscaling) {
      m <- toolMappingFile("regional", p_dagg_map)
      # Get GAINS regional mapping
      map <- read.csv2(m)
      map <- map[!(map$RegionCode == "" | map$CountryCode == "ANT"), c(2,3)]
      map  <- map %>%  
        mutate_(RegionCode = ~gsub("\\ \\+", "\\+", gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", gsub("[0-9]", "", RegionCode))))
      map$CountryCode <- factor(map$CountryCode)
      map$RegionCode  <- factor(map$RegionCode)
      #TODO: Use EDGAR data as weight
      w <- calcOutput("Population",aggregate=FALSE)[levels(map$CountryCode), p_dagg_year, p_dagg_pop]
      x <- toolAggregate(x[,,], map, weight=w)
      # fill all missing countries with 0 (add Antarctica)
      x <- toolCountryFill(x,fill=0)
pik-piam/moinput documentation built on June 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m.