
Defines functions calcEF3prp

Documented in calcEF3prp

#' @title calcEF3prp
#' @description Returns emission factor for manure excreted during pasture range
#' and paddock. Differs depending on the share of small ruminants.
#' @return list of magpie object with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @param select_years if only one year is selected, years is set to NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("EF3prp")
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv

calcEF3prp <- function(select_years = "y2005") { # nolint
  excretion <- collapseNames(calcOutput("ExcretionIPCC", aggregate = FALSE)[, , "pasture_range_paddock"])
  cpp <- c("dairy cows", "other cattle", "dairy buffalo", "other buffalo",
           "market swine", "breeding swine", "poultry layers", "broilers",
           "turkey", "ducks")

  so <- c("dairy sheep", "other sheep",
          "dairy goats", "other goats",
          "dairy camels", "other camels",
          "horses", "mules and asses")
  ef3prpCpp <- 0.02
  ef3prpSo <- 0.01
  emis <- excretion
  emis[, , cpp] <- excretion[, , cpp] * ef3prpCpp
  emis[, , so] <- excretion[, , so] * ef3prpSo

  relationmatrix <- read.csv(toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "IPCCitems.csv",
                                            returnPathOnly = TRUE, where = "mappingfolder"))
  emis <- toolAggregate(x = emis, rel = relationmatrix, dim = 3.1, from = "ipcc", to = "magpie", partrel = TRUE)
  excretion <- toolAggregate(x = excretion, rel = relationmatrix, dim = 3.1,
                             from = "ipcc", to = "magpie", partrel = TRUE)

  ef3prp <- emis / excretion
  ef3prp[is.na(ef3prp)] <- 0.02

  ef3prp <- add_dimension(ef3prp, dim = 3.1, add = "n_pollutants_direct", nm = "n2o_n_direct")
  ef3prp <- add_columns(ef3prp, addnm = c("no3_n", "nh3_n", "no2_n"), dim = 3.1)
  ipcc <- setYears(readSource("IPCC", "emissionfactors", convert = FALSE), NULL)
  fracleach <- calcOutput("IPCCfracLeach", aggregate = FALSE, cellular = FALSE)[, , "past"]
  ef3prp[, , "no3_n"] <- fracleach
  ef3prp[, , "nh3_n"] <- ipcc[, , "frac_gasm"] * (1 - ipcc[, , "no2_share_volat"])
  ef3prp[, , "no2_n"] <- ipcc[, , "frac_gasm"] * ipcc[, , "no2_share_volat"]

  vcat(verbosity = 2, "As there are only zeros in weight of aggregation, I will set it to one for pigs. dangerous!")
  weight <- ef3prp
  weight[, , ] <- 0
  weight <- excretion
  weight[, , "livst_pig"] <- 1

  ef3prp <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(ef3prp)
  weight <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(ef3prp)

  ef3prp <- ef3prp[, select_years, ]
  weight <- weight[, select_years, ]

  # this is for using it as magpie input without time dimension
  if (length(select_years) == 1) {
    ef3prp <- setYears(ef3prp, NULL)
    weight <- setYears(weight, NULL)

  return(list(x = ef3prp,
              weight = weight,
              unit = "Tg N2O-N/Tg N",
              min = 0,
              max = 0.4,
              description = "direct soil emissions from manure excreted during pasture")
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.