
Defines functions calcBodyHeight

Documented in calcBodyHeight

#' @title calcBodyHeight
#' @description reads in the Lutz et al dataset.
#' Aggregates the age structure. Population is divided
#' by sex male (M) , female (F) and both (B)
#' and divided by 8 age classes:
#' 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, AG1 (20-29), AG2 (30-59), AG3(60-79), AG4(80+)
#' @param convert if TRUE, the convertscript of Lutz et al is activated.
#' Also,the year 1965 is extrapolatedusing the worldbank population
#' data and sex, age, and education structure of 1970.
#' @export
calcBodyHeight <- function(convert = TRUE) {

  demo <- calcOutput("Demography", education = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE)
  demo <- collapseNames(demo[, , "SSP2"])
  demo <- time_interpolate(demo, interpolated_year = 1961:2010)

  height <- readSource("NCDrisc", subtype = "height", convert = convert)
  height <- time_interpolate(height, interpolated_year = 1890:2014, extrapolation_type = "constant")
  if (!convert) {
    demo <- demo[getItems(height, dim = 1), , ]
  out <- demo * 0

  # 5_year_age_cohorts
  for (year_x in getYears(out, as.integer = TRUE)) {
    for (cohort in getNames(out, dim = 2)) {
      if (cohort == "100+") {
        low <- 100
      } else {
        low <- as.integer(strsplit(x = cohort, split = c("--"))[[1]])[1]
      low <- year_x - low
      if (low < 1892) {
        low <- 1892
      if (low > 1996) {
        low <- 1996

      out[, year_x, cohort] <- dimSums(height[, low:(low + 4), ], dim = 2) / 5

  ## Use WHO growth standards (http://www.who.int/growthref/tools/en/)

  # calculate ratio relative to normal growth for 18 year olds
  ratio <- collapseNames(out[, , "15--19"])
  ratio[, , "F"] <- ratio[, , "F"] / 163
  ratio[, , "M"] <- ratio[, , "M"] / 176

  out[, , "0--4"][, , "F"] <- 91
  out[, , "0--4"][, , "M"] <- 92
  out[, , "5--9"][, , "F"] <- 124
  out[, , "5--9"][, , "M"] <- 125
  out[, , "10--14"][, , "F"] <- 154
  out[, , "10--14"][, , "M"] <- 152

  # apply ratio to underaged
  out[, , c("0--4", "5--9", "10--14")] <- out[, , c("0--4", "5--9", "10--14")] * ratio

    x = out,
    weight = demo,
    min = 0,
    max = 250,
    unit = "cm per person",
    description = "Bodyheight by age and sex",
    isocountries = convert

pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.