
Defines functions calcFeedBasketsPast

Documented in calcFeedBasketsPast

#' @title calcFeedBasketsPast
#' @description Calculate historical feed baskets
#'              based on output of MAgPIE_FEED model
#'              as DM feed biomass (different types of feed)
#'              needed per DM livestock products
#' @return Historical feed baskets and corresponding weights
#' as a list of two MAgPIE objects
#' @param non_eaten_food if TRUE, non-eaten food is included in feed baskets,
#' if not it is excluded.
#' @author Isabelle Weindl, Benjamin Bodirsky
#' @seealso [calcOutput()], [readFeedModel()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("FeedBasketsPast")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass getNames

calcFeedBasketsPast <- function(non_eaten_food = TRUE) { # nolint

  yearsPast   <- findset("past")
  kli         <- findset("kli")
  kap         <- findset("kap")
  massbalance <- calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre", aggregate = FALSE)[, yearsPast, ]

  weight           <- collapseNames(massbalance[, , kap][, , "dm"][, , "production"])
  getNames(weight) <- paste0("alias_", getNames(weight))

  # read in system-specific feed basket data (for sys_dairy,sys_beef,sys_pig,sys_hen,sys_chicken)
  fbaskSys <-  calcOutput("FeedBasketsSysPast", aggregate = FALSE)

  # read in the ratio of livestock production allocated to the different systems
  prodSysRatio <- calcOutput("ProdSysRatioPast", aggregate = FALSE)

  # calculation of product-specific feed basket data (for livst_chick,livst_egg,livst_milk,livst_pig,livst_rum)
  fbask <- dimSums(prodSysRatio * fbaskSys, dim = 3.1)

  # expand kli to kap (i.e. adding animal product "fish")
  missingproducts <- setdiff(kap, kli)
  getNames(fbask) <- paste0("alias_", getNames(fbask))
  fbask <- add_columns(fbask, addnm = paste0("alias_", missingproducts), dim = 3.1)
  fbask[, , paste0("alias_", missingproducts)] <- 0
  data <- fbask

  # expand dim=3.2 to kall (add products like wood and woodfuel)
  kdiff <- setdiff(findset("kall"),
                   getNames(data, dim = 2))
  if (length(kdiff) > 0) {
    data            <- add_columns(data, addnm = kdiff, dim = 3.2)
    data[, , kdiff] <- 0

  # remove non_eaten_food if not established as product yet
  if (non_eaten_food == FALSE) {
    kall <- findset("kall")
    data <- data[, , kall]

  # remove datasets with NAs in weight/data
  data   <- toolNAreplace(x = data, weight = weight, replaceby = 0)
  weight <- data$weight
  out    <- data$x

  return(list(x = out, weight = weight,
          unit = "1",
          description = "Detailed historical feed requirements
                         in DM per DM products
                         generated for 5 livestock commodities."))
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.