#' @title calcNuePasture
#' @description calculates the soil nitrogen uptake efficiency of pastures. #
#' This is the nitrogen taken up from the soil (N in crop biomass minus biological
#' fixation minus seed N) divided by the soil N inputs (fertilizer, manure etc).
#' For the future, NUE scenarios are added.
#' @param cellular cellular disaggreagation or national values
#' @param maccbase whether future scenarios should be expressed as base efficiency,
#' excluding additional macc improvements (new default)
#' @return List of magpie objects with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso
#' [calcSNUpE()]
#' [calcNitrogenBudgetPasture()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("NuePasture")
#' }
calcNuePasture <- function(cellular = FALSE, maccbase = TRUE) {
a <- calcOutput("NitrogenBudgetPasture", aggregate = FALSE, cellular = cellular, deposition = "Nsurplus2")
outputs <- c(
inputs <- c(
"grazing", "fertilizer", "deposition",
outputs <- dimSums(a[, , outputs], dim = 3.1)
inputs <- dimSums(a[, , inputs], dim = 3.1)
NUE <- outputs / inputs #nolint
# future
if (maccbase == FALSE) {
zhang <- readSource("Zhang2015")
data <- toolNUEscenarios(x = NUE, weight = inputs, zhang = zhang)
weight <- data$weight
out <- data$x
} else {
x <- setNames(toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(NUE), "constant")
weight <- setNames(toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(inputs), NULL)
# Pastures
#- increase minimum NUE to 65% to avoid fertilizer application where no fertilizer is needed
scenarioname <- "constant_min55_min60_min65"
x <- add_columns(x, addnm = scenarioname, dim = 3.1)
y2020 <- setYears(x[, "y2010", "constant"], NULL)
y2020[y2020 < 55 / 100] <- 55 / 100
y2050 <- setYears(x[, "y2010", "constant"], NULL)
y2050[y2050 < 60 / 100] <- 60 / 100
y2100 <- setYears(x[, "y2010", "constant"], NULL)
y2100[y2100 < 65 / 100] <- 65 / 100
x[, , scenarioname] <- convergence(
origin = x[, , "constant"],
aim = y2020, start_year = "y2010",
end_year = "y2020", type = "linear"
x[, , scenarioname] <- convergence(
origin = x[, , scenarioname], aim = y2050, start_year = "y2020", end_year = "y2050", type = "linear"
x[, , scenarioname] <- convergence(
origin = x[, , scenarioname], aim = y2100, start_year = "y2050", end_year = "y2100", type = "linear"
out <- x
out[is.na(out)] <- 0.5
out[is.infinite(out)] <- 0.5
x = out,
weight = weight,
unit = "Share",
description = "Soil nitrogen uptake efficiency",
isocountries = !cellular
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