
Defines functions calcClossConfinement

Documented in calcClossConfinement

#' @title calcClossConfinement
#' @description Carbon losses for livestock confinements
#' @return List of magpie object with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Kristine Karstens
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("ClossConfinement")
#' }
#' @importFrom madrat toolNAreplace

calcClossConfinement <- function() {

  eF3confinement <- calcOutput("EF3confinement", products = "magpie",
                               selection = NULL, aggregate = FALSE, supplementary = TRUE)
  nloss          <- 1 - collapseNames(eF3confinement$x[, , "recycling"])
  excretion      <- collapseNames(eF3confinement$weight[, , "recycling"])
  closs          <- nloss
  closs[]        <- NA

  kPoultry      <- c("livst_egg", "livst_chick")
  kMammals      <- c("livst_rum", "livst_milk", "livst_pig")
  kSolid        <- c("solid_storage", "drylot", "other")

  closs[, , "lagoon"]       <- 0.80
  closs[, , "daily_spread"] <- 0.15
  closs[, , "pit_short"]    <- 0.30
  closs[, , "pit_long"]     <- 0.45
  closs[, , "digester"]     <- 0.80
  closs[, , "liquid_slurry"] <- 0.20
  closs[, , kPoultry][, , kSolid] <- 0.27
  closs[, , kMammals][, , kSolid] <- 0.335 + 0.43 * nloss[, , kMammals][, , kSolid]

  out <- toolNAreplace(x = closs, weight = excretion, replaceby = 0)

  return(list(x = out$x,
              weight = out$weight,
              unit = "share",
              description = "share of carbon losses in confined animal waste management system")
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.